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Multiple Job openings in research at National Botanical Research Institute

Clinical research courses

NBRI is a premier plant based multidisciplinary, state-of-art national R&D Centre of CSIR undertaking research from classical taxonomy to cutting edge areas of modern biology-including both applied and basic research in the fields of biochemistry, bioinformatics, biotechnology, conservation biology, cytogenetics, environmental sciences, ethnopharmacology, floriculture, microbiology, molecular biology and genetic engineering, pharmacognosy, pharmacy, physiology, phytochemistry, plant biodiversity,  plant breeding, taxonomy and tree biology, for the conservation and sustainable utilization of the non crop plant genetic resources of the country.

Area I : Molecular Biology & Biotechnology: (HCP Projects)

Project Scientist
Sub Area : Protein Biology
Essential qualification : area of protein sciences, bio‐prospection for proteins, recombinant protein production and functional characterization, with excellent academic record.
Age : 40 years
Desirable qualification :
1. Proven ability in bio‐prospection of insecticidal proteins.
2. Experience in recombinant expression of functional proteins in heterologous systems (E. coli, yeast, cell lines, hairy root culture etc.).
3. Experience in qualitative and quantitative ELISA.
4. Rapid detection of target proteins in plants.
5. Ability of compiling results, preparing reports and publishing research articles in scientific journals.
6. Ability to work as part of a multidisciplinary research team to achieve project goals.
Job Specification :
1. To conduct R&D related to purification of insecticidal proteins and insect bioassay against cotton insect pests.
2. Recombinant expression of high amount of protein in different heterologous systems and purification of proteins for mono and polyclonal antibody development.
3. Coordination of bio‐safety studies of different recombinant/pl ant proteins.
4. Functional characterization of proteins through targeted mutation and improvement in the biological activity of the protein.
Stipend Amount :
Range 2 – Rs. 67300/‐ p.m. + HRA
Range 3‐ Rs. 105200/‐ p.m. + HRA

Research Associate
Sub Area : Protein Biology
Essential qualification : Ph.D. in Plant Sciences/Life Sciences/ Biotechnology/Biological science/Biochemistry/Zoology
Age : 35 years
Desirable qualification :
1. Experience with recombinant protein production and purification.
2. Understanding of different protein chromatograph y methodology.
3. Qualitative and quantitative ELISA.
4. Rapid/point‐of ‐ care detection of recombinant proteins in plants.
Job Specification :
To work with project scientist and accomplishing project objectives independently in a time bound manner.
Stipend Amount :
Rs. 40000/‐ p.m. + HRA

Project Assistant‐III
Sub Area : Protein Biology
Essential qualification : M.Sc. with 55% marks in Plant Sciences/ Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology with two years relevant experience
Age : 35 years
Desirable qualification :
Experience of prospecting functional proteins, protein biology, enzymology and routine molecular biology. PA‐III candidate should have published at least one research paper in SCI journal.
Job Specification :
To assist the project scientist in carrying out research work, defined in the project, in a time bound manner.
Stipend Amount :
Rs. 28000/‐ p.m. + HRA

Project Assistant level II
Sub Area : Protein Biology
Essential qualification : M.Sc. with 55% marks in Biotechnology / Life Science / Biochemistry  /Botany /  Plant science / Biological Science / Microbiology
Age : 30 years
Stipend Amount :
Rs. 25000/‐ P.M. + HRA

