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Job opening for Technical Officer at National Anti-Doping Agency | B.Pharm, B.Sc

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The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India and is the nodal agency for implementation of AntiDoping programme in the country within the policy frame work of the Government. The primary functions of this organisation are to implement the Anti-Doping rules, to coordinate dope testing program through the participating stakeholders and to promote anti-doping research and education to inculcate the value of dope free sports.

National Anti Doping Agency (NADA) invites applications on plain paper along with all details from Indian Citizens for recruitment of Technical Officers on contract basis. The job description, education qualification etc are as under.

Post : Technical Officer

No of Posts : 02 (Two)

Contract : 1 year extendable up to 3 years under certain conditions.)

Work description
To deal with risk assessment, result analysis, coordination with Athlete Passport Monitoring Unit, media relation and communication.

Eligibility Conditions & Education Qualifications
1st Class B.Pharm / B.Tech (BioTech)/ B.Sc (Nursing) from a Government University / Institution and having knowledge of Computers, or M.Sc. in Life Sciences from a reputed University.

Monthly remuneration
Rs. 40,000/-

General Conditions
1. Candidates may submit their applications on plain paper with details, viz., Name, DOB, Father’s Name. Qualification, e-mail address, Contact number, Present Address etc., accompanied with self attested copies of mark sheets/certificates and passport size photograph duly pasted and self attested on the application form.
2. Applications received after the dosing date of the advertisement will not be entertained and incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.
3. Mere submission of application by the candidatedoes not confer any right upon them to be called for interview.
4. Application duly completed should be sent in a sealed cover superscripted ‘Application for the post of Technical Officer to Director General National Anti Doping Agency, A-Block, Pragati Vihar Hostel, Lodhi Road. New Delhi — 110003 not later than 31st October, 2018.
5. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in interview.
6. NADA reserves the right to cancel this ad\rertisement without assigning any reason thereof.

F.No. 1/1/2017/NADA

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