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Vacancy for Project Manager, Post-doctoral fellows, Project Assistant at Centre for Brain Research

Clinical research courses

CBR will help foster focussed research programmes and build capacity for inter-disciplinary neuroscience research in the country that would set the stage to contribute in a significant manner to the endeavour of discovering rational therapies for dementia. Neuroscientists, neuro-physicians (psychiatrists and neurologists), engineers and computational scientists would work together addressing common problems with the goal of reducing the burden of dementia and developing innovative neuromorphic computing architectures.

Project Manager
Essential qualification & experience : Master’s degree in life sciences/psychology with 2-3 years of experience. PMP certification preferred.
Responsibilities : Co-ordinating and management of a large multicentric study in human subjects. Traveling shall be an integral part of the job.

Post-doctoral fellows
Essential qualification & experience : Ph.D. in Genetics/Life Science/Bio Informatics/computer science/Allied Sciences
Responsibilities : Advance analysis of data from whole genome sequencing.

Project Assistant
Essential qualification & experience :
1) Graduate in Engineering or Masters in life Sciences.
2) Graduate in Engineering or Masters in life Sciences/ Computer Science/Allied Science Preference will be given to personnel trained in Computer Science and Bioinformatics disciplines
Responsibilities : 1) DNA isolation, high throughput genotyping, and whole genome sequencing experiments are the required daily activities.
2) Large scale data analysis of human whole genome sequencing and downstream analysis using genetic variants are the key responsibilities.

Salary: Salary will commensurate with qualifications and experience of the candidate

Travel: Travelling shall be an integral part of the job.

Tenure: The positions will be on contract for a period of 5 years, subject to annual renewal.

Interested candidates are required to submit the application in the prescribed format, with the relevant documents.

This may be sent through email to or mailed to The Special Officer, SID Complex, Indian Institute of Science, BANGALORE - 560012.

Last date for submission: 31st October 2019

Application Form>>

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