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DRDO invites applications for Junior Research Fellowship

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Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) works under Department of Defence Research and Development of Ministry of Defence. DRDO dedicatedly working towards enhancing self-reliance in Defence Systems and undertakes design & development leading to production of world class weapon systems and equipment in accordance with the expressed needs and the qualitative requirements laid down by the three services. DRDO is working in various areas of military technology which include aeronautics, armaments, combat vehicles, electronics, instrumentation engineering systems, missiles, materials, naval systems, advanced computing, simulation and life sciences. DRDO while striving to meet the Cutting edge weapons technology requirements provides ample spinoff benefits to the society at large thereby contributing to the nation building.

Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore, a premier Institute of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), invites applications from young and meritorious Indian nationals, who desire to pursue defence-related research as Junior Research Fellows. Selection will be made on the basis of Walk-in-interview to be held at DEBEL on 20th June 2019.

DRDO Junior Research Fellowships

Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

No. of Fellowships : 02

Subject Code: JRF-01

Essential Qualification : Postgraduate degree (M.Sc or equivalent) in Chemistry with 1st Division and NET qualification conducted by CSIR-UGC (NET) MHRD GATE or JEST
OR Graduate degree in professional course (BE/ B.Tech) in Biotechnology/ Chemical Engineering in 1st Division with CSIR-UGC (NET) / GATE qualification
Postgraduate (ME / MTech) degree in Biotechnology/ Chemical Engineering in 1st Division both at Graduate & Postgraduate level

Duration of Fellowship : 02 years (may be extended further & upgraded to SRF as per rules)

Age Limit : 28 years (relaxation for 03 years for OBC and 05 years for SC/ST)

Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

No. of Fellowships : 01

Subject Code: JRF-02

Essential Qualification : Graduate degree in professional course (B Tech/BE) in Electronics with 1st Division with CSIR-UGC NET/ GATE qualification
Postgraduate (MTech) degree in Electronics with 1st Division both at Graduate & Postgraduate level

Duration of Fellowship : 02 years (may be extended further & upgraded to SRF as per rules)

Age Limit : 28 years (relaxation for 03 years for OBC and 05 years for SC/ST)

Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) with own fellowship

Junior Research Fellows with own Fellowship from any Approved National Agency

No. of Fellowships : 01

Subject Code: JRF-03

Essential Qualification : Post Graduate degree in Life Sciences /Biomedical Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology with first division wherever division or equivalent grading is awarded with CSIR-UGC NET Qualification CSIR/ UGC/ ICMR/ DBT/ DST qualified with valid fellowship at the time of joining.

Duration of Fellowship : 02 years (may be extended further & upgraded to SRF as per rules)

Age Limit : 28 years (relaxation for 03 years for OBC and 05 years for SC/ST)

Stipend : As per rules of funding agencies, Rs 25,000/- + HRA

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Application procedure : Application form can be downloaded from the website and eligible candidates may send their duly completed application as per format given in advertisement by e-mail prior to walk-in interview on Last date for receipt of application forms by e-mail is 03rd Jun 2019. A copy of the form should also be brought duly filled along with complete bio-data on the date of interview.

Date of Walk – In Interview : 20th June 2019 (Thursday)

Venue & Interview guidelines:
• DEBEL COMPOUND, DRDO, ADE CAMPUS, CV RAMAN NAGAR, SURANJAN DAS ROAD, BANGALORE – 560093. (Land Mark: 1.5 Km from Aeronautical Society of India, NGEF Signal)
While appearing for interview, the candidates are required to submit an application along with complete
• Bio-data with a recent passport size photo affixed on the top right corner of the first page and duly self-attested one set of copies of all Degree/academic qualification certificates, marks sheets etc.
• Reporting time is 0900-0930 hrs on the date of Interview, at Raman Main Gate Reception, ADE CAMPUS, CV RAMAN NAGAR, SURANJAN DAS ROAD, BANGALORE. Late comers will not be allowed at any cost.
• Written Test may be conducted for JRFs from 1030-1130 hrs. (Depending on the number of candidates appearing on the date of interview) and only qualified candidates will be interviewed on the same day.
• Candidate should mention the Fellowship / Subject Code for which he/she appears.

General Conditions
a. Age relaxation is allowed upto 5 years for SC/ST/PH and 3 years for OBC candidates. Those who belong to SC/ST/OBC are required to produce the original caste certificate issued by the Competent Authority.
b. No TA/ DA shall be paid for attending the interview or at the time of joining, if selected.
c. Actual number of vacancies may vary as per Organisational requirement.
d. Candidates presently employed in Government Departments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies will be required to produce NOC at the time of interview.
e. The original certificates of the same are required to be produced for verification.
f. PLEASE NOTE: Electronic items like smart/ mobile phones/ pen drive/ laptop/ CD-ROM etc. strictly will not be allowed to carry inside ADE-DEBEL Campus.
g. Incomplete applications will be rejected during the screening for eligibility. Biodata to be typed in enclosed format and submitted. Those filled by hand will be summarily rejected.
h. Antecedents of candidate will be verified again at the time of joining, if selected.
i. Offer of award of Fellowship does not confer on the candidates, any right for absorption in DRDO.
j. The selected candidate(s) may be allowed to register for PhD with any recognized University/ Institution during the tenure of fellowship. k. Admission shall not be claimed by any candidate as a matter of right. The admission shall be entirely at the discretion of the Selection Committee of the Institution which may refuse to admit any candidate without assigning any reason thereof.
l. The Institute has all the rights to cancel the admission process/selection at any time without assigning any reason thereof.

Last Date for Receipt of Application Forms by E-mail : 03 JUNE 2019

Application Form & More Info>>

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