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Required for AGM (Production, R&D) in Dawakhana Tibbiya College

Clinical research courses

It  is  not obligatory  on the part of the Dawakhana Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh to call for interview  every candidate   who   possesses  the  essential  qualifications   and   no representation in this regard will be entertained from any candidate. The incumbents on the posts shall be employee of Dawakhana Tibbiya College and not of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.

Dawakhana Tibbiya College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh invites applications from eligible candidates for the appointment on the following posts:

Post: AGM (Production, Research & Development)- One

Maximum length of the service shall be till the age of 60 years.

Pay: Consolidated Pay of Rs. 80,000 /- (Eighty Thousands) per month

Age: Not more than 52 years on the last date of the application.

Essential Qualifications and Experience:
M.D. (Moalijat/Ilmul Advia)/M.Pharma in the same discipline from a recognized University
or Institute with 08 years Administrative/Managerial experience in a Unani Medical College/Unani Pharmacy.

1. Good communication skills in English.
2. Working Knowledge of English, Hindi & Urdu.
3. M.B.A. (Human Resource/Production).
4. Computer Literacy with requisite expertise in MS office, Excel and Power Point.

- For the post of AGM (Production, Research & Development), preference may be given to the person having experience in Unani Pharmacy/ experience of Research on the product of Dawakhana Tibbiya College.
- The incumbent on the post shall be the employee of the Dawakhana Tibbiya College and not of the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.

Prescribed Application Form can be downloaded from website and a payment of Rs.150/-  may be made through Demand draft/Indian Postal Orders (Fee once paid will not be refunded) payable to Manager, Dawakhana Tibbiya College, AMU,  Aligarh . Duly filled Application  Form complete in all respect, be sent by Registered post, superscribing on the  top left of the cover the post applied for, Advertisement number and date,  to the Member-in-charge, Dawakhana Tibbiya College Aligarh, Muslim  University,  Aligarh-202002 within 20 days from the date of advertisement published in Newspapers.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Applications  received  late  or  without photo copies of necessary supporting documents, Degree/Certificates/  Mark sheets   and   experience  certificate not attested by the  Head  of  the Department/Institution/Gazetted Officer  or not  accompanied by full prescribed fee shall be rejected summarily. The eligibility of candidates will be determined as  on  the  last date of submission of Employment Forms.

Last date: 14th December, 2015



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