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Opportunity for Research Scientist at PGIMER

Clinical research courses

The PGIMER owes its inception to the vision of late Sardar Partap Singh Kairon, the then Chief Minister of Punjab and the distinguished medical educationists of the then combined state of Punjab, supported by the first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru who considered the institutions of scientific knowledge as temples of learning and the places of pilgrimage.

Applications are invited for the post of Scientist-B (Non-Medical) (Two Posts) to be filled up on purely contract basis in COVID-19 related services work under Dr. Mini P Singh, Professor, Department of Virology at PGIMER, Chandigarh as per details given below.

Post : Research Scientist-B  02

Duration : 06 Months Upper Age Limit: 35 years

Salary : 48,000/- + HRA (applicable)

Essential qualification : First Class Post Graduate degree in life sciences from a recognized University with 2 years of experience in related fields (Microbiology/ Virology/ Biotechnology/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology/ Genetics).
Second Class Post graduate with Ph.D degree in relevant subjects from a recognized University with one year of experience (Microbiology/ Virology/ Biotechnology/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology/ Genetics).

Wherever the PG/Ph.D is not awarded with subjects mentioned above, the screening committee will decide whether the degree of the applicant will meet the requirement of the subjects mentioned in the advertisement.

Interested candidates fulfilling the above conditions are required to submit their complete bio-data in the format attached duly signed and enclosing therewith photocopies of certificates/testimonials in support of date of birth, qualification/experience etc. & affixed with the latest photograph on the application form and submit the application form in the department of virology by 07.11.2020 (Saturday) before 12 Noon.

The candidate should be solely responsible for the timely submission and department will not be liable for any postal delays.

All the applications will be scrutinized by the screening committee and eligible candidates will be called for an interview. The walk in interview will be held in the office of the undersigned.

The terms & Condition for the post are as follows:
1. The engagement of the individual in the post will be on a temporary basis for six months only & may be extended depending on the requirement of ICMR.
2. The appointment can be terminated with one-month notice from either side without assigning any reason.
3. Since the post is purely temporary, the incumbents selected will have no claim for regular appointments under PGIMER, Chandigarh.
4. Benefits of provided funds, HRA, CCA, Leave Travel Concession, Medical Claim etc. are not applicable.
5. Age relaxation is for SC, ST & OBC candidates as per Govt. Rules.
6. The experience will be counted only after completion of essential educational qualification. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee selection for the written test/ interview call and/or selection.
7. Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department/ Organization are not eligible to apply.
8. The selected candidates will work in the shifts which will be assigned by the Principal Investigator from time to time.

All the candidates will be interviewed on 10.11.2020 (Tuesday) at 2:30 PM. One day prior intimation in this regard will be given & it is the responsibility of the candidate to check the PGI website for details of eligibility candidates. The selected candidate will be informed through email and should report for duty immediately.

The decision of committee shall be final for engagement of Research Scientist-B in Dept, of Virology, PGIMER, Chandigarh.


Application Form>>

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