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Job opening as Junior Research Fellow at NIAB

Clinical research courses

NIAB, an autonomous institute under the aegis of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, is aimed to harness novel and emerging biotechnologies and create knowledge in the cutting edge areas for impr oving animal health and productivity. The Institute’s research focus is on animal genetics and genomics, transgenic technology, reproductive technology, infectious diseases, nutritional enrichment, and bioinformatics. The Institute aims at translational research leading to genetic enhancement of Indian Livestock species and development of novel vaccines, diagnostics and improved therapeutic molecules for farm animals.


Post Code: Junior Research Fellow - 1

Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the following position at National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB), Hyderabad against DBT funded project entitled "Establishment of genome manipulation technology in Theileria parasite for identification of genes involved in transformation of host cell."

PI: Dr. Anand Srivastava, Scientist-D

Duration: One Year (extendable upon performance)

a. Post Graduate degree in professional courses (M. Tech in Life Sciences/ M.V.Sc. etc.) or,
b. Post Graduate Degree in Life Sciences (Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology) with NET qualification or,
c. Non-NET-qualified candidates with post graduate degree in Life Sciences can also apply; who will be paid as per DST guidelines.

Desired Experience: Candidate with experience in molecular biology, cell culture, cloning of genes, expression and purification of proteins will be given preference.

Age: 28 years (Relaxation is admissible in case of SC/ ST/ OBC candidates as per Government instructions)


Fellowship amount: Rs. 31,000/-PM + 24% HRA = 38,440/- PM as per the DST guidelines.

Applications are to be filled ONLINE.

Online link for submission of application is available from 29-04-2019 and the last date is 20-05-2019 by 5 PM.

Candidates must fill online application form at or below link. Candidates are advised to fill the online application form in sufficient time before the last date to avoid last minute technical issues. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview prior to selection. TA/DA will not be paid for attending the interview.

No need to send hard copy. Interim enquiries will not be entertained.


Last Date: 20-05-2019

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