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Applications are invited for Research Associate, Project Assistant at CSMCRI

Clinical research courses

With a coastline of about 3,500 miles, inland sources in Rajasthan and Little Rann of Kutch, and the rock salt mines in Mandi, India have possibilities of attaining a high position in salt production among the salt producing countries of the world. As is known, apart from being an indispensable item of food, salt is an important raw material for the manufacture of several heavy chemicals e.g. soda ash, caustic soda and chlorine. Besides, salt is used in food processing industries, such as fish curing, meat packing, dairy products and fruit and vegetable canning.

The Division of Biotechnology and Phycology of CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar is actively engaged in multidisciplinary research in frontier areas of modern biology and biotechnology such as genomics, proteomics, metagenomics, marine biotechnology and adaptation biology, etc. We are looking for young, talented & motivated persons for a MM project “Technological convergence for sustainable production and utilization of seaweeds (TCSProsUS)”.

Research Associate (01 post)
Qualification : PhD Biological Science / Botany / Marine Science with experience in Seaweed biology. Two publications in SCI journal is desirable. 
Fellowship  : Rs. 36,000/- + HRA 
Job description : Selected candidate will have to work on “Standardization of protocol for seedling production via clonal propagation and use of exogenously supplied growth hormones to enhance the growth in industrially important red algal genus Gracilaria dura”. The candidates also need to be prepared for undertaking field cultivation of seaweeds along the Gujarat coast. 
Age limit : 35 years as on date of interview (age relaxation as per CSIR rule).

Project Assistant Level II (2 post)
Qualification : M.Sc. Botany / Aquatic Biology / Marine Biology / Marine Science / Biotechnology with minimum 55% marks
Fellowship  : Rs. 25,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Job description : Selected candidate will have to work on “Standardization of protocol for seedling production via clonal propagation and use of exogenously supplied growth hormones to enhance the growth in industrially important red algal genus Gracilaria dura”. The candidates also need to be prepared for undertaking field cultivation of seaweeds along the Gujarat coast.
Age limit : 30 years as on date of interview (age relaxation as per CSIR rule).

Project Assistant Level I (1 post)
Qualification : B.Sc. Botany with minimum 55% marks
Fellowship  : Rs. 15,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Job description : Selected candidate will have to work on “Standardization of protocol for seedling production via clonal propagation and use of exogenously supplied growth hormones to enhance the growth in industrially important red algal genus Gracilaria dura”. The candidates also need to be prepared for undertaking field cultivation of seaweeds along the Gujarat coast.
Age limit : 28 years as on date of interview (age relaxation as per CSIR rule).

Interested candidates are requested to appear before the Selection Committee for personal interview with two pass-port sized photographs and biodata on at CSIR-CSMCRI, Gijubhai Badheka Marg, Bhavnagar -364002, Gujarat.  These posts are purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidates for claiming extension or absorption in CSMCRI/CSIR. No travelling or any other allowances will be paid for attending the interview. For queries kindly contact (mangalrathore[at] Dr. Mangal Singh Rathore.

Walk-In-Interview on May 29, 2019

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