Project Scientist
Sub Area : Crop Entomology
Essential qualification : Ph.D. in area of Entomology / Zoology / Pest management with outstanding academic record.
Age : 40 years
Desirable qualification :
1. Understanding of cotton pests and their impact on crop health and productivity.
2. Ability in culturing major cotton pests.
3. Ability to conduct in vitro and in planta insect bioassay with major cotton pests.
4. Ability to study the impact of insecticidal proteins/GM cotton on nontarget insects.
5. Understanding of deregulation of GM cotton.
6. Ability to publish research papers in scientific journals.
7. Ability to work effectively as part of a multidisciplinary research team to achieve mission goals.
Job Specification :
1. Collection and maintenance of major cotton pests.
2. Insect bioassay with purified proteins and transgenic plants.
3. Participation in BRL trials to study insect pest occurrence on GM cotton hybrids and assessment of impact on nontarget insects.
4. Performance assessment of GM cotton events for insecticidal property and insect tolerance.
5. Compilation of the results, preparation of reports and publishing data inSCI journals.
Stipend Amount :
Range 2 – Rs. 67300/‐ p.m. + HRA
Range 3 ‐ Rs105200/‐ p.m. + HRA

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Research Associate
Sub Area : Plant Molecular Biology
Essential qualification : Ph.D. in Botany / Plant Sciences / Life Sciences /   Biotechnology / Biological Science / Biochemistry
Age : 35 years
Desirable qualification :
1. Experience in plant tissue culture and transformation (preferably cotton).
2. Molecular analysis (Southern, RT PCR, ELISA, Western) of the transgenic plants
3. Understanding of crop pests and their association with plant health and productivity.
Job Specification :
1. To conduct the molecular analysis of transgenic cotton lines and selection of the most promising event(s).
2. Insect bioassay and selection of events.
3. Guiding students/PA in cotton transformation
Stipend Amount :
Rs. 40000/‐ p.m. + HRA

Project Assistant‐III
Sub Area : Plant Molecular Biology
Essential qualification : For PA‐III: M.Sc. with 55% in Plant Sciences / Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology with two years relevant experience
Age : 35 years
Desirable qualification :
1. Work experience in the area of plant molecular biology (applicable to PAIII only).
2. Candidate should have published at least one research paper in SCI journal (applicable to PAIII only).
Job Specification :
To assist the project scientist in carrying out research work of mission project and accomplish the assigned work in a time bound manner.
Stipend Amount :
Rs. 28000/‐ p.m. + HRA

Project Assistant‐II
Sub Area : Plant Molecular Biology
Essential qualification : For PA II: M.Sc. (55%) in Biotechnology/ Life Science/Bioche mistry/ Botany/Plant science/ Biological Science/ Microbiology
Age : 30 years
Stipend Amount :
Rs. 25000/‐ p.m. + HRA

The candidates selected will be engaged for the above positions in the project entitled, ”Development of next generation transgenic cotton ”and other projects if needed.

Area II : Agricultural Sciences

Essential qualification : 1st class M.Sc. in Agronomy/ Soil Science/ Horticulture/Plant Physiology/Botany
Age : 30 years
Stipend Amount :
Rs.25000/‐ p.m. + HRA

Project Assistant Level II
Essential qualification : M.Sc. (55%) in Botany/ M.Sc. Ag. in Agronomy/Horticulture/Soil Science
Age : 30 years
Desirable qualification :
Working experience in the area of plant science, agronomy, horticulture and soil science.
Stipend Amount :
Rs.25000/‐ p.m.

• The candidates selected will be engaged for the position of SRF in the project entitled, ”Revalidation of good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) to develop agro-technology for the cultivation of medicinal plants”and other projects if needed

• The candidates selected will be engaged for the position of PA II in the project entitled, ”CSIR AROMA Mission”and other projects if needed.

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Area III: Biodiversity & Bioprospection

Research Associate
Essential Qualifications : Ph.D. in Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry /Medicinal Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry/ Biochemistry
Desirable : Research/project experiences and in handling analytical instruments. Publications in SCI/ Impacted journals and good knowledge of computer applications for data analysis using scientific statistical software.
Age : 35 years
Stipend : Rs.36,000/ ‐p.m.+ HRA

Project Assistant Level II
Essential Qualifications : M.Sc.(55%) in Botany/ Microbiology/ Environmental Sciences/Plant Science
Desirable : Working experience with lichens.
Age : 30 years
Stipend : Rs. 25,000/ ‐p.m.+ HRA

