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Walk in interview for M.Pharm, M.Sc as Junior Research Fellow at IIEST

Clinical research courses

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur owes its origin to the erstwhile Bengal Engineering College, the history of which goes to the nineteenth century when industries in the sense we understand today, were practically absent. Prompted by the idea of meeting requirement of trained engineering personnel for the Public Works Department, the then council of Education, Bengal, decided to open Civil Engineering classes and a Professorship in Civil Engineering was created at Hindu College, Calcutta, in the year 1843-44. A College of Engineering was started by the name of Civil Engineering College on 24th November, 1856, in the premises of the Writers Building, Calcutta.

Post : Junior Research Fellow

Project on: “Regulation of lineage specific differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells under biomatrices with varied elastic properties”

Essential Qualification :  Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science (Life Science / Zoology / Biotechnology) or Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course (Engineering (Biomedical / Biotechnology / Chemical)/ Medicine / Pharmacy in etc) with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC and and 50% for the SC/ST, Physically Handicapped (PH) & Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates.

Age Limit: The age limit for admission to the eligibility test is 28 years (upper age limit relaxable upto 5 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST, physically handicapped (PH) and female candidates, 3 years in the case of OBC category.

Desirable Qualification :  NET/GATE as applicable. Work experience in area of biomaterials, cell culture etc.

Remuneration: Fellowship @ 25000/- pm + 30% HRA

Duration: Initially for a period of one year. Extendable upto completion of project. Competent Candidate should bring two hard copies of bio-data to submit and original mark sheet and certificates.

NB: Soft copy of the bio-data may be sent through e-mail in advance to: Dr. Ananya Barui; Email id:

Interested candidates are requested to appear for a WALK IN-INTERVIEW on Wednesday, 03rd October 2018 at Seminar Room of Centre for Healthcare Science and Technology (Heaton Hall- Hospital building/United Bank of India BESUS branch Building), for the following temporary posts.

Reporting time: 10:30 am - 11:00 am. Candidates must report during this time for consideration.


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