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Openings for M.Pharm, M.Sc (49 posts) at Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology

Clinical research courses


The CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur is one of the National Institutes under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research which is an autonomous body working under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It is spread over 226.1 acres of land with the backdrop of snow-covered peaks of Dhauladhar Range in salubrious climate. The Institute is engaged in research and technology development programmes with a mission to discover, develop and commercialize processes and products from Himalayan Bioresources using cutting edge science and technology.

Post: Senior Project Associate, Project Associate-I , Project Associate-II, Project Scientist-lI, Project Fellow

Walk-in-lnterviews are scheduled to be held on the date(s) as mentioned below against the position(s) in the respective column for the selection of suitable candidate(s) in the areas under the following project(s) on purely temporary basis for the duration of the projects or till completion of the projects whichever is earlier.

Project(s) Title & (Project Number) :
1. “Captive cultivation, development of location specific Agrotechnoogy, downstroam processing and value addition of Mentha Piperita. A sustainable option for livelihood improvement and sensing in the Himalayan Region.” (GAP-0295)
2. "CSIR Floriculture Mission" (HCP-0037)
3. “Hi resolution noxgon romote sonsing for medicinal, aromatic and commercially important crops” (MLP-0160)
4. "Surveillance, multiplex virus diagnostics, raising quality rootstocks for promotion of low chilling varieties of apple (Malus domostica Borkh) in Manipur to Improve the livelihood of local farmars (GAP-0297)
5. "Immuno modulatory function of nutritionals & nutraceuticals for health & wellness (Immunity Mission) " (HCP-0035)

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6001
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0295
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 09.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  M.Sc. (Agriculture)/ M.Sc. in Microbiology.
Tenure of the project upto : 10.01.2025
Date & Time : 09-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (02 posts)
Post Code : 6001
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0037
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 09.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification:
M.Sc. in Biology / Botany from recognized university or equivalent.
Desirable Qualification :
i) Two years' experience screening of plant extracts /fractions/essential oils under laboratory conditions against diamond back moth/aphid/mite/stored gran pests as evidenced by publications In SCI journals.
ii) Hands on experience (one year) in rearing of diamond back moth/aphid/mite/stored grain pests.
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2023
Date & Time : 09-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6001
Projects Title & Number : . For Project MLP-0160
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 09.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 31.000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are seiected through a) National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (II) Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fail under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable : M.Sc. (Agri) In Agronomy or M.Sc. in Biochemistry. Desirable Qualification: Experience in conducting fie'-d trial on medicinal and aromatic plants.
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2023
Date & Time : 09-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-II (02 posts)
Post Code : 6001
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 09.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 35,000/-p.m. -*- HRA to those who are selected through a) National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or
b)  A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions.
(II) Rs. 28,00G/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (I) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :
4(a) For Project GAP-0297 Proiect Associate-ll -01 Posiiion Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Horticulture / Agriculture / Botany from recognized university or equivalent with Two Year's Research & Development in industrial and academic institutions or Science & Technology organization and scientific activities and sen/ices. Desirable Qualification: Candidate having R&D experience of cultivation, raising quality planting material of apple or other fruit crops will bo preferred..
4(b) For Project GAP-0297 Project Associate-ll -01 Position Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Plant Pathology/Horticulture/Agriculiure/ Biotechnology / Biochemisry/Botany/Microbiology from recognized university or equivalent and Two year’s Research & Development in industrial and academic Institutions or Science & Technology organization and scientific activities and services.
Desirable Qualification : Candidate having experience In tissue culture of fruit crops, field survey and routine molecular work will be preferred.
Tenure of the project upto : 06.01.2025
Date & Time : 09-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6001
Projects Title & Number : For Project HCP-0035
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :
Essential Qualification : Master in Mass Communication or journalism from a recognized university / Institution. Graduate degree in Sciences/Engineering, Environment, Agriculture, Medicine, Science Communication or equivalent from a recognized university.
Desirable Qualification : 1. Experience in newspaper/ Television/ Electronic journalism or a web portal with demonstrable contents. 2. Demonstrated working experience In a department of any Govt or Non-Govt, organization related to public outreach of its activity through print- electronic-social- digital media. The candidate has a working knowledge of MS Office and other web- based publishing software will be preferred
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2023
Date & Time : 25-06-2022 10.00 AM

