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Job as Junior Pharmacist (107 posts) under Health and Family Welfare Department

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for posts of jr. pharmacist under department of health & family walfare

Post: Jr. Pharmacist

No.of Post: 107
UR (general-35, ladies-17);
SC (general-22, ladies-11);
ST (general-02);
OBC (general-13, ladies-07)

Name of Head Office: Health and Family Welfare Department

1. Candidate should have degree in pharmacy from state or central government recognised university or UGC act 1956 section-3 recognised deemed university or equivalent or
Diploma in pharmacy from recognized university with 2 years of  of exp in dispencing of drugs in hospital or dispensory.
2. Candidate should have knowledge of computer.
3. should have adequate knowledge of Gujarati & Hindi.
4. Candidate should be registered as Pharmacist under pharmacy act 1948 in Gujarat Pharmacy Council.

Submission of application date: 03.11.2015 to 19.11.2015

Note: Detailed advertisement is not published yet. It will release soon. Keep your eyes on our future notification.

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