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Vacancy for Project Engineer at C-DAC

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for Project Engineer at C-DAC

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) is the premier R&D organization of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) for carrying out R&D in IT, Electronics and associated areas.  Different areas of C-DAC, had originated at different times, many of which came out as a result of identification of opportunities.

Post : Project Engineer ( 0-4 years’ experience )- Bio Informatics

No. of Posts : 2
Location : Pune
Age : 34 years as on last date of application

Educational Qualification
First Class (60% or equivalent CGPA) BE/ B.Tech in Bioinformatics / Computational Biology / Scientific Computing / Modeling & Simulation
First Class (60% or equivalent CGPA) M.Sc. - Bioinformatics / Computational Biology/Scientific Computing / Modeling & Simulation
ME /M. Tech in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology/Scientific Computing/Modeling & Simulation
Ph. D in Bioinformatics / Computational Biology / Computational Chemistry / Scientific Computing / Modeling & Simulation
Post Qualification relevant
Experience : 0- 4 years post qualification relevant experience.

Skill Sets   
• Bioinformatics tools and databases, Microarray data analysis, Next generation Sequencing Data,
• Biology domain knowledge
• Machine Learning algorithms for biological data. Scripting language like Perl/Python, shell scripting and familiarity with Linux environment desirable.
• R statistics/ Matlab would be desirable
Job Profile   
• Research analysis of Next Generation Sequence Data Analysis
• Comparative genomics
• Algorithms

Salary : * Appx. Rs. 7,27,440 to Rs. 10,03,440 based on education, post qualification relevant experience, expertise, role etc.

Application fees :
• A non-refundable application fees of Rs. 500/- is payable for applying for the posts, which is to be paid by the candidates by online payment, using debit/credit cards during the online application process at C-DAC website.
• No fees shall be payable by candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD /EWS category.
• Female applicants are also exempted from application fee.
• Candidates may take note that no cheque, DD or cash will be accepted towards payment of application fees.
• Application Fee once paid will not be refundable under any circumstances.

Important Notes :
a. Candidates those who are applying for multiple posts should submit separate application for each post, along with separate application fees.
b. In case of ambiguity/dispute arises on account of interpretation in version other than English, English version will prevail.
c. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification for selection.
d. Candidates are not required to send printout of application or any other documents in hard copy to C-DAC.
e. Interview Call Letters, other correspondences (if any) etc. will be sent to candidates only through email to the email id provided in their online application. No hard copy will be sent.
f. Mere issue of Interview call letter to candidate will not imply acceptance of candidature or selection for the post.
g. In case of internal candidates, please note that the finally selected candidates will have to resign from the current services and join for selected post as fresh employee.
h. All queries pertaining to recruitment including selection process should be addressed to our Recruitment Team only through
i. Kindly note that we have not authorized any agent/ agency for representing C-DAC for anything related to recruitment or its processes.
j. Number of vacancies may increase/decrease based on requirement of C-DAC and such changes will be made by C-DAC without any notice.
k. C-DAC reserves the right to cancel or introduce any Personal Interview/Other selection process.C-DAC also reserves the right to cancel/restrict/curtail/enlarge the recruitment process and/or the selection process without any notice and without assigning any reasons.
l. It is the responsibility of the candidates to assess his/her own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the advertisement. In case, it is found at any point of time in future during process of selection or even after appointment that candidate was not eligible as per prescribed qualification, experience etc, which could not be found at the time of selection due to whatever circumstances, his/her candidature/appointment shall be liable to be cancelled/terminated as case may be without giving any notice.
m. Reservation for EWSs shall be applicable as per the DOPT OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) Dated January 19, 2019.
n. The candidates applying under EWSs category are required to submit the Economically Weaker Section’s Certificate in the format prescribed by Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance & Pension Department of Personnel and Training vide OM No.36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dated 31.01.2019.The format is available on the website
o. C-DAC reserves the right to fill up the post or increase/decrease the number of posts or even to cancel the whole or part of the process of recruitment without assigning any reason thereof.
p. All the posts will be filled as per the as applicable Recruitment Rules or guidelines of C-DAC.
q. These post are transferable to other department.
r. Selected candidates will be eligible to apply for different/higher posts, on contract on consolidated pay basis, against internal notifications issued by C-DAC, if any from time to time.
s. Application Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
t. The candidates are advised to visit C-DAC website regularly. Notice/ information, Corrigendum, Extension etc., if any, shall be published on our website only.
u. No TA/DA shall be paid for attending written examination/ interview.

How to apply :
a. Before filling the online application form, Candidates should read General Terms and Conditions carefully.
b. Candidate should read all the eligibility parameters and ensure that he/she is eligible for the post before starting to apply online.
c. Candidate should have a valid email id and mobile no. which should remain valid & active till the completion of selection process.
d. While applying online Candidates can click on the Apply button provided against each position for which he/she wish to apply.
e. Fill all the details in the application form at the appropriate places.
f. After filling all the details in online application form click on Submit button.
g. The required Application fee is to be paid by the applicant either through online payment, using debit/credit cards during the online application process at C-DAC website. It is advised to print and keep the transaction details for own records.
h. Candidates should scan their photograph in .jpg format (not more than 400 KB) and keep it ready before starting to apply online for uploading.
i. Candidate should upload their resume in PDF format (Not more than 500 KB)
j. A unique application number will be generated by the system, please note this application number for future reference and use. Candidates can take a print of the application form and keep it with them for their own records.
k. No hard copy/printed applications should be sent to C-DAC. Incomplete and defectively filled online forms shall be rejected straightway and no subsequent correspondences will be entertained in this regard.
l. Candidate working in Government/PSUs/Govt. Autonomous bodies should also apply online in advance and print of the application form, duly filled, and signed, should be forwarded through proper channel to Head of HRD /Manager, HRD of C-DAC, Pune.
m. Those who are not forwarding their application through proper channel are required to produce 'No objection certificate (NOC)' from their current employer at the time of interview, if called for, failing which they will not be permitted to attend the interview.

Last date for on-line registration of application by candidates : May 22, 2022

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