Applications are invited from in-service contractual employees working under NHM in the same post in other districts of Odisha to fill up various posts under NHM Nabarangpur district. Fresh candidate need not apply. The interested candidates can log on to for details of vacancy, other terms and conditions.
Post : Pharmacist - MHU
No of post : 02 (UR Male-01, Female-01)
Qualification : D.Pharm B.Pharm
General Information and Instructions
i. The above positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the scheme, Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position.
ii. Details of vacancy, application forms etc. can be downloaded from the district website (
iii. Candidates, who are already working in the same post in other districts of Odisha under NHM on contractual basis, have to submit No objection-cum-Experience Certificate from concerned employer along with the last uninterrupted service continuation certificate in the same post from the competent autnority.
iv. Application duly signed by the candidate along with self attested copies of all supportive documents shall however be sent to the "CDM & PHO-cum-District Mission Director, District HQs Hospital, Mirganiguda Nabarangpur, Pin-764059, Odisha" so as to reach us on or before 17.03.2025 (by 5.00 P.M.) through Speed post /Regd. Post only and the envelope containing the application should be superscribed clearly name of the post applied for
v. Incomplete application in any form will be rejected.
vi. If any candidate is found to have suppressed any material information or furnished false information/ documents his/her case shall not be considered for the post applied for and in case already engaged on the basis of the said information/documents, his/her service shall be terminated from the society forthwith.
vii. This office will not be held responsible for any postal delay. No application will be entertained after dt 17.03.2025 by (5.00 P.M.). No personal correspondence / queries will be entertained. All communication will be made through e-mail / District website/ postal.
viii. Fresh candidate need not apply.
ix. Number of vacancies as mentioned under this advertisement may vary at the time of actual engagement.
x. The selection will be made as per the letter No. 3418 dt. 12.03.2018 of the MD, NHM (0) and instructions received from the MD, NHM from time to time. ORV act and rules will be applicable for the vacant posts mentioned against each. Reservation of PWD Candidates shall be adhered while giving engagement as per the Resolution No 7140, Dated- 05.09.2017 issued by SSEPD Department Govt. Of Odisha.
xi. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all the applications / positions at any stage of recruitment process without assigning any reason thereof.
The candidates are advised to send their application in the prescribed format along with self attested photocopies of all required testimonials as hoisted is the district website to the CDM & PHO-cum-District Mission Director. District HQs Hospital, Mirganiguda, Nabarangpur- 764059 on or before 17.03.2025 by Speed/ Registered post only The undersigned reserved the right to cancel any or all proposal without assigning any reason thereof.
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