Gujarat Ayurved University was established in 1967 by an act passed by Gujarat State legislative Assembly in 1965. It is the first statutory University of its Kind both at national and international level - exclusively devoted to Ayurvedic studies and Research. This University is administratively linked to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare both at State and Centre-indicating its special status.
Post: Teaching Assistant
A walk in interview would be conducted to select one teaching assistant each in the subjects of 1. R.S. & B. K. 2. Pharmacology and 3.Pharmaceutical Chemistry 4. Pharmacognosy 5. Dravyagun on a consolidated salary of Rs. 15,000/- per month for a period of 11 months.
Qualifications: M.Pharm (Ayu.) / M.Sc. (Medicinal Plants) with specialization in the concerned subject or its equivalent. Candidature by scholar who completed his regular Ph.D. tenure on campus is not considered.
Walk in Interview
Date: 28-11-2016
Venue: Office of the Director, IPGT&RA
Time: 10:30 am
Registration: 28-11-2016 (10:00 am to 10.30 am at PGT-SFC office, 3rd floor New Building, Jamnagar
Registration Fees : Rs 200/-
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