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Recruitment for Legal Consultants at Pharmacy Council of India

Clinical research courses

The Pharmacy education and profession in India upto graduate level is regulated by the PCI, a statutory body governed by the provisions of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 passed by the Parliament. The Pharmacy Act 1948 was enacted on 4.3.48 with the following preamble- "An Act to regulate the profession of pharmacy. Whereas it is expedient to make better provision for the regulation of the profession and practice of pharmacy and for that purpose to constitute Pharmacy Councils". The PCI was constituted on 9.8.49 under section 3 of the Pharmacy Act.

Post : Legal Consultants

The Pharmacy Council of India intends to engage the following personnels on full timeand  purely  on  contract  basis  amongst  the  recently  retired  person  from  the  CentralGovt./State Govt/Autonomous Bodies having drawn grade pay upto Rs. 6.600/-.

Qualification : Legal Consultants With LLB/LLM Qualification

Age: - Not exceeding 65 years as on 31.12.2018

General Terms & Conditions information.
(i) No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
(ii) Consultation Fee
Consultants retired from pensionable services : Last Pay (Basic Pay + Grade Pay) Basic pension + Dearness allowance at the current rate subject to ceiling limit of Rs. 55,000/-
Consultants retired from non-pensionable establish-ments : 70% of the last pay (Basic Pay + Grade Pay + Dearness Allowance) subject to ceiling limit of Rs. 55,000/-

3. Allowances : The consultants shall not be entitled to any allowance such as DA, HRA, Transport allowance, Medical reimbursement and other any benefit.

4. Leave : All PCI consultants on full time basis shall be eligible for 8 days leave in a calendar year on pro rata basis. The un-availed leave shall not be allowed to be carried forward.

5. The application, complete in all respects must be reached in this Council within 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the Employment News. The applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected and filled.

Pharmacy Council of India
(A Statutory Body of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)
NBCC Centre, 3rd Floor, Plot No.2, Community Centre, Maa Anandamai Marg, Okhla Phase I, New Delhi - 110 020

Employment News 25 - 31 May 2019

Application Form>>

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