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Walk-in-lnterview for Senior Research Fellow Pharmacy at CCRAS - Salary 35000 month

Clinical research courses

Walk-in-lnterview for Senior Research Fellow Pharmacy at CCRAS

Walk-in-lnterview is scheduled to be held in the office of the Director (Institute), Central Ayurveda Research Institute. Moti Bagh Road, patiala for the projects “Process validation and standardization of pippalyndi Taila, Vachadi Taila and Bhringamalakadi Taila formulations in AFI ”

Post: Senior Research Fellow Ayurveda/ Pharmacy -01

(a) Essential - M.D (Avurveda)-(Rasasastra & Bhaishajya kalpana/Dravyaguna) or M.Pharma (Pharmaceutics/ Pharmaceutical (Chemistry)
(b)  Desirable - Experience in any research project by AYUSH, ISM, ICMR, CSIR, or any equivalent organization in relevant field Publications if any.
(c) Good Computer knowledge
(d) Age not exceeding 35 years.
Remuneration (Fixed)  Rs. 35000/- + HRA(as per central govt. rules)
Date and Time of written test/ Interview 28.11.2023 on 09.00 AM

Interested candidates fulfilling the qualifications prescribed above may appear for written test and interview on above mentioned address, date and time along with their original certificates for verification. Applicants should submit their application in the prescribed format, two passport size photographs and self-attested photo copies of the certificates at the time of interview.

1. Age limit of the candidate will be determined as on the date of interview, relaxable in the case of SC/ST/OBC as per the Central Govt. Rules.
2. Appointment is initially for a period of six months which may be curtailed or extended at the discretion of the competent authority.
3. The engagement of the above post will be purely on contractual basis and no claim for regular appointment will be entertained.
4. Applicants should bring their bio data along with original certificates, experience certificate etc. with a set of photocopies and two recent passport size photographs.
5. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the written test/interview.
6. The format for submission of bio data may be downloaded from Council’s website which is enclosed along with this advertisement. It can also be obtained from the office of Patiala.


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