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Job for Assistant Director at State AIDS Control Society

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Job for Assistant Director at State AIDS Control Society

Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society, Wadala, Mumbai (MSACS) invites application from eligible candidates for the following post for their appointment on contract basis in MSACS Head Quarter, Wadala, Mumbai.

Assistant Director (Quality Manager) - 01 Post
Section : Blood Safety
Qualifications & Experience for NACP –IV : M.Sc/B.Sc (Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biomedical Sciences, Zoology, Medical lab Technology, pharmacy) with 5 yrs experience if B.Sc and 3 yrs experience M.Sc.
Consolidated Monthly Remuneration : 25000/-

Assistant Director (Quality Manager) - 01 Post
Section : Lab Services
Qualifications & Experience for NACP –IV : M.Sc /B.Sc (Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biomedical Sciences, Zoology, Medical lab Technology, pharmacy ) with 5 yrs experience if B.Sc and 3 yrs experience if M.Sc.. B tech (Biotechnology , Biomedical engineering) with 3 yrs exp
Consolidated Monthly Remuneration : 25000/-

Age Criteria : Upper age limit to apply is 60 years as on date of Advertisement. Continuation will be applicable up to 62 years for contractual service.

Appointment type: The above-mentioned posts are temporary & purely on contract basis. While recruiting the post, initially the appointment will be given upto 31st March 2020 as probation period and further continuation will be given upon successful completion of probation period and performance evaluation. The Project Director, MSACS, Mumbai reserves the right for further continuation of the candidate.

Remuneration : Allowances like T.A., D.A., and H.R.A. etc. are not admissible except consolidated monthly remuneration.

How to apply:
1) Interested candidates may apply in prescribed application form with a recent passport size photographs and a set of attested photocopies of testimonials/certificates/ID proof etc.
2) The application is to be submit on A4 size paper only.
3) Applications can be sent either through registered/speed post or personally in the office of the “Project Director, Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society, Acworth Leprosy Complex, Near Wadala Over Bridge, R.A.Kidwai Road, Wadala(West), Mumbai - 400031” on all working days between the advertised date and closing date where the candidate(s) wish to apply.
4) Last date for submit the application is 10-11-2020, applications received after this date will not be considered.
5) All further correspondence will be done only by email. (i.e. Hall Ticket, Call letters etc.). Therefore, all candidates applying are required to write their personal email ID and contact number correctly and neatly in the application form.
6) If, Candidate would like to apply for multiple posts they should apply separately for each post.
7) After scrutinizing, the applications received in due date short-listed candidates will be called for written examination / interview.

Other Important Notes:
1) Candidates who have been discontinued based on poor performance and Candidates who are retired from Government Services and against whom disciplinary action is completed OR initiated will not be eligible any above post.
2) Project Director, MSACS, Mumbai reserves the right to cancel the recruitment, modify the number of posts, etc.
3) Canvassing in any way will lead to disqualification of the concerned candidate.

Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society
R.A.Kidwai Road, Acworth Leprosy Complex, Wadala (W), Mumbai 400031

Application Form & More Info>>

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