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Recruitment of Project Associate in SERB sponsored Project at CSMCRI

Clinical research courses

Recruitment of Project Associate in SERB sponsored Project at CSMCRI

CSMCRI with much scientific excitement has now achieved technological excellence with several granted patents in the core mandate of the institute and is one among the top performing national R&D laboratories in the country. At the beginning of 2011, the Institute has around 360 staff with 150 S&T staff on its roll and around 250 research fellows and project assistants pursing their doctoral programme.

Recruitment of Project Associate-1 in SERB sponsored Project

The Division of Plant Omics at CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar is actively engaged in multidisciplinary research in frontier areas of modern biology and biotechnology such as stress genomics & proteomics, transgenic, plant-microbe interactions, metagenomics, marine biotechnology, adaptation biology, etc. We are looking for young, talented & motivated persons for a SERB, New Delhi sponsored Project “Soil microbial processes and mechanism of greenhouse gas emission (CH4) under various vegetations from intertidal zone of coastal area (Project No.: GAP 2125 )”.

Essential Qualifications : M. Sc. Microbiology / Biotechnology
Age* : * Upper age limit 35 years on the last date of application
* Relaxation in age as per CSIR norms.

Desirable : work experience in Metagenomics, Real-time PCR and Next-generation-sequencing 
Fellowship :  (i) Rs. 31000/- + HRA for M. Sc. (Microbiology / Biotechnology) scholars who are selected through (a) National eligibility tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) a selection process through National level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutes.  (ii) Rs. 25000/- + HRA for others i.e. M.Sc. (Microbiology / Biotechnology) who do not fall under (a)and (b) above.

The interested candidates meeting above qualifications may send their application in the prescribed format only by e-mail ( in advance before 30 Nov. 2022 (No application with be considered after 5.45 PM on 30 Nov. 2022) for screening procedure. Candidates should send a scan copy of the application pasted with passport-size photo and one set of all certificates (which will be verified with originals at the time of joining) for the screening procedure to appear in the online-Interview.

The online-Interview will be held on 12.12.2022 (10.30 AM - 1.00 PM) through online procedure.  An incomplete application/without application format would be rejected during screening.

The posts are purely temporary for the duration of sponsored project/scheme only. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidates for claiming extension or absorption in CSMCRI/CSIR. Candidate himself has to make arrangement to appear for online-interview, Link or online ID (with a time slot) will be provided to the screened candidates through mail to appear in the interview.

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