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Job for Pharmacists at District Hospital / Community Health Center / Primary Health Centers, 5 posts

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Job for Pharmacists at District Hospital / Community Health Center / Primary Health Centers, 5 posts

To strengthen the medical facilities in the health institutions-District Hospital / Community Health Center / Primary Health Centers operated under the Health Department from the District Mineral Foundation Trust Fund (DMF) item, it is proposed to appoint on honorarium under DMF item on the most essential posts under local arrangement to fill the vacant posts. For which the candidates can apply through post by registered/speed post from the date of publication of advertisement 28/10/2024 to date 15/11/2024 at the address of the Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, District Sukma. The prescribed qualifying qualification and other details of the vacant posts are as follows.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 05
Salary : Rs. 13,000/-
Qualification : 12th + D.Pharm / B.Pharm
Terms and Conditions
01. This appointment is neither regular nor contractual. This appointment is being made only for emergency medical arrangements under local arrangements, this appointment will automatically end if regular/contractual appointment is made in its place.
02. This appointment is being made for one year from the date of joining, service extension can be given only if the work is satisfactory. And if the work is not satisfactory, the government will be free to terminate the service at any time.
03. There will be no eligibility for maternity and paternity leave in the recruitment of the said posts. Unpaid leave will be provided during the said period.
04. During the honorarium service period, lump sum honorarium will be payable every month, apart from this no other type of allowance/CRMC facility will be payable.
05. Before the end of service, the service can be terminated by any party at any time by giving one month's notice or depositing/paying one month's salary in place of notice.
06. If the person remains absent for more than one month continuously, his/her services will be automatically terminated.

Selection Process and Guidelines
01. • Educational Qualification - B.Sc. Nursing, GNM/B.M.L.T., D.M.L.T./ D. Pharma, B. Pharma (70 marks).
• Experience - 10 marks maximum 05 years, (related to the applied post) only government, semi-government experience will be valid. 02 marks will be awarded for maximum 05 years of experience as per the standard of each year. After completion of each year, marks will be awarded by calculating the experience on the basis of the coefficient of the year. If the documents are found to be false at any time or in any way, the appointment of the candidates can be cancelled.
• List of candidates will be prepared as per written test (20 marks) by adding marks of educational qualification and experience as per above.
• It is mandatory for the candidates to get 6 marks out of 20 to pass the written test, otherwise they will be considered as failed.
• Mark sheet of each year of the prescribed minimum educational qualification.
• Mark sheet of the prescribed desirable educational qualification.
• It is mandatory to attach live registration certificate of CG Paramedical Council for the posts for which it is applicable.
• Identity card (Aadhar card, Voter ID, Passport PAN card).
• Merit list will be issued on the basis of educational qualification, experience marks and marks obtained in written test of the candidates.

02. From the applications received within the prescribed time limit, the eligible-ineligible list will be determined on the basis of vacancies and the candidates will be called for document verification/written test and selection.
03. In case of equal marks, the priority will be decided on the basis of date of birth i.e. the candidate whose date of birth is earlier will be placed at higher rank in the priority list. Priority will be given on the basis of lower number of educational qualifications as per the advertisement.
04. Candidates of Chhattisgarh state will be selected on the basis of educational qualification, experience and written test.
05. First of all, priority will be given to the candidates of Sukma district. Thereafter, priority will be given to the candidates of Bastar division level.
06. If all the above documents are not submitted and the documents are found to be false during the test or after appointment, the appointment of the candidate can be cancelled.
07. Candidates interested in applying for one or more posts can send separate application forms for each post along with all documents through registered post/speed post to the address (Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, inside Collector Campus, Kumharras, District Sukma CG Pin Code-494111).
08. The applicant must bring the original copies of the documents and certificates attached with the application for document verification. 
09. The age limit for the above posts will be minimum 18 years and maximum 60 years for 01 year.
10. Appointment will be given for recruitment to the above posts and honorarium will be payable in lump sum every month.
11. Selection of a person will not be ensured merely by applying. Before issuing the final selection list, the original certificates will be checked, if found incorrect/erroneous, the selection committee will have the sole right to cancel the appointment.
12. Write the name of the post applied for on the application form. Incomplete and application received after the deadline will not be accepted.
13. Post wise waiting list will also be issued for the said post, which will be valid for 01 year from the date of issue or till the next recruitment, whichever is earlier.
14. If it is found at any stage of the selection process that any kind of pressure is being exerted by the candidate or an attempt is being made to influence the fair selection process, then his application will be rejected and no claim will be accepted in this regard.
15. Such candidates whose service has been terminated by any government department due to indiscipline / financial irregularity / improper behavior, no matter which post they hold, they will be considered as ineligible candidates. The above clause will be applicable even after selection / appointment.
16. The selection committee will have the sole right to take the final decision on any dispute or problem arising during the recruitment process, which will be acceptable to all applicants.
17. It is necessary to fill the application form completely and attach one self-attested copy of each required document.

Application Form & More Info

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