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IITGN invites applications for Junior Research Fellow for a research project funded by Gujcost

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IITGN invites applications for Junior Research Fellow for a research project funded by Gujcost

IIT Gandhinagar was founded in 2008 and is located in Palaj, Gandhinagar, Gujarat on the banks of river Sabarmati. IITGN is rated India’s first 5-star GRIHA LD (Green) campus for minimizing the negative impact on the environment. The campus has been declared India’s first 5-star campus for ensuring food safety and promoting healthy eating.

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites applications for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for a research project funded by Gujcost.

Junior Research Fellow
Job Description : The candidate will be required to set up the experiments for developing physical and chemical biology protocols for developing organic and biological nanoparticles, conjugating multiple biological ligands to programmed DNA nanodevices for interface with cells and tissues. He/she will also have the opportunity to develop advanced laboratory skills (HPLC and Mass-spec, 3D cell culture models, biochemical and molecular biology procedures, live cell microscopy, visits to experts on collaborations). The candidate should be a highly motivated, continuous learner who is able to work independently.
Eligibility : MSc/MS/MTech in Biotechnology, Chemical Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Life Sciences, and Nanotechnology, etc. or allied subject areas from reputed institutes with either GATE or CSIR-UGC-NET or equivalent national level exam qualified.

Duration : Initial appointment is for 1 year, expected to start from 1st June 2021, extendable up to one more year based on performance
Remuneration : 25,000 INR per month + 5000 INR HRA per month

Application Procedure: Candidates must send their applications via e-mail to Prof. Dhiraj Bhatia ( The following documents must be sent as a single pdf attachment to the email:
1. Current CV with list of publications
2. A one-page summary of previous research/work experience and why you are interested in joining for this project (Statement of Purpose).

Deadline for submission of applications is 15th May 2021
Queries may be directed to Prof. Dhiraj Bhatia.

Assistant Professor & DST Ramanujan Fellow
Biological Engineering Discipline,
Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar,
Near Palaj, Gandhinagar 382355, Gujarat, India

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