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NDMC invites applications for Pharmacists, 18 vacancies

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NDMC invites applications for Pharmacists

Delhi Set-up had recommended that a fresh law governing NDMC should be passed by the Parliament for proper organization and functioning of the New Delhi Municipal Council. Consequent upon enforcement of Constitution (Seventy Fourth Amendment) Act, several provisions in Punjab Municipal Act, 1911 had to be brought in tune with Part IXA of the Constitution before 31st May, 1994. Furthermore, there were several major differences between various functional regimes prescribed under the old law governing NDMC in comparison to the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957. It was generally recognized that there was need for a greater measure of commonality in the procedure adopted by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi and the New Delhi Municipal Council in matters relating to taxation, revenue, budgeting, contracts, accounts and audits, streets and sanitation, public health, public safety and suppression of nuisances etc.

Post : Pharmacist

NDMC invites applications from employees retired from Central Govt./State Govt./Municipal Bodies/NDMC from the equivalent post in the relevant field for engagement as Consultants for the following posts. The eligible retired persons should preferably possess educational qualification as indicated against each post which is as under

No of posts : 18
Eligibility :
i. Matric or its equivalent
ii. Diploma in Allop. Pharmacy from recognised Institution.

Department Name : Personnel Department

The applicant should not be more than 64 years of age as on closing date.

Application as per attached format may be submitted to Director (Personnel), NDMC, Palika Kendra, Sansad Marg, New Delhi. Application may also be submitted by email at by 15.12.2023. Applications received after closing date i.e. 15.12.2023 will not be considered.

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