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Walk in interview for Junior Research Fellow at CCMB

Clinical research courses

CSIR - CCMB is a premier constituent research Institute of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), conducting research in frontier areas of modern biology. The objectives of the Centre are to conduct high quality basic research and training in the areas of modern biology, and promote centralized national facilities for new and modern techniques in the inter-disciplinary areas of biology.

Post : Project Junior Research Fellow

Notification for walk-in-interview from the eligible Indian national for the following temporary project positions to work in National Mission for Himalayan Studies (NMHS) supported project titled: "Improving capacity and strengthening wildlife conservation for sustainable livelihoods in Kashmir Himalaya" with station at Srinagar, J & K State.

No of post : 02

Upper age limit : 30 years as on May 15, 2019

Fellowship : Rs. 25,000 p.m. (as sanctioned by the funding agency) + HRA as applicable/admissible.

Essential qualification : Masters’ in Wildlife Science / Life Sciences / Veterinary Science/ Forestry / Environmental Science / Zoology / Botany with a minimum of 55% aggregate marks from a recognized University

Desirable : Candidate(s) with prior experience in animal abundance estimation, use of non-invasive sampling techniques, vegetation studies, pathological investigations on wildlife and camera trapping studies. Candidates should be able to carry out intensive field work in remote areas in Kashmir.

General terms and conditions:
• Positions are purely temporary & on contract basis and is co-terminus with the project’s tenure.
• Eligible candidates are required to submit applications in the prescribed format and submit hardcopy of the application with copies of the supporting documents at the time of the walk-in interview.
• The age relaxation of 5 years for statutory groups and women.
• Selection of the candidates will be based on initial screening based on qualifications as specified in the advertisement. Initially shortlisted candidates will be given a written test (objective type). Shortlisted candidates in the written test will be called for interview.
• The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. The duly constituted Screening Committee will adopt its own criteria for short-listing the candidates. The candidates should therefore, mention in the application all the qualifications and experiences in the relevant area over and above the minimum prescribed qualification, supported with documents.
• Candidates who have completed their degree or those who are awaiting their final year/ semester results with requisite educational qualifications only need to apply.
• The engagement under project does not confer any right/claim whatsoever, either explicitly or implicitly on the appointee for regular appointment in CSIR/CSIR-CCMB, against any post or otherwise under any legal conditions or precedent.
• All the communication regarding the call for interview will be only through electronic mode (through: E-mail)
• No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate for appearing for the written test/interview.
• The terms and conditions of engagement of project staff may be amended from time to time.
• The initial tenure of project staff will be for 6/12 months and can be extended further after review of performance/work by Principal Investigator. The total tenure of project staff will be for 3 years.
• The performance of project staff would be reviewed periodically so that candidates not found up to the mark, could be terminated.
• All qualification & experiences must be from Govt./Govt. recognized Institute.
• Empanelment does not provide automatic guarantee of engagement.

Benefits: Project staff will be entitled for one day’s leave for each completed month’s service. However, in extra-ordinary circumstances Principal Investigator of the project and/or Director, CSIR-CCMB may provide relaxation in the rules considering the exigency.

Date & Time : 15th May 2019 at 10:00AM

Venue of walk-in-interview :  Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Srinagar

Application Form>>

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