Essential Qualifications : For JRF: M.Sc. in Botany/Plant Science/Biotechnology/Envi ronmental Science/ Ecology/Plant Physiology with CSIR/ UGC‐NET/ ICAR/ DBT /JRF/ GATE . For PA II: M.Sc.(55%) in one of the above subject.
Desirable : Knowledge of plant ecology, plant diversity assessment and lichen diversity assessment and working knowledge of MS Excel
Age : 30 years
Stipend : For JRF: Rs.25000/‐ p.m. + HRA0r Rs.31000/‐ p.m. + HRA For PAII” Rs.25000/‐ p.m. fixed

• The candidates selected will be engaged for the position of RA in the project entitled, ”Characterization and value addition of plant based resins, gums and waxes” and other projects if needed.
• The candidates selected will be engaged for the position of PA Level II in the project entitled, “Revisionary studies on lichen genera Buelliasensulato and Rinodina (Calciales) from India” or other projects if needed.
• The candidates selected will be engaged for the position of JRF/PA Level II in the project entitled, “Characterizing Patterns and process of Alpine ecosystem in Indian Himalaya with special emphasis to Cryptogams” and “Ground and remote sensing‐based measurement of leaf area index and estimating net primary productivity in tropical deciduous and semi‐evergreen forests of India” or other projects if needed.


Area IV : Molecular Biology & Biotechnology: (MLP/GAP Projects)

Research Associate
Essential Qualifications : Ph.D. in Biological Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Life Science/Botany /Biochemistry.
Desirable : Working experience in Small RNA, evolutionary biology, NGS data analysis. OR Experience in techniques related to plant molecular biology/plant transformation/analysis of transgenic plants with at least two publications in high impact factor SCI Journals. OR Experience in molecular biology techniques, RNAseq and data analysis. working knowledge of ChIP‐seq.
Age : 35 years
Stipend : Rs.36000/‐+ HRA

Project Assistant Level II
Essential Qualifications : M.Sc. (55%) in Botany/ Genetics/ Genetics and Plant Breeding
Desirable : Knowledge of MAS, Analytical instruments and quantitative genetics.
Age : 30 years
Stipend : Rs. 25000/‐ p.m.

Project Assistant Level I
Essential Qualifications : B.Sc. (55%) in Botany/ Genetics/ Genetics and Plant Breeding as one paper in final year
Desirable : Knowledge of Field work
Age : 28 years
Stipend : Rs.15000/‐

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JRF (Project)/ Project Assistant Level II
Essential Qualifications :
For JRF: M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Life Science/Botany/ Bioinformatics / Plant Science with CSIR/ UGC‐NET/ ICAR/ DBT /JRF/ GATE . OR B.Tech(55%) in Biotechnology / Bioinformatics
For PA II : M.Sc./B.Tech (55%) in one of the above subjects.
Desirable : Working experience in molecular Biology, NGS data analysis. OR Experience in molecular biology / biochemistry / bioinformatics techniques.
Age : 30 years
Stipend : For JRF: Rs.25000/‐ p.m. + HRA 
For PA II : Rs.25000/‐ p.m.

Project Assistant Level III
Essential Qualifications :
M.Sc. (55%) in Molecular Biology/Biotechnology/ Botany/ Biochemistry/Life Science/Biological Science/ Bioinformatics/Plant Science with two years post M.Sc. research experience or M.Tech in Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology
Desirable : Experience in molecular biology/biochemistry techniques. or Experience of working with techniques related to bioinformatics
Age : 35 years
Stipend : Rs. 28000/‐ p.m.

