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Career for Ph.D or M.Pharm as General Manager at National Board of Accreditation, Pay upto Rs. 2 lakh

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Career for Ph.D or M.Pharm as General Manager at National Board of Accreditation

The National Board of Accreditation (NBA), India was initially established by the AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education) under section 10(u) of AICTE Act, in the year 1994, in order to assess the qualitative competence of the programs offered by educational institution from diploma level to post-graduate level in engineering and technology, management, pharmacy, architecture and related disciplines, which are approved by AICTE

Post : General Manager (Accreditation)

National Board of Accreditation (NBA), an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, New Delhi invites applications in the prescribed proforma for filling up one post of General Manager (Accreditation), Pay Level 12 (Rs.78,800 - 2,09,200) in the Pay Matrix of 7th CPC for its headquarters at New Delhi on deputation/fixed tenure basis.

Scale of Pay / Level : Level 12 (Rs.78,800 - 2,09,200) of Pay Matrix of 7th CPC
Age Limit : Not exceeding 50 years
Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits : Essential: (for Fixed tenure assignment basis): Ph.D. with 50% marks or equivalent CGPA in Master’s degree in Engineering/ Technology/ MBA/PGDM/ Pharmacy/Architecture from a recognized University/Institution or equivalent.
On deputation Basis : The qualification for fixed tenure assignment basis will not be applicable for deputation. The persons working in Government organization with experience as mentioned in column below will be eligible to apply on deputation.

Minimum experience for Direct Recruitment : 10 year’s experience in teaching or research, educational planning or administration, training, etc.
For Deputation : Holding analogous post or minimum experience of 3 years’ service in Level 11 or 8 years’ service in Level 10 in field of teaching or research, educational planning or administration, training etc. in Central/State Government or Central/State Government Universities or Autonomous bodies set up by Government.

Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/contract/absorption and percentage and period of deputation filled by various methods.
Fixed tenure assignment/deputation (In case a candidate is selected on fixed tenure assignment, the period of assignment shall be initially for one year and may be extended up to five years on the basis of performance and if on Deputation, it will be for three years, which may be extended up to five years subject to satisfactory annual performance)

Educational qualifications and experience prescribed may be relaxed at the discretion of the Executive Committee on the recommendations of the Selection Committee in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified and exceptionally deserving.

Interested candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria, may submit their application in the prescribed format available at NBA website ( and forward the application complete in all respects along with attested copies of all the documents to the Consultant (Administration), National Board of Accreditation, 4th Floor, NBCC Place, East Tower, Pragati Vihar, Bhisham Pitamah Marg, New Delhi – 110003. The last date for the receipt of application is 15th December, 2023. The Envelope should be superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF GENERAL MANAGER (ACCREDITATION)”.

The candidates already in employment should route their applications through proper channel along with the NOC from the parent employer. The application should be submitted sufficiently in advance so that the same is received in NBA well before the last date of receipt of applications.

The candidates who are applying on deputation basis (for the post of General Manager (Accreditation)) should send their applications through proper channel along with the copies of the previous five years ACRs, Vigilance Clearance and Integrity Certificate. The application should be submitted sufficiently in advance so that the same is received in NBA well before the last date of receipt of applications. For deputation cases, only those candidates whose organization will relieve them for at least 3 years on deputation will be considered as eligible.

The Selection Committee may short list the candidates on the basis of Qualification & experience or conduct written examination, which would be intimated to the eligible applicants in due course. Only short-listed candidates will be called for interview. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in written test and attending the Interview.

General Terms and Conditions
1. The engagement / appointment shall be for a period of 1 year on fixed tenure basis which may be extended upto a period of five years on the basis of performance and if on deputation, it will be for three years which may be extended up to five years subject to the satisfactory annual performance.
2. The maximum age limit for appointment shall be strictly in accordance with the age limit given in the advertisement and shall be reckoned on the closing date of receipt of the application. There is no age limit for the employees of National Board of Accreditation.
3. The scrutiny of applications and selection of candidates will be carried out by a committee constituted by the Competent Authority of the Board.
4. NBA has the right to cancel advertisement and not to proceed in the matter for appointment, at any stage and to accept or reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason, whatsoever.
5. The person selected against the post shall in no case represent or give opinion or advice to others in any matter which is adverse in the interest of NBA nor will he or she indulge in any activity outside the terms of the fixed assignment tenure/deputation.
6. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview / personal discussion and communicated date for attending the same accordingly.
7. Candidates applying on deputation basis, may send their application through their organization where they are presently working with their recommendation and vigilance clearance.
8. The appointee will be posted in New Delhi office. Timings are 9.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M., but in the event of an emergency or exigency of work, he or she may be required to sit late or to attend office on Saturdays/Sundays or other closed holidays.
9. During the tenure of assignment/deputation, the appointee shall be entitled for leave and pay & other allowances as per the Government of India Rules. However, no encashment of leave shall be admissible.
10. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview/personal discussion/ written test.

11. The candidate should be capable of independently functioning in a multi-discipline environment.
12. The candidates should have working knowledge of computers such as MS Office, Excel, Power Point, Internet and email, etc.
13. The candidate shall have good communication, interpersonal and management skills with ability to work in a deadline driven environment and should have expertise in noting, drafting and office procedure, etc.
14. The decision of the Board on selection of candidates will be final and no correspondence on the subject will be entertained.
15. The Income Tax or any other tax liable to be deducted as per the prevailing Income Tax rules, will be deducted at source before affecting the payment for which a TDS certificate will be issued.
16. The appointment may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason by giving one month’s notice. If the appointee desires to leave the Board, he would also be required to serve the notice of one month accordingly.
17. The selected candidates will have no claim for appointment on regular basis by virtue of his or her appointment on fixed tenure assignment/deputation.
18. Canvassing, in any form, will lead to disqualification of the candidate.
19. Candidates are requested to visit NBA’s website of on regular basis for any new announcement/development in this regard.
20. How to apply : Interested candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria, may submit their application in prescribed Application Form available on NBA website, i.e., and submit the dully filled-in application form along with the attested copies of all the documents to “Consultant (Administration), National Board of Accreditation, 4th Floor, NBCC Place, East Tower, Pragati Vihar, Bhisham Pitamah Marg, New Delhi-110 003.
21. The last date for submission of application is 15th December, 2023. Applications received after the closing date, shall not be entertained at any cost.

Application Form

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