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Job Openings for Pharmacists (04 posts) at MCL - An undertaking of Government of India

Clinical research courses

Job Openings for Pharmacists at MCL

Mahanadi Coalfields Limited is one of the major coal producing company of India. It is one of the eight subsidiaries of Coal India Limited. Mahanadi Coalfields Limited was carved out of South Eastern Coalfields Limited in 1992 with its headquarters at Sambalpur. Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, a subsidiary of Coal India Limited, A Govt. of India Undertaking invites applications from eligible citizens of India for the following posts.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Posts : 04 (Vacancies/requirements are tentative and MCL Management reserves the right to increase or decrease as per its requirement.)
Monthly Honorarium : Rs 35,000/- PM
Minimum Qualification Required
10+2 with science / Diploma in Pharmacy registered with Pharmacy Council under Pharmacy Act.1948 with valid registration.
Age Limit (as on 20/05/2021)  : 
i. Candidates must not be above 65 years of age as on 20/05/2021. 
 ii. Date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/SSC/High School or Equivalent Examination certificates only will be treated as final. No subsequent request for change in Date of Birth will be entertained.

Fee Payment
i. No application fees required.

i. Before applying, the candidates are advised to ensure their eligibility for the post for which they intend to apply. The candidates have to submit their application as per the prescribed format along with supporting documents by their email to within the stipulated date i.e. 20/05/2021 by 05:00 PM. The candidates are advised to bring the hardcopy of the relevant documents during the interview which is tentatively scheduled on 24/05/2021.
ii. If more than 01 application is received from a candidate, then the latest or the last application submitted will be considered as final.
iii. The applications received after the due date i.e.20/05/2021 will not be entertained and MCL Management shall not be responsible for whatsoever reason for non-receipt/delayed receipt of the application.
iv. Incomplete application in any form shall not be considered.

1. The applicants shall be called for interview which is tentatively scheduled on 24/05/2021.
2. The candidates shall be shortlisted based on their performance in the interview, post qualification relevant experience, additional qualification etc.
3. In case of a tie of marks obtained, it will be resolved on the basis of Date of Birth (elder one being the first) and thereafter the marks obtained in matriculation.
4. Provisional offer of engagement on temporary basis will be issued to the successful candidates based on their position in the merit list.
5. If it is found prior/during the interview or during the course of temporary contract period, any candidate not fulfilling the criteria of eligibility in any respect, his/her candidature/contract will be terminated forthwith.
Note: - All the candidates are requested to remain updated at each step of the process by visiting our website All queries may be addressed to our recruitment team through

As per CIL policy for engagement of Paramedical Staff on temporary contract basis.

For the ex-employee of CIL or its subsidiaries/other government organization/PSUs/Private sector: a) Last 03 years performance record of ex-employee certified by his/her ex-employer.
b) Should have scored minimum "Good" ratings in the last 03 years of service & should be certified by ex-employer.
c) Should not have been awarded with any punishment under disciplinary rules of the company in the last 03 years of the service & should be certified by ex-employer.
d) For the retired private sector experience holders, a self-certified performance/disciplinary certificate from the ex-employer to be produced along with the application.

i. The contract shall be terminated if the performance of the engaged paramedical staff is not found to be satisfactory during the contract period.
ii. The contract shall be terminated at any point before the completion of the contract period if the MCL management does not require the services of the engaged paramedical staff.
iii. The contract shall be terminated if the engaged paramedical staff is reported to be working in any Private/Govt agency.
iv. The contract shall be terminated if any educational /experience certificates etc. are found to be fake/false.
v. Due to malpractice/misconduct etc. at the workplace.
vi. In the event of any legal conviction against the selected candidate by the State/Central Government Authority/Court etc.
vii. The contract will automatically cease to exist on expiry of the period of contract and for this, no separate notice would be necessary.
viii. The contract may be terminated by either side by giving one-month notice.
ix. MCL reserves the right to terminate the contract without assigning any reason whatsoever.

1. The contract period may be up to 31st March 2022, however, the requirement maybe revised after assessing the situation after six months i.e.31st October 2021.
2. The temporary contractual appointee is required to join within 07 days from the date of issuance of offer of engagement. No TA/DA shall be paid for joining.
3. The candidates should ensure while applying that they fulfill the minimum eligibility criteria and other requirements prescribed for the post for which they are applying and that the particulars furnished by them are correct in all respects. They may cross check the information such as date of birth, educational qualification, experience, contact details, etc. furnished in the application form before finally submitting the same online as no correction would be possible later. Management will not be held responsible for the same.
4. The selected candidate shall be posted at any area of the company as per the requirement of the management.
5. The Company reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever.
6. The candidature of the applicant would be purely provisional subject to verification of certificates /testimonials on a later date.

7. Selected candidates could be posted in any area of MCL which may be changed as per decision of MCL management.
8. The Management reserves the right to revise /Reschedule / Cancel / Suspend the process, if the need so arises, without assigning further notice or reason thereof, the decision of the management shall be final and no appeal shall be entertained.
9. The decision of MCL Management will be final & binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the application, selection of candidates etc. No enquiry /correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
10. All documents (Caste Certificate, Educational Qualification etc.) as provided by the candidate will be verified from the issuing authority and candidature shall be rejected if the certificates are not found satisfactory/genuine at any subsequent stage of contractual engagement.
11. For all purpose the cutoff date will be taken as 20/05/2021.
12. Helpline No.0663-2542429 between 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM on working days (Monday to Friday) and from 10:00 AM to 01:30 PM on Saturday.
13. Interpretation of these guidelines will be reserved with the Director(Personnel), MCL and his interpretation will be final.

Last Date for receipt of Application by email : 20/05/2021 by 05:00 PM
Tentative Date of Interview : 24/05/2021

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