BIT, Mesra is a Deemed University under Sec. 3 of the U.G.C. Act 1956. It functions under the overall supervision, direction and control of a high power Board of Governors, comprising representatives of the Ministry of Education, Government of India, the U.G.C., the State Government, The Chancellor, the AICTE, The Hindustan Charity Trust and the Institute Faculty. Shri G.P. Birla is the Chairman of the Board of Governors. The Governor of the state of Jharkhand is the Chancellor of the Institute.
Post : Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical)
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the position of Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical) in an ICMR funded research project with the following details.
Name of the project : Tailoring bioactive nano-constituent embedded fish waste-derived collagen / polycaprolactone nanofiber to promote rapid hemostasis in the management of traumatic conditions
Duration of the project : 3 years
Principal Investigator (PI) : Dr. Bapi Gorain
Along with e-mail id : Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi 835215
E-mail :
Details of Co-P.I. : Dr. Santanu Ghosh
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi 835215
E-mail :
Essential qualifications : Post-graduate degree (M.Pharm / M.S.) in Pharmacy / Pharmacology / Pharmaceutics from a recognized University / Institute with First Class OR Second Class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degree with PhD from a recognized Board / University / Institute.
Desirable :
1. Valid GPAT / GATE or any National Eligibility Test Score
2. Experience in modem techniques of molecular biology and pharmacology
3. Experience in the development of pharmaceutical formulations and animal experiments
4. Strong motivation for research
Age limit : 35 years of March 2025
Fellowship : Rs. 56,000/- per month + HRA may be provided as applicable (5% increment in 3rd year)
How to apply
Interested candidates are requested to send their CVs to the P.I. with a copy to before 10.03.2025. CV must include the mail ID and working phone number.
• The candidates would be shortlisted for online interview based upon their academic and professional background and will be intimated through email stating the date and time for interview.
Terms and Conditions :
i) The decision of the selection committee will be final.
ii) The appointment of the candidate will be governed by the terms and conditions of the Institute/ funding agency particularly applicable to the said project as and when required.
iii) The post is purely temporary in nature and subjected to the availability of funds*,
iv) No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Interview Date : 12.03.2025
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