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Job Openings for Pharmacists (61 posts) under the Directorate of Health Services - Government Jobs | Detail advertisement

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Direct Recruitment to the posts for Pharmacist Grade III (61 posts) under the Directorate of Health Services, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal.

Online applications are invited from Indian Citizens and such other nationals as declared eligible by the Government of India for recruitment to the Post of Pharmacist Grade III under Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal.

No of Posts : 61
OBC Category A-5
OBC Category B-5

Scale of Pay : Rs.7100/- Rs.37600/-, [Entry Pay Rs. 7,440/-] with Grade Pay – Rs. 3600/-]. (Pay Band 3 of ROPA 09 Rules)

(i) Passed Higher Secondary Examination (10+2) from West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Examination, or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/ Biology; and
(ii) Two Years Diploma Course in Pharmacy recognized by the Government of West Bengal, or Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy recognized by the Government of West Bengal; and
(iii) Registered as ‘A’ category Pharmacist under the West Bengal Pharmacy Council.

Age : Not more than 39 Years as on 1st January 2019

Provided that the upper age limit may be relaxed for the candidates belonging to SC, ST, & other Backward Classes as per Government Rules or Orders issued time to time.

Fee : Candidates must submit online the application fee amounting to Rs. 160/- (Rupees one hundred & sixty) only through GRPS ( Govt. Receipt Portal System ), Govt. of West Bengal under the Head of Account ‘0051-00-104-002-16’.. Money order, Cheque, Bank Draft, Cash etc. shall not be acceptable.

No application shall be considered unless accompanied with the requisite application fee excepting Candidates belonging to SC/ST category of West Bengal and persons with disabilities specified under Disabilities Rule, 1999 (certificates obtained before the Advertisement date), who do not require to pay any fee. Such exemption of fee is, however, not applicable to any OBC (category A or B) candidate.

No claim for refund of the fee shall be entertained nor shall it be held in reserved for any other examination.

Application received after the closing date shall be rejected.

In case, any of the statement made in the application be subsequently found to be false within the knowledge of the candidates- his/her candidature shall be liable to cancellation, and even if appointed to a post on the results of this examination his/her appointment shall be liable to be terminated. Willful suppression of any material fact shall also be similarly dealt with.

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Candidates should take particular note that entries in their application submitted to the Board must be made correctly against all the items which shall be treated as final and no alteration and addition in this regard shall be entertained after full submission of the application. Application not duly filled in or found incomplete or defective in any respect or without fee will be liable to rejection.

Candidates must fulfill the essential qualification by the closing date. All information regarding selection/ recruitment (date of examination, date of interview etc.) to the post shall be available, time to time in the Board Website at

Particulars and Certificates required:
(a) A candidate claiming to be S.C./S.T./B.C. must have a certificate in support of his/her claim from a competent authority of West Bengal as specified below [vide the West Bengal SCs and STs (Identification) Act, 1994 and SCs /STs Welfare Department order No. 261-TW/EC/MR-103/94 dated with B.C.W. Deptt. Order No. 6320-BCH/MR-84/10 dated 24.09.2010]:
In the District, the Sub-Divisional Officer of the Sub-Division concerned, and In Kolkata, District Welfare Officer, Kolkata & ex-officio Jt. Director, Backward Classes Welfare Deptt., Govt. of West Bengal [ No. 2420-BCW/MR-61/2012 (Pt.) dated 12.07.13.
No claim for being a member of the SC, ST and OBC, or a Person with Disability shall be entertained after submission of the application.
(b) Persons with Disabilities (Physically handicapped) [ 40% and above ] must have a certificate from an appropriate Medical Board [vide West Bengal Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Rules, 1999]
(c) The West Bengal Health Recruitment Board (WBHRB) may require such further proof or particulars from the candidates as it may consider necessary and may make enquiries regarding eligibility.

Original Certificates relating to citizenship (by registration), age, qualifications, caste (SC/ST/OBC), Physical disability (40% and above) shall have to be submitted when the WBHRB asks for them. If any candidate fails to furnish any certificate or any other relevant document or information relating to his/her candidature within the time specified by the Board, his/her claim for allotment may be passed over without further reference to him/her.

Submission of more than one application is strictly forbidden.

A candidate should note that his/her admission to the Examination/ Interview shall be deemed provisional subject to determination of his/her eligibility in all respects. If at any stage even after issue of the letter of appointment a candidate is found ineligible for admission to this Examination, his/her candidature shall be cancelled without further reference to him/her.

Canvassing: Any attempt on the part of candidate to enlist support for his/her application shall disqualify him/her for appointment.

CLOSING DATE FOR REGISTRATION OF APPLICATION: 24.10.2019 (before 8 PM). (Kindly note that online application must be made by this date & time ).

Applicants need not send any Print out/ hard copy.

Important Dates :
Website Link open – For on-line Registration of Applications : 17.10.2019 to 24.10.2019 (before 8 PM )
Last date of submission of Form : 24.10.2019 ( 8 PM )

Note: ‐ Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply Online. Application Form should be submitted much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid congestion on Web‐Server on account of heavy load on internet/website.

*** Please note that candidate must upload the registration as ‘A’ category Pharmacist under West Bengal Pharmacy Council.

West Bengal Health Recruitment Board
Benfish Tower (1st & 2nd Floor)
Gn 31. Sector-V. Salt Lake. Kolkata-700091


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