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Join as Drug Inspector (55 Posts) in Public Service Commission

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Join as Drug Inspector in Public Service Commission

The history of Constitution of India reveals that the concept of conducting competitive examination for appointment to certain posts came into consideration way back in the year 1853 and a committee for giving shape to that was constituted under the chairmanship of Lord Macaulay in the year 1854. Later on the Federal Public Service Commission and the State Public Service Commissions were constituted under the Government of India Act, 1935. The Bihar Public Service Commission came into existence from 1st April 1949 after its separation from the Commission for the States of Orissa and Madhya Pradesh, in accordance with sub-section (1) of section 261 of the Government of India Act, 1935, as adapted. Its constitutional status was pronounced with the promulgation of Constitution of India on 26th January, 1950. It is a Constitutional Body under Article 315 of the Constitution of India.

Post : Drug Inspector

No of posts : 55
Salary / Pay Scale :  Rs. 9300- 34800/- (Grade Pay 5400/-)

Qualification :
Candidates who want to apply for the post should have degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with specialization in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a University established in India by law.

Provided that only those Inspectors-
(i) Who have not less than 18 months experience in the manufacture of at least one of the substances specified in Schedule C, or
(ii) Who have not less than 18 months experience in testing of at least one of the substances in Schedule C in a Laboratory approved for this purpose by the licensing authority, or
(iii) Who have gained experience of not less than three years in the inspection of firms manufacturing any of the substances specified in Schedule C during the tenure of their services as Drugs Inspectors, shall be authorised to inspect the manufacture of the substances mentioned in Schedule C.

Age limit
• Minimum 21 years as on 01.08.2022, maximum unreserved (male) - 37 years, backward class, extremely backward class (male and female).  Unreserved women - 40 years and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (male and female) 42 years.  
(i) In the light of Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department, Bihar's letter no-212, dated-23.01.2008, those candidates who are eligible on the basis of maximum age limit mentioned above from 01.08.2009 to 01.08.2022, also submitted advertisement  shall be eligible, provided they fulfill the other qualifications.
(ii) In the light of Resolution Memorandum-2374, dated 16.07.2007, Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, Bihar, such government servants (regularly appointed government servants of the Government of Bihar), who have completed three years of continuous service  05 (five) years relaxation in the maximum age limit is admissible for going to higher pay scale service/cadre.  In case of claiming relaxation in age limit, it will be mandatory for the government servant of Bihar Government to submit the certificate issued by the competent authority, in which it should be clearly mentioned that the candidate has completed three years of continuous service in the Government of Bihar.  In the light of the General Administration Department, Bihar's letter no-524, dated 13.01.2022, the limit of maximum three opportunities prescribed for the government servants of the state of Bihar after joining the service of the state government will continue to be applicable.
(iii) In the light of resolution memorandum-962 of General Administration Department, Bihar, dated 22.01.2021, in addition to the maximum age limit, a relaxation of 10 years in the maximum age limit is admissible to the disabled.  In case of claim, it will be mandatory to submit the certificate issued by the competent authority.  Candidates shall ensure that the certificate is valid till the last date of application.  Otherwise they will not get the benefit of disability/age relaxation.
(iv) Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department, Bihar's letter no-2447, dated- 06.03.1990, will be given a relaxation of 03 (three) years in the age limit and equivalent to the sum of the service period spent in defense service, provided that their actual  Age should not exceed 53 years as on the date of submission of application. 

Application Fees
(i) Rs.750/- (Seven Hundred Fifty only) for General Candidates
(ii) Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only) for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes of Bihar State
(iii) Permanent Residents of Bihar State All (Reserved/Unreserved)  category) Rs.200/- (Two Hundred) for female candidates
(iv) Rs.200/- (Two Hundred) for PWD candidates (40% or more) (v) Rs.750/- (Seven) for all other candidates  Hundred and fifty rupees)
 In addition to the above examination fee, the candidate will also have to pay the charges prescribed by various banks, which will automatically be taken as bank charges by the bank while making the online payment.

(I) After submitting the FINALLY FILLED ONLINE APPLICATION, THE CANDIDATES MUST DOWNLOAD THE FILED APPLICATION FROM “DOWNLOAD FILLED APPLICATION SECTION” AVAILABLE ON THE DASHBOARD AND PRINT DUPLICATE OF IT BY RE-LOGIN AT THE SAME TIME.  Will definitely keep a copy of all the certificates / documents mentioned related to the advertisement. There is no need to apply in hard copy and it will also not be acceptable. The said hard copy and all related certificates will be produced by the Commission at the time of interview or when asked for as per the requirement.  
(II) Against each of the certificates mentioned in the list of certificates attached in the order of filling the online application, the candidate will mark the date and number of the certificate issued.
• Online application by the applicant  Merely filling in their candidature will not be considered as confirmed. Regarding the eligibility of the candidates, the Commission will take the final decision on the basis of documents submitted by the candidates.
• Certificates related to qualification will be valid only, whose  mentioned by the candidate in his original application.  
• All the information related to this advertisement will be published on the website of the Commission, no separate publication will be required in the newspapers.  
• Detailed instructions for filling the online application related to the above mentioned advertisement are available on the website of the Commission  Apart from the online application prescribed for this advertisement, printed, typed, handwritten applications will not be accepted, as well as incomplete, illegible, unsigned and late applications will be rejected and the examination fee payment will not be refunded under any circumstances.  .  
• All entries in the online application should be filled in by the applicant carefully.  Any change/correction will not be accepted in future.  The commission will not be responsible for any kind of mistake and the applicant himself will be responsible for any adverse result.

Dates and other instructions related to filling of online application form are given below
Starting date of online application- 25.11.2022
Last date of filling online application : 16.12.2022

Candidates are not required to send hard copy of application form and related documents to the Commission's office and it will not be acceptable either. 
Action will be taken to conduct the interview considering the educational qualification, experience and other qualification/reservation related claims filled by the candidates in the online application as true.  At the time of interview, in collaboration with the department, they are not found correct in the verification of certificates and for this reason, if the candidate is declared ineligible, then the full responsibility will be of the candidate.

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