• The candidates selected will be engaged for the position of RA in the project entitled, ”Evolutionary significance of a miRNA and its role in shaping leaf morphology and biomass enhancement of Arabidopsis for thaliana of West Himalaya” or ”Small RNAs and Associated factors enhanced post‐harvest Life(SRNA‐life)” or “Genome editing for enhanced yield and quality traits (GE‐plant)”or”Sub‐genome dominance in endoreduplication and its implication in heterotic benefits of F1‐hybrids for biomass andtheir adaptation”and other projects if needed.
• The candidates selected will be engaged for the position of JRF in the project entitled, ”Small RNAs and Associated factors for enhanced post‐harvest Life(SRNA‐life)” or “Genome editing for enhanced yield and quality traits (GEplant)” or “Biotechnological Interventions through RMAi approach for Management of Banana Bunchy Top virus (BBTV) in Northeast Region of India” or ” Pathway elucidation and identification of genes involved in guggulsterones biosynthesis in Commiphora sps.”or ”CRISPR‐mediated genome editing of plant miRNAs for functional validation and biogenesis”and other projects if needed
• The candidates selected will be engaged for the position of PA level II in the project entitled, ”Understanding the epigenetics of fitness advantage of high altitude Arabidopsis thaliana populations under new environments” or ”Sub‐genome dominance in endoreduplication and its implication in heterotic benefits to F1‐hybrids for biomass and their adaptation in Arabidopsis and cotton” or ”Small RNAs and Associated factors for enhanced post‐harvest Life(SRNA‐life)” or “Genome editing for enhanced yield and quality traits (GE‐plant)” or ” Pathway elucidation and identification of genes involved in guggulsterones biosynthesis in Commiphora sps.”and other projects if needed
• The candidates selected will be engaged for the position of PA level III in the project entitled, ” Pathway elucidation and identification of genes involved in guggulsterones biosynthesis in Commiphorasps” or ”Small RNAs and Associated factors for enhanced post‐harvest Life(SRNA‐life)” or “Genome editing for enhanced yield and quality traits (GE‐plant)” and other projects if needed
• The candidates selected will be engaged for the position of PA level II/PA I in the project entitled, ”Breeding and genetic improvement of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) for industrial and medicinal purposes”and other projects if needed.

Age : Age of the candidate will be reckoned as on date of walk in interview. However, Age is relaxable for all the positions as per Government of India/CSIR instructions.

Date & Venue of Interview
For Area I Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (HCP Projects) : on 08‐05‐2019
For Area II Agricultural Sciences : on 09‐05‐2019
For Area III Biodiversity & Bioprospection : on 10‐05‐2019
For Area IV Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (MLP/GAP Projects) : on 13‐05‐2019

Time : 11.00 A.M. at Conference Room, T.N. Khushoo Block, NBRI, Lucknow.

HRA will be admissible as per sanction of the projects.
a) The Application form will be provided at the venue on the date. At the time of interview candidates should bring one latest photograph, original documents along with self attested copy of certificates of examinations passed (starting from matriculation), certificate indicating date of birth, caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/OBC) and experience certificate, etc. Tentative mark sheets/certificates and 'result awaited' will not be considered. All eligible candidates are requested to be present at the venue on the said date one hour before the scheduled time for necessary documents verification etc.
b) Mode of Selection: Through Interview. However, if large number of candidates turn up, a Screening test comprising of multiple choice objective questions may be held for short listing the candidates for interview. The short listed candidates will be interviewed by the Selection Committee and, based on the performance in the interview; a panel of recommended candidates will be formed. The panel shall be utilized as and when the requirement arises in the projects in the relevant field/area. Candidates have the option to interact in Hindi/English before the committee. In case of turning up of large no. of candidates, interview may continue for next day.
c) The positions are purely temporary on contract basis and co‐ terminus with the sponsored projects. Further the above stipend(s) is tentative and the same will be finally decided based on the availability/provision of funds in the relevant sponsored projects.
d) In case of Universities/Institutes awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA Grades etc., candidates are requested to convert the same into percentage based on the formula as per their University/Institute.
e) To avoid any inconvenience, only those candidates who strictly fulfill the eligibility criteria and possess the degree/mark sheet in the aforesaid subjects should turn up for walk in interview No TA/DA will be admissible.

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