Project(s) Title & (Project Number) :
1. 'Captive cultivation, development of location specific Agrotechnology, downstream processing and value addition of Mentha Piperita. A sustainable option for livelihood improvement and sensing In the Himalayan Region.” (GAP-0295)
2. “Enhancing thermostability of Himalayan processive endoglucanase for application in bio-ethanol industry (GAP-0301)
3. “Development of mycorius based biological control strategy for the control of Rosollinia nocatrix infecting fruit crops and Sclerotinla sclerotlorum infecting vegetable crops in the Indian Himalayan Region” (GAP-0300)
4. “Deciphering chloroplast oxi-proteome for engineering oxidation stross resistant chloropIa6ts in plants" (GAP-0263)
5. “Inter-Institutional Programme Support on the Development and sustainable Utilization of Bioresource of Mizoram*' Sub-Projoct 2 Title: "Captive production of Shiitako and oyster mushroom and their processing for Vitamin Di onrlchmont" (GAP-0303)
6. “Next generation genomics for genetic improvement of Stovia rebaudiana Bert" (MLP-0161)
7. “Gondhla Cut-Flower Cluster*' (CNP-0036) 

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6002
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0295
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  M.Sc. in Biotechnology / Biochemistry. Desirable Qualification: Experience in Nano particle synthesis and characterization, with expertise in electron microscopy. spectroscopy techniques.
Tenure of the project upto : 10.01.2025
Date & Time : 13-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6002
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0301
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 31,000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a) National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b) A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (li) Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification : Master’s degree in Biotechnology from a recognized university or equivalent Desirable Qualification: Experience In molecular biology techniques will be preferred.
Tenure of the project upto : 15.03.2025
Date & Time : 13-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Scientist-lI (01 post)
Post Code : 6002
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0300
Maximum Age : 40 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 67,000/- + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification: Doctoral degree in science or Master's Degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized university or equivalent and Three years’ experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and technology Organizations and Scientific activities and services. Desirable Qualification: Candidates having experience in classical virology and molecular characterization of genome of virus and virus like pathogens infecting plants or plant infecting fungus (as per objectives of the proposal) as evident from published articles in SCI journals
Tenure of the project upto : 06.03.2025
Date & Time : 13-05-2022 10.00 AM

Senior Project Associate (01 post)
Post Code : 6002
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0263
Maximum Age : 40 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 42,000/- + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  i) Ph.D. in. Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Botany / Biosciences from a recognized university/institute. Or Master degree in Biotechnology/Biochemistry/ Botany from a recognized university or equivalent. ii) Four years’ R&D experience in industrial and academic institutions or science and technology organization. Desirable Qualification: Candidates having experience In plant physiology and Biochemistry, Proteomics, or Functional qenomics will be preferred
Tenure of the project upto : 31.05.2025
Date & Time : 13-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Coordinator - II (01 post)
Post Code : 6002
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0303
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 30,000/- pm
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification: M.Sc. Microbiology/Biotechnology/Botany. Desirable Qualification: R&D experience in shiitake and oyster mushroom cultivation and its value addition
Tenure of the project upto : 20.02.2025
Date & Time : 13-05-2022 10.00 AM

Senior Project Associate (01 post)
Post Code : 6002
Projects Title & Number : . For Project MLP-0161
Maximum Age : 40 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 42,000/- pm + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Master Degree in Plant Breeding & Genetics/ Botany/ Plant Sciences/ Biotechnology / Molecular Biology/ Bioinformatics from recognized university with four years of the experience afterwards Or Ph.D. in Biological Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Plant Breeding & Genetics/ Botany/ Pant Sciences/ Molecular Biology/ Bioinformatics. Desirable Qualification
1. For Ph.D.: Doctoral thesis in NGS/transcriptomics/ genome-wide molecular markers/ High-throughput Genotyping/ Molecular biology.
For M.Sc.: Work experience in NGS genome-wide molecular markers / High- throughput Genotyping/ Molecular mapping/ Genetic engineering/ Plant Gonome analysis/GWAS/ Molecular biology
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2023
Date & Time : 13-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Coordinator - II (01 post)
Post Code : 6002
Projects Title & Number : . For Project CNP-0035
Maximum Age : 30 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 30,000/- pm
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification: MBA/MBA (Human Resource) from a recognized university or equivalent. Desirable Qualification: Work experience in rural areas, conducting training/ extension work in tribal areas and proven experience in form of research publication will be preferred
Tenure of the project upto : For nine months from date of joining
Date & Time : 13-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project(s) Title & (Project Number) :
1. "Captive cultivation, development of location specific Agrotochnoogy, downstream processing and value addition of Montha Piperita. A sustainable option for livelihood improvement and sensing in the Himalayan Region." (GAP-0295)
2. "CSIR-Aroma Mission-Phase-II" (HCP-0007)
3. "CSIR- Aroma Mission-Phase-II" (HCP-0007)

