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Recruitment at Health and Family Welfare Department as LB Health Visitor | Government Jobs

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Health and Family Welfare programmes are being implemented in the state to sustain the achievement of the previous years and to reach new goals. NHM is working in a task mode to achieve goals set-in for the state and effectively deal with the challenges.

Post : LB Health Visitor (TBHV)

Essential Qualification/ Requirements :
1. Graduate OR
2.  Intermediate (10 + 2) and experience of working as MPW/LHV/ANM/ Health worker /Certificate or higher course in Health Education / Counseling OR
3. Tuberculosis health visitor’s recognized Course
4.  Certificate course in Computer operations (minimum two months)
5.  Must be registered with HP paramedical / Pharmacy /Nursing Council of HP (If MPHW, LHV,ANM, Pharmacy etc.)


Consolidated Remuneration (per month) : Rs.8750/-

Place of Posting : DOTS Center 1GMC Shimla

1.Desirable Qualification: - Knowledge of custom, manner and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar condition prevailing in the Pradesh.

2. Age:- Should be within the age group of 18-45 years as on 1.12.2016.

3. FEE:- Fee should be remitted with the application form in the shape of DD in favour of Mission
Director, National Health Mission payable at Kasumpti Shimla -9
I)    Rs. 200/- in case of UR Candidates
II)    Rs. 100/- in case of candidates belongingto reserved categories.

4. In case of large number of applications for any post, the Mission office shall shortlist candidates on academic merit and limited number of candidates per post will be called for interview.

5. Separate application for each post should be submitted a/w requisite fee.

6. The candidates , who meet the requisite qualification , experience and age criteria may apply to the Mission Director , National Health Mission , SDA Complex, Shimla 171009 on or before 16.12.2016 up to a/w fee under seald cover super scribing "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF_________WITH POST CODE!.

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