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Walk in Interview for fellowships in DBT, Govt. of India, sponsored Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility Centre (BIF)

GPAT courses

Applications are invited for the following fellowships in Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, sponsored Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility Centre (BIF).  These fellowships are purely temporary and terminable at any time without prior notice & reason thereof.  The person engaged, shall not be entitled for any claim implicit or explicit for permanent absorption in the University.

Post: Research Associate:- 1

Qualification: Masters Degree in Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology/ any branch of Bioscience.
Desirable: Ph. D. or equivalent published work in reputed peer reviewed journals. Duties: Maintenance of internet Lab, training of students, handling of Bioinformatics softwares, tools & technique, teaching of Bioinformatics and other related PG courses, Conducting Bioinformatics based research and writing report & scientific papers.
Stipend: Rs. 22,000/- + HRA p.m. fixed
Age: Below 35 years

Post: Traineeship:- 1 (6 months)

Qualification: Masters Degree in Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology/ any branch of Bioscience. 
Desirable: Knowledge of bioinformatics & programming languages as C, C++, JAVA, MySQL etc.
Stipend: Rs. 8000/- p.m. fixed

Post: Studentship:- 1 (6 months)

Qualification: Masters Degree in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ any branch of Bioscience.
Desirable: Knowledge of bioinformatics/ programming language is preferable.
Stipend: 8000/- p.m. fixed.

Date of Interview: May 14, 2016
Timing: Reporting 9:30 to 11:30am & Interview: 11:30am to 1:30pm

Candidates  are  requested  to  attend  the  interview  along  with  detailed  Bio - Data,  relevant certificates  and  mark sheets in  original and one set of photocopies of the same at the time of interview.  C andidates  may  also  send  soft  copy  of  Bio - data to  Coordinator,  Bioinformatics  at email  ID: .

Venu: Place of Interview: Department of Zoology & Biotechnology,
H.N.B.Garhwal Universite Garhwal (Chauras Campus)

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