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6003
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0295
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  BE/ B.Tech. Chemical Engineering. Desirable Qualification: Working experience in R&D lab with sound knowledqe of basic engineering subject.
Tenure of the project upto : 10.01.2025
Date & Time : 19-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6003
Projects Title & Number : . For Project HCP-007
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : (i) Rs. 31,000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a) National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (II) Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Chemistry. Desirable Qualification: Some knowledge regarding Essential Oils
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2023
Date & Time : 19-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6003
Projects Title & Number : . For Project HCP-007
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : (i) Rs. 31,0C0/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a)    Notional Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and Institutions. (il) Rs. 25,000 pm. + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Chemistry. Desirable Qualification: Some knowledge regarding Essential Oils
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2023
Date & Time : 19-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project(s) Title & (Project Number) :
1. “Prospection & value addition of indigenous foods and vegetable crop9 of cold regions of Western Himalayas for livelihood and nutritionSecurity Component-A M(ASACODER-067/*2018)-Sjrvey and digitization of traditional foods of Lahaul & Spiti, Kinnaur, Chamba (Pangi)" (GAP-0298)
2. “Population studies and establishment of field conservatories of threatened medicinal species Eremurus himalaicus baker and Polygonatum cirrhifolium (Wall.) Royle in the cold desert, Himachal Pradesh " (GAP-0306)
3. “Preparation of people’s Biodiversity register (PBR) at Panchayat Level for Himachal Pradesh”. (GAP-0264)
4. “Conservation of threatened plant species of India” (MLP-0172)
5. “Preparation of peoplo's Biodiversity registers (PBRs) of seven blocks of Kangra District Himachal Pradesh." (GAP-025S)

Project Fellow (02 post)
Post Code : 6004
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0298
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  M.Sc. in Botany/Forestry / Environmental Sciences / Biodiversity conservation. Desirable Qualification: Floral surveys in the Himalaya.
Tenure of the project upto : 29.07.2024
Date & Time : 25-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6004
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0306
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 31,000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a) National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (li) Rs. 25.000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fail under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  M.Sc. Botany, Forestry, Environmental Science, Agronomy.
Tenure of the project upto : 27.03.2025
Date & Time : 25-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-II (01 post)
Post Code : 6004
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0264
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 35,000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a) National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b) A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (II) Rs. 28,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fail under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification: M.Sc. Botany I Environmental Science with 02 years of experience.
Desirable Qualification : 1. Experience of field surveys in high altitude in tribal areas. 2. Knowledge of local flora and agrobiodiversity 3. Working experience In preparation of maps in GIS
Tenure of the project upto : 30.09.2022
Date & Time : 25-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (03 posts)
Post Code : 6004
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0306
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 31,000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a) National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET Including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b) A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (ii) Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  M.Sc. Botany / Forestry.
Desirable Qualification : 1.Experience of field ecological surveys and plant sampling in high altitude. 2.Knowledge of medicinal plants of high altitude region.
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2023
Date & Time : 25-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6004
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0306
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 31,000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a) National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (li) Rs. 25.000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fail under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  M.Sc. Botany / Environmental Science.
Desirable Qualification: 1. Experience in field surveys. 2. Knowledge of local flora and agro-diversity.
Tenure of the project upto : 30.09.2025
Date & Time : 25-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project(s) Title & (Project Number) : "Process optimization and up-scale production of  lignocelluloslc extremozymes from Himalayan microbes for biomass (Project Number): valorization/depolymorization (GAP-0310)

