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Advertisement for the Teaching Positions under Self Finance Scheme in Bundelkhand University

Clinical research courses

This seat of higher learning came into existence on August 26, 1975, vide Government of Uttar Pradesh Notification No. 10/15-60/74 under the provision of the U.P. Universities Act.However, though belonging to the younger generation of the Indian Universities, the Bundelkhand University has fast transformed into a University of excellence offering opportunities to the aspiring youths to pursue higher education. However, though belonging to the younger generation of the Indian Universities, the Bundelkhand University has fast transformed into a University of excellence offering opportunities to the aspiring youths to pursue higher education, applied research and Professional training according to their aptitude and potential.

Post: Associate Professor, Professor, Assistant Professor

Appointment Advertisement.No. 288/2014

Associate Professor
Applications are invited from eligible candidates on prescribed application form to fill up the following Post (s) in different categories of ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR {Direct Recruitment} in the Department of Pharmacy (OBC-01 .SC-01).
Qualifications: As per University Statutes Dated 03-12-2013(as amended up to dale) & UGC/AICTE norms fas applicable).
Reservation and Age: Applicable as per UP Slate Govt, norms & rules.
Fee Details: Application Eee is Rs. 1000/-(Rupees One Thousand Only) and in ease of SC/ST Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only). Payment of Application fee is to be made by Demand Draft Payable at S.B.I. Jhansi in favour of finance Officer, Bundelkhand University. Jhansi.
How to Apply: The eligible candidate must apply OIN TINE and after successful completion, the pdf of application form (hard copy) gen crated thus must be sent by post. Duly filled application form with Demand draft and sell attested required enclosures must reach by Registered Speed Post only to the office of the Registrar, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi -284128 (UP) on or before 06-11-2014.

Appointment Advertisement.No. 287/2014

Applications are invited from eligible candidates on prescribed application form to fill up the following Post (s) in different categories of PROFESSOR (Direct Recruitment) in the Department of Pharmacy (SC-01)
Qualifications: As per University Statutes Dated 03-12-2013(as amended tip to dale) & UGC/AICTE norms (as applicable).
Reservation and Age: Applicable as per UP State Govt, norms & rules.
Fee Details: Application Fee is Rs. 100()/-(Rupees One Thousand Only) and in ease of SC/ST Rs, 300-(Rupees live Hundred Only). Payment of Application Fee is to be made by Demand Draft Payable at SOUL Jhansi in favour of f inance Officer, Bundelkhand luniversity, Jhansi.
How to Apply: The eligible candidate must apply ONLINE. and after successful completion, the pdf of application form (hard copy)generaled thus must be sent by post. Duly filled application form with Demand draft and seif attested required enclosures must reach by Registered /Speed Post only to the office of the Registrar. Bundelkhand University, Jhansi -284128 (UP) on or before 06-11-2014

Appointment Advertisement. No.289/2014

Assistant Professor
Applications are invited j'rom eligible candidates on prescribed application form to HU up the following Post (s) in different categories of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Direct Recruitment ) in the Department of Pharmacy (UR-01)
Qualifications: As per University Statutes Dated 03-12-2013(as amended tip to date) &. UGC/AICTE norms (as applicable).
Reservation and Age: Applicable as per UP State Govt. norms & rules.
Fee Details: Application Fee is Rs. 1000/-(Rupees One Thousand Only) and in ease of SC/ST Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only). Payment of Application Fee is to be made by Demand Draft Payable at SBI Jhansi in favour of Finance Officer. Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.
How to Apply: The eligible candidate must apply ON LINE. and after sue cess fill completion, the pdf of application form (hard copy)gcnerated thus must be sent by post. Duly filled application form with Demand draft and self attested required enclosures must reach by Registered Speed Post only to the office of the Registrar. Bundelkhand University, Jhansi -284128 (UP) on or before 06-11-2014

No.Bu/Admn./2014/ 1719-26
Copy tn: Copy forwarded to the following Editors for publication in the Edition and Dates mentioned against the News Papers in the minimum space of 10,5 X 8.5 square cm. through Lord Advertising Company.
1- Dainik Jagran (All UP& Uttaranchal) Dates of ‘Publication 03 October 2014*
2- Times of India (All Editions Ascent)Dale of Publication First Week October 2014.
3- Amar Ujala (All UP) for publication of the above notification in your newspaper in a space of 10.5X 8.5, in there issues Dates 04 October 2014.
Please send the Bill for payment with copies of the Advertisement.
4- Finance Officer,
5- E- Governance Officer for uploading the information in the university website.
6- PS to Vice-Chancellor for the kind information of Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor.
7- PA to Registrar.
8- Notice Board.


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