CSMCRI with much scientific excitement has now achieved technological excellence with several granted patents in the core mandate of the institute and is one among the top performing national R&D laboratories in the country. At the beginning of 2011, the Institute has around 360 staff with 150 S&T staff on its roll and around 250 research fellows and project assistants pursing their doctoral programme.
Applications are invited from talented and motivated candidates for working in recently sanctioned Collaborative project in the area of environmental science and life science. The number of positions are tentative and may vary at the time of interview.
Post : Project Associate-I / Project Assistant-II / Project Scientist-I / Junior Research Fellow / Field Assistant
Total No. of Post(s) : 11
Project-1 (CLP-1222)
Project Associate-I (PAT-I) : 01 Post
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. /Microbiology/ Biotechnology/Zoology/Botany from a recognized university or equivalent
Desirable : Experience in analysis of coastal samples
Monthly emoluments (in Rs.) : Rs. 31,000/- + HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIR-UGC/ ICAR/ ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE OR those who have qualified National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments like DBT/DST or equivalent and/or their Agencies/Institutions.
Rs. 25,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (a) above
Age limit (in years) : 35 years*
Project-2 (TSP-1433)
Project Associate-I (PAT-I) : 01 Post
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. in Life Sciences / Zoology / Marine Sciences / Environmental Sciences from a recognized university or equivalent
Desirable : Analysis of Phyto plankton and zooplankton
Monthly emoluments (in Rs.) : Rs. 31,000/- + HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIR-UGC/ ICAR/ ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE OR those who have qualified National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments like DBT/DST or equivalent and/or their Agencies/Institutions. Rs. 25,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (a) above
Age limit (in years) : 35 years*
Project-3 (Sanctioned project)
Project Associate-I (PAT-I): 03 Posts
Essential Qualification : B.E. or B. Tech. in Remote sensing/Telecommunication/Data sciences or M.Sc. in life Sciences/Zoology/Botany/Marine Sciences/Chemistry/Environmental Sciences from a recognized university or equivalent
Desirable : EIA and field sampling with relation marine and coastal environment
Monthly emoluments (in Rs.) : Rs. 31,000/- + HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIR-UGC/ ICAR/ ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE OR those who have qualified National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments like DBT/DST or equivalent and/or their Agencies/Institutions.
Rs. 25,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (a) above
Age limit (in years) : 35 years*
Project Assistant-II (PA-II) : 01 Post
Essential Qualification : B.Sc. in Chemistry from a recognized university or equivalent
Monthly emoluments (in Rs.) : Rs. 20,000/- + HRA
Age limit (in years) : 35 years*
Project-4 (Sanctioned project)
Project Associate-I (PAT-I) : 01 Post
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. in Chemistry / Zoology / Environmental Sciences from a recognized university or equivalent
Desirable : Analysis of environmental samples with respect to water
Monthly emoluments (in Rs.) : Rs. 31,000/- + HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIR-UGC/ ICAR/ ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE OR those who have qualified National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments like DBT/DST or equivalent and/or their Agencies/Institutions.
Rs. 25,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (a) above
Age limit (in years) : 35 years*
Project Assistant-II (PA-II) : 01 Post
Essential Qualification : B.Sc. in Zoology / Botany / Chemistry from a recognized university or equivalent
Monthly emoluments (in Rs.) : Rs. 20,000/- + HRA
Age limit (in years) : 35 years*
Project-5 (Sanctioned project)
Project Scientist-I (PS-I): 01 Post
Essential Qualification : Doctoral degree in Microbiology/Biotechnology
Desirable : R & D experience in deep sea environment, participating in scientific cruise
Monthly emoluments (in Rs.) : Rs. 56,000/-+ HRA Age limit (in years) : 35 years*
Junior Research Fellow (JRF) : 01 Post
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. in Chemistry / Environmental Sciences from a recognized university or equivalent Desirable : Analysis of micro plastics/pollutants from deep sea water
Monthly emoluments (in Rs.) : Rs. 37,000 PM+HRA for those who have qualified any one of following : National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professor) and GATE National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MoE, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER, NISER etc.
Age limit (in years) : 28 years*
Field Assistant : 01 Post
Essential Qualification : B.Sc. in Zoology/Microbiology/Life Sciences/Environmental Sciences from a recognized university or equivalent
Monthly emoluments (in Rs.) : Rs. 20000/- + HRA
Age limit (in years) : 35 years*
*Relaxation in age as per norms
These positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. The engagement of a project staff in different projects either in the CSIR - Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar or different Lab./Instt. of CSIR taken together shall not exceed 6 years in any case. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar.
Interested candidates meeting the above requirements may attend interview (online) and soft copy of certificates (D.O.B., 10th, 12th, UG, PG, NET/GATE, Experience etc.), a passport size photograph and detailed bio-data (as per the attached Application form) may be sent by e-mail to (marineenvironment01@gmail.com)
All application should reached to above email id on or before 03rd April, 2025 (Thursday) at 17:45 hrs. The details about the post please visit : csmcri.res.in
Applications received by mail will be scrutinized based on certain criteria and only such shortlisted candidates are eligible as per criteria will be asked to attend the interview using the online mode. The details of the interview and date will be sent to such candidates by e-mail on or before 17:45 hrs of 10th April, 2025 (Thursday).
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