Project Associate-I (03 posts)
Post Code : 6005
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0310
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] :  Rs. 31,000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a)    National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (ii) Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable : Master's degree in Microbiology/Biotechnology from a recognized university or equivalent. Or BE in Biochemical Chemical engineering.
Desirable Qualification: Experience in molecular biology, enzyme, and protein purification techniques will be preferred. Or At least one year of experience In R&D or industry for BE candidate
Tenure of the project upto : 21.03.2025
Date & Time : 31-05-2022 10.00 AM

Senior Project Associate (03 posts)
Post Code : 6006
Projects Title & Number : . For Project GAP-0310
Maximum Age : 40 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] :  Rs. 42,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable : Essential Qualification :
i) PhD in Biotechnology/Microbiology/ Chemistry/ Biochemistry/Biosciences and Bioengineering/Sciences from a recognized university/institute. Or ii) Master degree in Biotechnology/Microbiology/Chemistry/Bio chemistry from a recognized university or equivalent. Ill) Four years' R&D experience in industrial and academic institutions  science and technology organization. Desirable Qualification: Experience in the area of Organic Synthesis or Catalysis or Natural Product Isolation and Characterization or Protein/enzyme
Tenure of the project upto : 21.03.2025
Date & Time : 31-05-2022 10.00 AM

Project(s) Title & (Project Number) :
1. "Al based methodology from grading machines harvested tea leaves (FBR)" (MLP-0163)
2.  Breaking the barrior of Saffron Cultivation through technological intorvontiona for enhancing production and livelihood of farmers In Kashmir and non-traditional areas” (GAP-0307) 3. "Inter-Institutional Programme Support on the Development and sustainable Utilization of Bioresourco of Mizoram"Sub- Project 3 Title: "Introduction of low chilling varieties of apple (Malus domestlca L.) In Mizoram to improve the livelihood of tribal farmers. (GAP-0304)
4.  “Inter-Institutional Programme Support on the Development and sustainable Utilization of Bioresource of Mizoram"Sub- Project 4 Title: "Livelihood generation through cultivation and valuo addition of aromatic plants in Mizoram" (GAP-0305)
5. "Conservation of threatened plant species of India** (MLP-0172)
6."Inter-Institutional Programmo Support on the Development and sustainable Utilization of Bioresource of Mizoram" Sub-Project 4 Title: "Livelihood generation through cuttivation and value addition of aromatic plants in Mizoram” (GAP-0305)

Project Associate-II (01 post)
Post Code : 6007
Projects Title & Number :  For Project MLP-0163
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : (i)  Rs. 35,000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a) National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b) A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (ii)  Rs. 28,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable : Essential Qualification: Master’s degree in Horticulture/Agronomy / Botany / Tea Science/Forestry/Plantation Crops or BE/B.Tech. degree in mechanical engineering from a recognized university or equivalent with two years experience in tea husbandry or plantations crops or forestry or horticulture crops or farm mechanization. Desirable Qualification: Experience in area of tea husbandry/plantation crops/farm mechanization.
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2023
Date & Time : 07-06-2022 10.00 AM

