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Recruitment for MPharm or MSc at JNCASR, Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit

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Recruitment for MPharm or MSc at JNCASR, Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) is an autonomous institution that was established in 1989 by the Department of Science and Technology, GoI to commemorate the birth centenary year of Jawaharlal Nehru. Prof. C. N. R. Rao, FRS, was the founding President. The Centre was registered as a society with Dr. Raja Ramanna (eminent physicist and former Chairman, DAE) as its first Chairman. The Centre was recognized as an Institution Deemed to be University by University Grants Commission, GoI in 2002.  Prof. Giridhar U. Kulkarni is the current President of the Centre, and its Governing Council is chaired by Prof. V Ramgopal Rao. The Council of Management oversees all major activities of the Centre including granting of degrees, appointment of new faculty and initiation of new programmes. The Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) of the Centre monitors the teaching programmes and award of degrees. The institution is headed by the President and assisted by the Administrative Officer and other Officers who are in-charge of their respective departments. Four Deans oversee the activities of the Academic Section, Extension Programmes, Research and Development, and Faculty Affairs.

Applications are invited for temporary position of Project Associate-I sanctioned in the DST sponsored project titled “Establishment of Nodal Center for Key Staring materials and Intermediates under Therapeutic Chemicals Program” under the Principal Investigator Prof. Tapas K Kundu ,Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru, 560 064.

Post: Project Associate -I (Remuneration Rs.25,000 plus 27% HRA)

Essential Qualification: Post Graduate Degree (MSc/MTech) in Biological Sciences or MPharm
Desirable Qualification: Candidates with laboratory experience in animal handling, cell culture and prior knowledge of developing therapeutics for different infectious and non-communicable diseases will be preferred
Place of work: Transcription and Disease Laboratory, MBGU, JNCASR (Under Prof. Tapas K Kundu)
Max. Age limit: 35 years
No. of positions: 1

Documents Required:
Detailed Biodata (CV)
Mark sheets and Certificates starting from 10th class onwards
Experience certificate and other relevant documents (if any)
(All the documents need to be merged into a pdf file)

Mention Advertisement number and position name in the email subject (Advt. No.: TKK /EMR/CMT-DST/03, Project Associate -I)
Applications with partially filled forms or insufficient documents will not be considered for further processing.

More Info:
(1) Candidates are required to provide their Skype ID, email address and mobile number.
(2) Shortlisted candidates may be invited for online interview
(3) No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview in person.
(4) Candidates should mention the Advertisement number and position name in their email subject

Interested candidates are required to send scan copy of duly filled in Template (attached herewith) along with scan copies of original testimonials in support of educational qualification, age, experience, publication, etc with brief resume to Prof. Tapas K Kundu, MBGU Unit through email latest 2nd December 2024 (5 PM)

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,
autonomous institute under of Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru, 560064

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