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Vacancy for Clinical Research Coordinator at RMRIMS

Clinical research courses

The Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences, which is located at Agam Kuan, Patna, Bihar, India is a permanent research institute of the Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi and an autonomous body of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

Post : Clinical Research Coordinator

Applications on plain paper for Walk-in-Interview are invited from suitable Indian nationals for appointment for the one purely temporary post of Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) (on contractua basis) under the project entitled “A randomized trial of AmBisome® monotherapy and combination of AmBisome® and miltefosine for the treatment of VL in HIV positive patients in India” sponsored by Medccms Sans Frontiercs (MSF) at RMRIMS (ICMR), Agmkuan, Patna - 800 007 (Bihar).

Qualification/ Experience
Essential: (i) 1st Class Master’s Degree in Lite Sciences from a recognized university with two years experience in related filed. Or 2nd class Master’s degree with Ph.D in relevant subject from a recognized university, (ii) PG Diploma in Clinical Research.

Age : Upto 35 Years

Monthly Remuneration (in Rs.) : Rs.32,000/-

The interested candidates may turn up for Walk-in-Interview alongwith their duly signed application form mentioning personal details (1) Name (2) Father’s Name (3) Date of Birth (4) Details of Qualification (5) Work Experience (6) Present Address for Communication etc. with a passport size photograph alongwith copies of all relevant documents at the time of Walk-in-Interview. Candidates have also to bring all the above mentioned documents in original for necessary verification during the Walk-in-lnterview. Walk-in-Interview is scheduled to be held on dated 16/05/2019 at 10:00 AM at RMRIMS, Agamkuan, Patna (Bihar).

1. The candidates will have to report for interview on dated 16/05/2019 latest up to 11:30 AM.
2. If the number of applicant will exceed more than ten written exam may be conducted if required.
3. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
4. Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates will be as per the Govt, of India rules.
5. Appointment will be on contractual basis for a period of one year. However, appointment can be extended for another one year or till the end of the project, whichever is earlier based on the progress of the project.
6. Candidates will have no claim in future for employment under the Institute/ICMR services.
7. During the appointment, if performance of the appointee is not found satisfactory by the competent authority, the appointment can be terminated any time without any notice.
8. Decision of the Director, RMRIMS (ICMR), Agamkuan, Patna shall be final.

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