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PROJECT SCIENTIFIC OFFICER require in Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Clinical research courses

"It is the duty of people like us to stay in our own country and build up outstanding schools of research such as some other countries are fortunate to possess." This was the vision that guided the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research which Homi Bhabha founded. The Institute was founded on 1st June1945 with support from the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust. The Institute first began functioning within the Cosmic Ray Research Unit on the campus of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and moved to Bombay in October that year.


Description of Post:
Scientific Communication Officer with a strong background in scientific writing.
The candidate will be expected to write articles on the scientific programmes of the Institute for dissemination to a general scientific audience, funding agencies, the public at large and the media.

Qualification: Essential : Ph.D. in any field of science.

(i) Minimum 2 years experience beyond Ph.D., with demonstrated scientific communication skills for a scientific as well as lay audience. 
(ii) Applicant should have outstanding verbal and written communication skills (scientific and non scientific).
(iii) Applicants need   to submit examples of their writing in the broad area of science.

Desirable: Experience in development of teaching and science popularization modules, good interpersonal and teamwork skills, interest in outreach and popularization of science and in generating endowments.  Should have initiative and independence.

Age: Below 40 years.

Prescribed age should not exceed as on January 1, 2014.         

Post for general category (unreserved) – SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates can also apply.       

Applications should reach Head, Establishment through post or e-mail ( within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement giving full details together with photo/scanned copies of relevant certificates/testimonials and in the prescribed format.   If sent by post, the envelope should be superscribed with the post applied for and the serial number of the post and if sent by e-mail, the subject should contain the above information.

Application format:
(1) Advertisement Number.
(2) Name & Serial Number of the post.
(3) Name of the applicant.
(4) (a) Date of birth (attach photocopy of certificate). (b) Age as on January 1, 2014. 
(5) Nationality.
(6) Whether  belonging to SC/ST/OBC (attach photocopy of certificate). 
(7) Disability (attach photocopy of certificate).
(8) Permanent address.
(9) Address for correspondence.
(10) Telephone numbers for  contact. (a) Landline  (b) Mobile. 
(11) Email address.
(12) Qualifications (attach photocopies of all certificates and mark lists of all semesters/years).
(13) Experience with details of organization, post held, scale of pay, basic pay (attach photocopies of certificates).
(14) Names & addresses of two or three referees (attach certificates).
(15) Have you at any time been called for interview in the Institute? If so, give details.
(16) Signature of the candidate. Submission of photo/scanned copies of all the certificates/mark sheets stated in the application are essential.

Incomplete applications and  applications  without  photo/scanned copies  of  certificates/mark sheets and  applications received after the last date shall  not  be considered.   Applicants in Government/Semi-Government/Public Sector Undertaking must apply through proper channel.  Applicants who do not send their applications through proper channel, if called, will be interviewed only upon submission of an NOC from the competent authority, prior to the interview.

Outstation candidates called for interview for the post at 1 will be paid single First Class/III Tier A/C return train fare.

The Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. Mere fulfilling the essential and desirable qualifications will not entitle an applicant to be called for interview. More vacancies may also be filled through this advertisement.  The Institute reserves the right not to fill any/some posts herein advertised. Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate.

National Centre of the Government of India for Nuclear Science & Mathematics
Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005

Advertisement No. 8/2014

LAST DATE: 10th May, 2014

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