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Applications invited for Young Professional at NBAIR - Life Sciences, Chemistry Apply

Clinical research courses

Applications invited for Young Professional at NBAIR

National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR), formerly National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects (NBAII) is located in Bangalore, Hebbal in the same premises at which The Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control (CIBC), Indian Station was established in 1957. The advent of CIBC marked the beginning of organized and systematic biological control research in India. During this period, our knowledge of natural enemies of crop pests and weeds increased manifold. CIBC Indian station was closed during 1987 and All India Coordinated Research Project on Biological Control of Crop Pests and Weeds (AICRP-BC&W), which was launched in 1977 under the aegis of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research was shifted to the same campus in 1988.

Post : Young Professional - I (One Post)

Name of the Project & Principal Investigator : Laborotory, DGCU To assist for maintenance and handling of equipments, culture, pheromone sample preparation. Deepa Bhagat

Essential : Bachelor degree of science (Life Sciences/Nanotechnology/Chemistry/Agriculture)
Desirable : Candidate with experience in nanotechnology/ pheromone sample preparation and literature search in peer reviewed journals. Experience in equipment handling. In addition to this, he/she should be having Knowledge of drafting of notes/sending email/diary/dispatch and other related works.

Emoluments (Fixed) PM : Rs. 25000 (Consolidated)

Terms & Conditions
1. Initial engagement of YP will be for one year which is extendable for two more years.
2. The minimum age under YP category will be 21 years anti maximum 45 years with relaxations as per rule.
3. Applicants with minimum eligibility alone need to send application/appear for interview.
4. All eligible candidates are requested to be present 30 minutes before schedule time on the date of interview for necessaries formalities.
5. No objection certificate from the employer if he/she is in employment elsewhere.
6. The selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointments at his/her Institute as the fellowship/postis purely temporary and co terminus with respective Project/Schemes.
7. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview. Interview will be held on 10,June, 2023at ICAR-NBAIR, Hebbal, Bengaluru - 560024 at 11:00 AM.
8. Any other clarifications can be had on the date of interview.
9. The decision of the Competent Authority will be final and binding in all respects.
10. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate
11. Place of posting will be in ICAR-NBAIR, Hebbal, Bengaluru.

The eligible candidates may appear for the walk -in-interview on 10,June,2023 at 11:00 AM along with their complete bio-data in the application format furnished in pages 3-4. Those candidates who wish to send the advance copy of the application, may send it in the address or via email given below on or before 10th June, 2023.
Dr. Deepa Bhagat,
Principal Scientist (Organic Chemistry)
Division of Germplasm Collection and Characterization ICAR- National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources P. Bag No. 24917 H.A. Farm post Bellary Road, Bengaluru - 560 024
Email :

Important instructions
1. Do not send your original certificates along with application.
2. No call letters will be issued. Applications are expected to be present at the interview venue on the said date and half an hour before the scheduled time.
3. Late arrival (After 10.30 AM) of applicants for the interview will be considered as ABSENT

Application Form & More Info

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