Nalla Narasimha Reddy Education Society is established and registered with a primary objective of educating young men and women; to prepare them for fast changing national and international requirements; to fund the needy and promote research in the area of science and technology. Accordingly, an Integrated Contiguous Campus with multi disciplinary Technical, Engineering, Pharmacy and Management programs under the banner of Nalla Narasimha Reddy Education Society’s (NNRG) Group of Institutions is started.
Post: Professors & Asso. Professors
- Ph.D. First Class UG & PG in appropriate specialization with expenence as per norms
- UG & PG Frst Class
Engineering (CSE. ECE. Mech. Civil & EEE) English. Maths. Physics & Chemstry Pharmacy & MBA to submit Resume
Date Of Interview: 08-05-2016: CSE, EEE, PHARMACY, MBA ENGLISH & CHEMSTRY
TIME: From 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Venue: College Campus
- salary, Qualification and experience as per AICTE norms.
- The Candidates for the post of Professors can send Resumes to the mail id.
for all other posts, the candidates are requested to attend interview on scheduled dates with orignal certificates,Resume, one set of Xerox copies, one passport size photo,Pan&Aadhar card.
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