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Interview will be held at Central Ayurveda Research Institute for JRF post

Clinical research courses

Interview will be held at Central Ayurveda Research Institute for JRF post

This Institute is established in 1971 and is functioning under Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic  Sciences (CCRAS), Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. The total area of the Institute is about 3.26 acre. It has a three storeyed building, adjoining pharmacy building and a botanical garden. The building along with adjacent land is handed over to the Council by the Punjab Government in 1971, free of cost for a period as long as the Council continues its activities with regard to the Research and Higher education in Ayurveda.

Post : Junior Research Fellow (Chemistry) - 01 Post

walk-in-interview will be held at Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Patiala to engage the Junior Research Fellow (Chemistry) on contract basis for the project “Shelf-life study and Development of markcr(s) Based Quantification Methods for Ayush-A, and Ayusli SC-3” at CARI, Patiala as per the details given below.
Qualification & Experience
I. Essential : M.Sc (Chemistry) from a recognized University / Institute.
II. Desirable :
a. Sound knowledge of marker analysis by HPTLC and HPLC
b. Method development and validation by HPTLC and HPLC
c. Skills of drafting, editing of scientific documents/ articles /technical reports etc.
d. Publication in peer reviewed journals.
e. Working knowledge of Computer application
Monthly remuneration : Rs. 31,000/- P.M. +H.R.A (As per central Govt. rules)
Age Limit : Not exceeding 35 years as on date of walk-in-Interview

General condition
1. The above post will be filled up initially for a period of six months which may be curtailed or extended at the discretion of the competent authority and their engagement will be co-terminus with project.
2. The engagement of above post will be purely on contractual basis & no right to claim for continuation or regular appointment.
3. The above advertisement may also be seen and format for submission of Application/Bio-data may be downloaded from Council’s website
4. The original documents along with set of Xerox copy of documents and passport photographs have to be produced before the selection committee of the Institute at the time of Scrutiny of Certificates.
5. The eligibility of candidate in respect of age will be determined as on date of walk-in- interview relaxation in age limit in case of SC/ST/OBC candidate will be as per Central Government rules.
6. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the written test/interview.
7. The selection committee has right to select or reject application of candidate.
8. The candidates will have to appear for the written test and subsequent interview.
9. The selected candidate will have to submit an undertaking along with the joining report at the lime of joining.
10. Candidates already working should produce “No Objection Certificate” in case he/ she is employed elsewhere.
11. Director Institute, CARI, Patiala reserves the rights to postpone or cancel the test and interview, without assigning any reason thereof.

Interested candidates fulfilling the qualification prescribed above may appear the walk-in interview to held-on 14th November 2024, for JRF (Chemistry) from 9.00A.M at CARI, Patiala with duly filled application form along with self-attested Xerox copy of necessary certificate with original documents and two recent passport size photographs. The candidates reporting for walk-in-interview after 10.30 A.M shall not be allowed. 
Note:- Applicant selected in the interview will deputed at RARI. Amkhoh, Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh 474001)

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