Senior Project Associate (01 post)
Post Code : 6007
Projects Title & Number :  For Project GAP-0307
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 42,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable : Essential Qualification: Doctoral degree In Agriculture (with specialization in Agronomy/Soil Science/Plant Pathology)/ Botany/ Biological Science/ Forestry (with specialization in Medicinal & Aromatic Plants)/ PhD In Medicinal & Aromatic Plants from a recognized university or equivalent. Or I) Master degree in Agriculture (with specialization in Agroromy/Soil Science/Plant Pathology)/ Botany/ Biological Science/ Forestry with specialization In Medicinal & Ajomatic Plants)/ MSc in Medicinal & Aromatic Plants from a recognized university or equivalent D) Four years' R&D experience in industrial and academic institutions or science and technology organization. Desirable Qualification : R&D experience in development of Agrotechnology of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (MAPs) /saffron
Tenure of the project upto : 22-02-2025
Date & Time : 07-06-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6007
Projects Title & Number :  For Project GAP-0304
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : (1) Rs. 31.000/-p.m. + HRA for first two years and Rs. 35,000/-p.m. + HRA after two years to those who are selected through a)    National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET Including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (ii) Rs. 25,OOC/-p.m. + HRA for first two years and Rs. 28,000/-p.m. + HRA after two years for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Horticulture/ Agriculture (with specialization in Agronomy/Soil Science/Plant Pathology)/MSc Botany/ from a recognized university or equivalent. Desirable Qualification: Candidate having R&D experience of development of agro technologies/ raising quality planting material of apple or other fruit crops will be preferred.
Tenure of the project upto : 22-02-2025
Date & Time : 07-06-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6007
Projects Title & Number :  For Project GAP-0305
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : (1) Rs. 31.000/-p.m. + HRA for first two years and Rs. 35,000/-p.m. + HRA after two years to those who are selected through a)    National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET Including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (ii) Rs. 25,OOC/-p.m. + HRA for first two years and Rs. 28,000/-p.m. + HRA after two years for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  M.Sc. in Horticulture/ Agriculture / Medicinal and Aromatic Plants/ Forestry/ Botany from a recognized university or equivalent. Desirable Qualification: R&D experience of development of agrotechnoiogies of field crops/MAPs
Tenure of the project upto : 22-02-2025
Date & Time : 07-06-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6007
Projects Title & Number :  For Project MLP-0172
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : (Rs. 31.000/-p.m. HRA to those who are selected through a)    National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b) A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and  their agencies and institutions. (Ii) Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Agriculture.
Desirable Qualification : 1. Experience    of working in high altitude 2. Knowledge of medicinal plants of high altitude regions
Tenure of the project upto : 22-02-2025
Date & Time : 07-06-2022 10.00 AM

Field Assistant (01 post)
Post Code : 6007
Projects Title & Number :  For Project GAP-0305
Maximum Age : 50 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 20,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Agriculture.
Desirable Qualification : 1. Experience    of working in high altitude 2. Knowledge    of medicinal plants of high altitude regions
Tenure of the project upto : 22-02-2025
Date & Time : 07-06-2022 10.00 AM

Project(s) Title & (Project Number) :
1. “Prospoction and valuo addition of indigonous foods and vegetable crops of cold rogions of Western Himalayas for livelihood and nutrition security" (GAP-0299)
2. “Immuno modulatory function of nutritionals & nutraceuticals for health & weDness|lmmunity Miss|on)" (HCP-0035)

Project Associate-I (02 posts)
Post Code : 6008
Projects Title & Number :  For Project GAP-0299
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Food Science and Nutrition/ Food Technology/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology. Desirable Qualification: Academic / Research & Development i) Experience in value addition of Agri./ Horti. Crops ii) Nutritional Quality and Analytical Techniques
Tenure of the project upto : 29.07.2024
Date & Time : 13-06-2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (02 posts)
Post Code : 6008
Projects Title & Number :  For Project HCP-0035
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification : M.Sc. in Food Technology/ Food Science/ Food and Nutrition/ Food Fermentation. Desirable Qualification: Experience in the product formulation and quality testing of food products.
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2023
Date & Time : 13-06-2022 10.00 AM

Project(s) Title & (Project Number) :
1. “Evaluation safety and nutritional quality of guar protein concentrate" (SSP-0151)
2. “Investigation of novel formulation approaches for augmenting the bioavailability of a universal antioxidant”
3. "Immuno modulatory function of nutritionals & nutraceuticals for health & wellness (Immunity Mission)" (HCP-0035)

Project Associate-II (02 posts)
Post Code : 6009
Projects Title & Number :  For Project SSP-0151
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 28,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  M.Pharm. specialization in Pharmacology, or M.Sc. in Biochemistry with 2 years' experience. Desirable Qualification: Academic / R&D experience in Animal handling techniques ii) Animal behavior analysis Molecular & Histopathology techniques.
Tenure of the project upto : 30.11.2022
Date & Time : 17.06.2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6009
Projects Title :  “Investigation of novel formulation approaches for augmenting the bioavailability of a universal antioxidant”
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 31,000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a)    National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions II) Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  M.Pharm. / M.Sc(Biochemistry / Biotech)/ M.Tech. (Biotechnology) Desirable Qualification: Experience in cell culture / molecular biology.
Tenure of the project upto : Three years
Date & Time : 17.06.2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6009
Projects Title & Number :  For Project HCP-0035
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification : M.Pharm., Master’s in Biotechnology. BAMS. Desirable Qualification : Experience in preclinical studies.
Tenure of the project upto : 30.09.2022
Date & Time : 17.06.2022 10.00 AM

