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Career as project Scientist at Institute of Microbial Technology

Clinical research courses

CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology with a popular acronym IMTECH is, as of today, one among the chain of national laboratories functioning under the aegis of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research. CSIR-IMTECH proposes to invite candidates for a Walk-in-interview for filling up the following purely temporary positions/empanelment of eligible candidates for the future anticipated positions as detailed below.

Post : Project Scientist

Qualification : M.E / M.Tech / Ph.D in Life Science, Biotechnology, microbiology, medical microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology. with uniformly outstanding academic record and clear potential for high quality R&D work

Stipend : Rs. 48,200/-per month + HRA (as applicable under CSIR guidelines.)

Age Limit (Max. as on the date of Walk-in-interview) :  40 years

SC/ST/OBC/Physically handicapped and female candidates as per GOI/CSIR Rules.

Interested eligible candidates should report at CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh at the scheduled date and time cited above. Candidates reaching after half an hour of the scheduled time will not be entertained. Only those whose final results have been declared as on the date of Walk in Interview will be eligible.

How to Apply : The prescribed application form downloaded from the below link and duly filled in all respect, may be submitted at the time of Walk-in-Interview. The application form should be accompanied by self attested copies of testimonial/ certificate in support of age, educational qualification, experience and caste mentioned in the application along with latest passport size (coloured) photograph. The applicant must also bring all the original certificates/testimonials at the time of walk-ininterview for verification.

Persons with disabilities (PWD) fulfilling the eligibility conditions prescribed under GOI instructions are encouraged to attend the walk-ininterview.

NB: Any change viz. date of Walk-in-Interview etc. due to any reason, if any, will be notified on the website only. Therefore candidates appearing for walk-in-interview are advised to check it from website time to time.

Walk-in-interview on 29th May,  2019
Venue : Seminar Hall
Time : 09:00 Am

Application Form>>

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