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Apply Online for Pharmacist at Department of Environment & Forests, Andaman and Nicobar

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Apply Online for Pharmacist at Department of Environment & Forests, Andaman and Nicobar

The Department of Environment & Forests, Andaman and Nicobar Administration invites ONLINE APPLICATIONS from the eligible candidates to fill-up the Group “C” (Non-Ministerial) post of Pharmacist Grade III in the Pay Matrix Level-5 (Rs.29200-92300). The selection will be done by conducting Computer Based Test, by the Department of Environment & Forests, Andaman and Nicobar Administration. No application through other mode will be accepted.

Post : Pharmacist Grade III

No of posts : 02 UR

Eligibility Conditions : -
a) Applicant must be an Indian Citizen.
b) All candidates shall be required to apply through Online for the post whether they are registered with the Employment Exchange or not.
c) The Central Government Civilian Employees / Servants and Departmental Candidates of A & N Administration must also apply within the due date and also upload the NOC or intimation to the respective department about the online submission of application for the respective post.
AGE LIMIT: - 18 to 33 years for Male
18 to 38 years for Female
a) The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date of receipt of online applications from candidates.
b) Age relaxation for Govt. Servants up to 5 years is admissible in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the Central Govt, and A&N Administration, from time to time.
c) One time relaxation for age limit is available for all candidates up to 02 years in accordance with the A 8s N Administration Order No. 2285 dated: 01.09.2022.
d) Since the post requires specific technical qualification the provision of Andaman 8& Nicobar Administration circular no. 45/1998-PW dated 19.09.2011 shall not be applicable.

Essential :-
1) Diploma / Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized Institution / University.
2) Registration with Pharmacy Council under U/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948
Desirable :
Experience in dispensing medicine.
Note :- Candidates possessing the educational qualification of the X th std. pass with Diploma in Pharmacy under Education Regulation, 1991 of the Pharmacy Council of India and registered with Pharmacy Council U/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 will also be eligible.

a) Candidates (Except Female/ST/Persons with Benchmarl Disability Candidates who are exempted from payment of C<. are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty-five only). The Mode of payment will be Net Banking, VISA/Master/Rup /Credit/Debit card, UPI Payment/QR Code.
b) No fee for ST/PwBD/Women candidates of any communi No "fee exemption" is available to Gen/OBC/EWS mai candidates and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee.
c) The details of the bank account are as follows:
Account No. : 41881546799  
IFSC : SBIN0017178
Bank : State Bank of India
Branch : Dollygunj

The Computer Based Test will be held only at Port Blair. The centre for the test shall be specified in the admit card.

The pattern of the question paper for online Computer Based Test will be objective type.
a) There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.
b) The Department of Environment 8& Forests, Andaman 8& Nicobar Administration will have full discretion to fix the minimum qualifying marks.
c) The date of Computer Based Test will be notified in the website of Department of Environment & Forests & website of Andaman & Nicobar Administration The Admit Cards for the Computer Based Test will be available to be downloaded accordingly from the website
d) After the Computer Based Test answer keys will be placed on the website of Department of Environment & Forests  & website of Andaman & Nicobar Administration Any representation received regarding answer keys within the time limit fixed by the Department at the time of uploading the answer keys will be scrutinized and the decision of the Department in this regard will be final. Subsequently the final revised keys will be placed on the website of Department of Environment & Forests & website of Andaman & Nicobar Administration No representation regarding answer keys shall be entertained after publication of final answer keys.

a) The recruitment process will consist of Computer Based Test & Document / Certificate Verification.
h) The successful candidates short listed on the basis of the Computer Based Test will be called for document verification in person. It may be noted that provisional certificate etc. will not be entertained.
c) Success in the Computer Based Test confers no right of appointment whatsoever unless the Department of Environment & Forests, A & N Administration is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects of appointment to the service/post and the decision of the Department in this regard shall be final 86 binding.

a) Candidates are advised to fill the ONLINE APPLICATION carefully with due diligence as application submitted once cannot be modified.
b) Online application has to be submitted in one session. The candidate should enter all required information correctly in all fields of the online application. Personal details once saved cannot be modified later. The candidate can edit the data in qualification, photographs, signature, post for which he / she applying till the confirmation & submission of online application. Candidate can take a printout of the online application after confirmation. A registration number will be generated in the printed application form.
c) The candidates must ensure that the eligibility for the post before submitting applications and participating in the exam. If it is found that he/she is not eligible as per the Recruitment Rules, his/her candidature will be rejected irrespective of performance in the Computer Based Test.
d) The Department of Environment & Forests, A & N Administration will not undertake scrutiny of applications for the eligibility and other aspects at the time of Computer Based Test and, therefore, the candidature is accepted only provisionally. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification, age, experience, medical fitness etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post(s). Scrutiny shall be undertaken at any stage as desired by Forest Department and if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated, the candidature will be cancelled and the decision of the Department of Environment & Forests, A & N Administration shall be final 8& binding.
e) The departmental candidates of A & N Administration claiming age relaxation should be in possession of a certificate in the prescribed format from their office in respect of length of continuous service in the immediate period preceding the closing date for receipt of online application. They should continue to have the status of Government servant till the time of appointment, in the event of their selection.
f) The candidates must mention their Name, Date of Birth, Father’s Name and Mother’s name strictly as given in the Matriculation Certificate otherwise their candidature will summarily be cancelled at the time ol document verification or as and when comes into the notice of the Department of Environment 8& Forests, A & N Administration.
g) Request for change/correction, in any particulars in the application form, once submitted will not be entertained under any circumstances. The Department will not be responsible for any consequence arising out of non-acceptance of request for correction/ addition/deletion in any particular field in the application form whatever the reasons may be.

Final selection for appointment of candidates to the respective post will be made based on the marks secured on merit basis in Computer Based Test and verification of certificates / testimonials subject to verification of character and antecedents and medical examination from the appropriate authority.

a) The facility of ONLINE APPLICATION will be available in the link in. No physical copy of application shall be entertained. The candidates should provide all the mandatory details in the online portal failing which the application will not be accepted by the online website. Photograph to be uploaded should be of 6 bit JPEG format and its size should be between 20Kb to 50 Kb with resolution of 100 x 200 (pixels). Signature to be uploaded should be between 10 kb to 20 Kb with resolution recommended is 140x60 (Width x Height).
b) The website will allow  the applicant to take a print out of the submitted application.
c) All the candidates who have duly registered his/her name in the local Employment Exchange as an un-employed person must enter his/her registration number at the appropriate box of the online application while filling online.

CLOSING DATE FOR ONLINE APPLICATION : from 10.05.2023 at 11.00 AM to 31.05.2023 at 12.00 (Midnight). The closing date of application shall not be extended under any circumstances.

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