Project(s) Title & (Project Number) :
1. “Breaking the barrier of Saffron Cultivation through technological interventions for enhancing production and livelihood of farmers in Kashmir and non-traditional areas” (GAP-0307)
2. MGermplasm characterization, genomics analysis and gene discovery for yield, metabolite and stress tolerance in Tea" (GAP-0309)
3. “Establishing efficient platform for genetic engineering in Indian Tea”. (GAP-0308)
4. “Conservation of threatened plant specics of India” (MLP-0172)

Project Associate-II (01 post)
Post Code : 6010
Projects Title & Number :  For Project GAP-0307
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : (i)    Rs. 35,000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a)    National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agendas and institutions. (ii)    Rs. 28,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  M.Sc. Biotechnology with two years’ experience in the area biofertilizer. Desirable Qualification : R&D experience in developing bicfertilfzer and laying of field trials.
Tenure of the project upto : 22.02.2025
Date & Time : 22.06.2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Post Code : 6010
Projects Title & Number :  For Project GAP-0307
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : (i)    Rs. 31,000/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a) National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agendas and institutions. (ii) Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable :  Essential Qualification: M.Sc. Biotechnology/ B.Tech Biotechnology. Desirable Qualification: Experience In tissue culture of saffron.
Tenure of the project upto : 22.02.2025
Date & Time : 22.06.2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-II (01 post)
Post Code : 6010
Projects Title & Number :  For Project GAP-0309
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : (i) Rs. 31,00G/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a)    National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (ii)    Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (I) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable : Essential Qualification: Master Degree in Plant Breeding & Genetics/ Botany/ Plant Sciences/ Biotechnology / Molecular Biology/ Bioinformatics from recognized university. Desirable Qualification: Work experience in NGS / genome wide molecular markers / High-throughput Genotyping/ Molecular mapping/ Genetic engineering/ Plant Genome analysis/GWAS/ Molecular Biology
Tenure of the project upto : 14.03.2025
Date & Time : 22.06.2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-II (01 post)
Post Code : 6010
Projects Title & Number :  For Project GAP-0308
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : (i) Rs. 31,00G/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a)    National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (ii)    Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (I) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable : Essential Qualification: Master degree in Botany, Plant Physiology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Plant Sciences. Life Science, Plant Tissue Culture Desirable Qualification: Tissue culture in tea/ medicinal plants and transformation.
Tenure of the project upto : 14.03.2024
Date & Time : 22.06.2022 10.00 AM

Project Associate-II (01 post)
Post Code : 6010
Projects Title & Number :  For Project MLP-0172
Maximum Age : 35 years as on 08.05.2022
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : (i) Rs. 31,00G/-p.m. + HRA to those who are selected through a)    National Eligibility tests CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b)    A selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government and their agencies and institutions. (ii)    Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA for others who do not fall under (I) above.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable : M.Sc. in Biotechnology Knowledge and experience in plant tissue culture.
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2023
Date & Time : 22.06.2022 10.00 AM

Candidates reporting for Interview after 10.30 AM will not be entertained.  Venue : CSIR- IHBT, Palampur (H.P.)

Eligible candidates may appear for “Walk-in-lnterview(s)” on the date, time and place mentioned above along with an application on prescribed format (with latest colored passport size photo affixed on it) which is available on the CSIR-IHBT website along with self-attested photocopies of their testimonials of age, educational qualifications, experience, reserved category etc. at the time of interview. The positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the duration of the project. There will be no right implicit or explicit for regular position or any post In CSIR-IHBT, whatsoever. Candidates must also bring with them original certificates of testimonials at the time of appearing for the interview failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear for interview. No TA will be paid for attending the interview.

The Selection Committee(s) may adopt the selection criterion at its own i.e. either by conducting direct interview or written test followed by interview on the same day. The decision of the Director, CSIR-IHBT, Palampur shall be final on any matter relating to engagement of above mentioned positions in CSIR-IHBT, Palampur (H.P.).

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