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Applications are invited for post of Research Associate at IIT Delhi

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for post of Research Associate at IIT Delhi

Since its inception, over 48000 have graduated from IIT Delhi in various disciplines including Engineering, Physical Sciences, Management and Humanities & Social Sciences. Of these, nearly 5070 received Ph.D. degrees. The number of students who graduated with B.Tech. degree is over 15738. The rest obtained Master’s Degree in Engineering, Sciences and Business Administration. These alumni today work as scientists, technologists, business managers and entrepreneurs. There are several alumni who have moved away from their original disciplines and have taken to administrative services, active politics or are with NGOs. In doing so, they have contributed significantly to building of this nation, and to industrialization around the world.

Applications from Indian nationals are invited for Project Appointment under the following project. Appointment shall be on contractual basis with consolidated pay, renewable yearly or upto the duration of the project, whichever is earlier.

Title of the Project : Protecting Human Health Throuqh a One Health Approach (RP04469F)
Funding Agency : I.W.M.I.
Name of the Project Investigator : Prof. Shaikh Ziauddin Ahammad [Email ID:RECRUIT.WTL@GMAIL.COM]
Deptt/ Centre : Department of Biochemical Enqineerinq & Biotechnology (DBEB)
Duration of the Project : Upto 05/02/2025

Research Associate (01)
Consolidated fellowship / Pay-slab : Rs.47,000/-p.m. plus HRA @ 24%
Qualifications : Ph.D. in Microbiology/Biological Science. Research experience in the area of Antibiotic Resistance in the environment, estimation of antibiotic resistance in the river and water environment evident from the publications. Knowledge of bacterial culture work & maintainance, antibiotic susceptibility testing, PCR, RT-PCR, Primer designing. Capable of data analysis, writing reports, and manuscript.

Jr. Research Fellow (01)
Consolidated fellowship / Pay-slab : Rs.31,000/-p.m. plus HRA @ 24%
Qualifications : 1st class B.E./B.Tech in Civil Engineering. Knowledge of water and soil analysis. Knowledge of bacterial culture & maintainance. Understanding of Microbial and biophysical techniques.

5% relaxation of marks may be granted to the SC/ST Candidates. In case of selection of a retired/superannuated government employee, his/her salary will be fixed as per prevailing IRD norms.

The candidates who are interested to apply for the above post should download Form   and submit the duly filled form with complete information regarding educational qualifications indicating percentage of marks/division, details of work experience etc. by e-mail with advertisement No. on the subject line to Prof. Shaikh Ziauddin Ahammad at email id : RECRUIT. WTL@GMAIL.COM

IIT Delhi reserves the right to fix higher criteria for short-listing of eligible candidates from those satisfying advertised qualification and requirement of the project post and their name will be displayed on web link ( alongwith the online interview details. Only short-listed candidates will be informed for online interview. In case any clarification is required on eligibility regarding the above post, the candidate may contact Prof. Shaikh Ziauddin Ahammad at email id : RECRUIT.WTL@GMAIL.COM

Application Form

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