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Job for M.Pharm, M.S Pharm in ICMR, Govt. of India sponsored project at K L College of Pharmacy

Clinical research courses

Job for M.Pharm, M.S Pharm in ICMR, Govt. of India sponsored project at K L College of Pharmacy

K L College of Pharmacy (KLCP) was established in 2016 under the aegis of K.L. Deemed to be University (KLEF). Approved by the Pharmacy Council of India (u/s 12), it is located at Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. KLCP was founded with the objective of providing quality education and healthcare services to society.  The college currently offers B.Pharmacy (4 years), M.Pharmacy in Pharmaceutics (2 years), Pharm.D (6 years), and a Ph.D. program.

Post : Project Research Scientist - I (Non Medical)- 01

Applications are invited for the post of Project Research Scientist - I (Non Medical) (One post) in ICMR, Govt. of India, sponsored project.

Project Title : Development of Microneedle Array Patch Based Haemophilus Influenza Type-B (Hib) Vaccine Delivery System for Improved Logistics and Better Patient Compliance 

Funding Agency : ICMR, Govt. of India. 

Reference No : IIRPSG-2024-01-04481 

Duration : The duration is initially for 1 year and extendable up to 3 years based on the candidate's performance. The post is temporary and co- terminus with the completion of the project. Eligible for PhD registration.

Fellowship : Rs.56,000/- +20% HRA 

Essential Qualification : (i) First class M.Pharm/M. S. (Pharm) in Pharmaceutics (Pharmaceutical analysis and Pharmacology also will be considered) with GATE/GPAT/CSIR UGC-NET including lectureship or equivalent examination; OR (ii) Second class M. Pharm/ M. S. (Pharm.) in in Pharmaceutics (Pharmaceutical analysis and Pharmacology also will be considered) Chemistry with PhD in Pharmaceutics and GATE/GPAT/CSIR- UGC-NET including lectureship or equivalent examination. Aforementioned qualification(s) must be from the recognized Board/ University/ Institute. 

Age Limit : 35 years

Preference : Those with experience in various techniques in biotechnology, handling and evaluation of proteins/vaccines, animal handling apart from Drug Delivery are highly encouraged

How to apply
Interested candidates should send their complete biodata along with relevant documents including all the details of qualifications, experience, and latest passport-size photo to the principal investigator (Prof. Buchi N Nalluri) through email on or before 31-03-2025.

Selection procedure
After screening the applications, the short-listed candidates will only be informed about the details of the interview (Date and Time) by email and the interview will be in offline mode. Original documents will be verified at the time of appointment.

1. The post is purely temporary and will be filled in time-bound research originally undertaken at the University. 
2. No TA/DA/any other expenses will be paid for attending the offline interview. 
3. Selected candidates should join immediately.

Principal Investigator
Prof. Buchi N Nalluri
Director for Life Sciences
Director for R&D (Funded Projects & Consultancy)
Professor in Pharmaceutics
K L College of Pharmacy, KLEF, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, AP, India

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