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Advertisement for Life Sciences candidates to work in GSBM funded project at GBU

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Advertisement for Life Sciences candidates to work in GSBM funded project at GBU

Gujarat Biotechnology University is a new post graduate university established by the Gujarat Biotechnology University Act 2018. In a unique collaboration with world-leading University of Edinburgh, GBU will place excellence and innovation at its core to deliver biotechnology solutions for society’s needs.

Post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (No. of Positions : 02)

Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the research project entitled (Development of 3-in-1 bioformulation targeting pesticide biodegradation-plant growth beneficiation-cum-biocontrol activities: Application for sustainable crop production under contaminated agro-ecosystems) funded by Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission, Govt. of Gujarat at Gujarat Biotechnology University (GBU). The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.

Minimum Qualifications : M.Sc. (Biotechnology / Microbiology / Biochemistry or relevant life sciences discipline) with a minimum of 55% marks. 

Desirable Qualifications : 
• Candidates who have qualified the CSIR-UGC- NET/DBT-JRF/ICMR-JRF/GATE etc. National level exams will be preferred 
• Candidates having prior experience in plant-soil- microbial interactions, soil microbiology and microbiome analysis (metagenomics), microbial screening, cultivation, characterization and enrichment studies, pathway/mechanisms analysis, microbial consortia development, state-of-the art molecular biology techniques, and detection of xenobiotics and secondary metabolites, LC-MS/GC- MS are encouraged to apply. 
• Candidates must have excellent communication skills and proficiency in scientific writing, and data analysis/ interpretation.

Age Limit : Up to 30 years on closing date of advertisement 

Fellowship Duration : Till the end of the project, initially offered for 01 year (subject to satisfactory performance) 

Fellowship : For position 1 : Rs.36,000/- per month inclusive of HRA (NET/GATE or national-level exam qualified candidates) as per GSBTM, DST, GoG guidelines. 
AND For position 2 : Rs.23,213/- fixed per month (For candidates who have not qualified for the national-level- examinations such as NET/GATE) as per GSBTM, DST, GoG guidelines.

How to Apply
Eligible candidates may apply to the Principal Investigator, (Dr. Gunjan Sharma and Dr. Balaram Mohapatra) Gujarat Biotechnology University, Gandhinagar through online application in the Google form on or before 10th April 2025.

For any queries related to this project, you may write to or Shortlisted candidates will be informed through email regarding the interview process.

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