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Job as Pharmacist at CPL - Mini Ratna Company of Government of India

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Cochin Shipyard Limited, premier Shipyard in the country and a Mini Ratna Company of Government of India, invites applications from candidates fulfilling requirements, for filling up of the following posts on Contract Basis for International Ship Repair Facility (ISRF) at Willingdon Island:-

Post: Pharmacist (Part-time) on Contract Basis - 1 post

Age: Not to exceed 56 years as on 31 March 2015.

Qualification: Two year full-time Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm) and valid registration in Kerala State Pharmacy Council. Adequate knowledge of Malayalam desirable.

Duty hours: 3 Hours per day (Forenoon session)

Experience: Minimum one year experience in Reputed Industrial / Government / Private Hospitals / Reputed Pharmacy.

Consolidated Pay: Rs. 8000 /- pm

Period of Contract: The above post is temporary in nature, initially for a period of one year to meet CSL / ISRF requirements. The period of contract may be renewed further based on requirement/performance.

Method of Selection:
Method of Selection is through Personal Interview to be held at Cochin Shipyard Limited, Kochi.

General Conditions:
(i) Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply.
(ii) Candidates belonging to SC or ST or OBC (Non Creamy Layer), should produce a valid community certificate issued by the Revenue Authority not below the rank of the Thahsildar, failing which they will be considered as an unreserved candidate. In the case of Persons With Disabilities, the degree of disability should be between 40% and 50%. The candidate should possess latest Certificate to this effect issued by an authorized Medical Board constituted by the Government of India / State Government.
(iii) Post-qualification experience will only be considered. Period of experience will be reckoned as on 31 March 2015. Applicants meeting the eligibility requirements and short-listed only will be allowed to appear for the interview. Candidates are advised to make sure that they are meeting the eligibility requirements for the post before applying.
(iv) Candidates meeting the requirements notified may submit their application in the format appended along with this advertisement (Annexure - I). Application submitted through any other mode or in any other format will not be accepted. Application once submitted shall be final and candidates should not submit more than one application.
(v) Candidates should ensure that all the entries in the submitted application form are correctly filled. Candidates should enclose self-attested copies of mark lists and certificates in proof of age, qualification, experience, caste etc, and their candidature will be considered on the strength of those certificates and information provided in the application. If at any stage it is found that any information furnished is false/incorrect or the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, the candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/rejected.
(vi) Depending upon number of applications received for the post, Shipyard reserves the right to relax age and experience requirements at the discretion of Shipyard.
(vii) Candidates who are working in Government Departments or Semi Government or Public Sector Organisations should either send their applications through proper channel or submit “No Objection Certificate” from the employer along with the application, or produce “No Objection Certificate” from their employer at the time of interview, failing which they will not be permitted to attend the interview and their candidature will be cancelled/ rejected.
(viii) Submission of the application and Issue of admit card for interview shall not confer any right to the candidate of acceptance of candidature or cannot be construed as an acknowledgement of fulfilling the eligibility criterion.
(ix) The vacancy is purely on contract basis for a specific period and Shipyard is not liable to offer employment to the selected candidates during or after completion of contract tenure.
(x) The candidates should produce the certificates in original at the time of verification during interview and in the event of failure to produce the original certificates, or any information furnished is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility requirements as per the notification, the candidature will be cancelled/rejected.
(xi) Candidates who fail to produce the original certificates and mark sheets will not be allowed to attend the interview.
(xii) No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
(xiii) Applicants should be of sound health and satisfy the medical fitness standards as fixed by the company. The selected candidates should undergo a medical examination in the hospitals as prescribed by the company and medical fitness of all candidates are further subject to certification by the Company Medical Officer.
(xiv) Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to verification of character and antecedents and verification of caste certificates if applicable.
(xv) On contract appointment, the appointees will be subject to the rules and regulations, terms and conditions of contract including safety and security, as fixed by the company.
(xvi) Those fulfilling the prescribed qualification and experience requirements may please forward their applications in the prescribed form affixing recent passport size photograph, supported by self attested copies of certificates to prove age, qualifications (with mark lists), experience, caste etc to The General Manager (HR), Cochin Shipyard Limited, Perumanoor P O, Kochi-682015. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed on top as “Application for the post of …………………………………… (On Contract Basis)”. The application should be duly signed. Applications not in the prescribed format and without selfattested copies of certificates will be rejected.
(xvii) No correspondence regarding the rejection of candidature in case of ineligibility will be entertained.
(xviii) Any legal proceedings in respect of any claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and/or an application in response thereto can be instituted only in the Courts/Tribunals/Forums at Kochi and such Courts/ Authorities shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction.
(xix) Cochin Shipyard reserves the right to change the number of vacancies, and the vacancies notified may not be filled up. Further, Cochin Shipyard Ltd. reserves the right to restrict/alter/cancel/modify the recruitment process, if need so arises without notice or assigning any reason thereof.
(xx) Any amendment, modification or addition to this advertisement will be given in the CSL website only.
(xxi) Applications received after the stipulated date will not be considered. Cochin Shipyard will not be responsible for any postal delay/loss in transit in submission of application within the specified time.

Last Date of receipt of Application along with the copies of certificates and mark lists: 12 May 2015


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