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Graduate Trainee require in Computational Structural Biology at NCBS

Clinical research courses

The mandate of research at NCBS is the study of biology. To realize our goals of understanding living systems, we understand that research problems need to be approached from a variety of directions. We therefore have recruited, and actively encourage applications from researchers with a variety of backgrounds in the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science.  Biological problems not only require multiple approaches for their solution, but also need researchers of varied expertise to collaborate. Collaboration at every level—within NCBS, within the country and internationally—is strongly encouraged. Our research groups are small and with specific strengths that make interactions with complementary groups fruitful.

Post : Graduate Trainee in Computational Structural Biology

Job description :
• Computational modeling of 3D structures of large macromolecular assemblies

• Structures of protein complexes contribute to our understanding of mechanistic details of biological processes and the roles of these molecular machines in disease. However structures of large protein assemblies are difficult to obtain using any single experimental method. We use computational modeling to determine such structures by combining a variety of experimental data, physical theories, and statistical inference.
• On the method development front, we are interested in developing methods to improve model representation and validate the models.
• On the applications front, we are applying these modeling methods to characterize assemblies at cell-cell junctions.

Candidate Profile
• Bachelor or Masters in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering or Bioinformatics or Physics with Minimum % of marks: 75.
• At least 1 year project experience that involves programming; ideally in computational biology.
• Programming experience in Python/C++ or any other language.
• Comfortable working in Linux environment

•  The ideal candidate possesses strong programming skills and is motivated to apply these skills in the structural biology domain.

Age limit : 50 

Salary offered : 25,000 (without CSIR/GATE/equivalent qualification), 31000 + 24% HRA (with CSIR/GATE/equivalent qualification)

1) Interested applicants are requested to apply with their CV and a short statement of interest based on the topic above (~300 words)
2) Statements not related to the above topic and incomplete applications missing one of the two documents will not receive any response.
3) Last date for applying is Candidates will be contacted and interviewed on a rolling basis till position is filled.
4) Please note that candidates who have not been selected for interview will not be contacted; we are unable to reply to all enquiries from candidates.

Step 1: Interested candidates should register ONLINE through the link on our website using a valid email ID.
Step 2: You will receive a user ID and password on your registered email ID.
Step 3: Using your ID and password you can fill in the application by clicking on “Submit Application”
Step 4: Once you fill in the application you can SAVE or PREVIEW the application. Please Note: Any corrections should be made before you SAVE the application.
Step 5: After you SAVE, you can submit the application by clicking “SUBMIT”.
Step 6: All essential certificate is proof of your qualification, date of birth, experience, Case, etc. Should be uploaded while submitting the Online application.

Note : Please do NOT send hard copies of applications/documents

Last date for receipt of application : 20th, November 2020


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