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WISE Fellowship for Ph.D

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WISE Fellowship for Ph.D

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) is starting a new programme WISE Fellowship for Ph.D. (WISE-PhD) under Women in Science and Engineering-KIRAN (WISE-KIRAN) Scheme with aim to provide opportunity to carry out Ph.D. in Basic and Applied Sciences. The project proposals are invited under WISE-PhD programme from unemployed women who desire to pursue Ph.D. with this fellowship.

WISE Fellowship for Ph.D. (WISE-PhD)

Subject Areas : Support is available in 5 subject areas namely,
i) Physical & Mathematical Sciences;
ii) Chemical Sciences;
iii) Life Sciences;
iv) Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, and; v) Engineering & Technology.

Eligibility : Women who want to register themselves for Ph.D. or already registered in Ph.D. but not getting any fellowship are eligible to apply in WISE-PhD programme for financial support. It is mandatory to register for Ph.D. within 6 months of receipt of the recommendation letter. Following are primary eligibility criteria:
a. Qualification: The applicant should have M.Sc./ M. Tech. or equivalent degree like B.Tech., M.Phil., M.Pharm. etc. in basic and applied sciences from a recognized University/ Institute.
b. Age: The age should be 27-45 years. However, there is 3 years of age relaxation in the upper age limit for SC/ ST/ PH candidates.
c. Employment: Women in regular employment are not eligible for WISE-PhD. Project
Duration : The project is tenable for a maximum period of five (5) years or till submission of Ph.D. thesis, whichever is earlier.
Emoluments : The fellowship amount under WISE-PhD programme is Rs.37,000/- along with House Rent Allowances as per norms, a Research Grant of Rs.1.00 lakh per year, and Institutional Overhead Charges as per DST norms.

Selection Process : A preliminary screening will be done of the project proposals received under WISE- PhD and final selection would be made as per the recommendations of the Subject Expert Committees (SECs). The final decision of DST will be communicated to the applicants only after obtaining due administrative and financial approvals.

Instructions for filling Online Application
1. For detailed guidelines on the WISE Fellowship for Ph.D. (WISE-PhD) programme, please refer to the Annexure-4 of this document.
2. Log on to access the home page of the “DST e-PMS Portal”.
3. Before filling up the form candidates are advised to carefully go through the Relevant Advertisement published at the DST Website ( and also available under Schemes and Formats in the e-PMS Portal (
4. To save your time and avoid data loss, please download the proposal format (available at Page 3 of this document), fill in all the information required as per the format (Word and PDF) file (max. size 5Mb), and then keep it ready for upload during submission of mandatory documents.
5. Click on “New PI Registration” and fill in the requisite details for New user registration. In the ‘Personal Information’ section, fill – Department, Institute, and Institute Address as per the Host Institute identified for WISE-PhD programme. Fill in the Designation as ‘WISE-PhD Fellow’
6. After logging-in, click on the “Submit proposals” link, which would take you to a page seeking multiple information starting with – General information, Principal investigator, etc. Fill in all the mandatory information sought against each menu, as applicable. (If you belong to SC/ ST/ PH category and wish to claim age relaxation, select the options accordingly and upload supporting document)
7. In the ‘Financial Details’ section, enter the ‘WISE-PhD Fellow’ fellowship amount for each year calculated on the basis of Rs. 4,44,000/- per year (@Rs. 37,000/-* per month). Calculate and fill the HRA amount on the basis of the applicable rate @ 0/ 9/ 18/ 27 percent of the fellowship amount. Research grant is @ Rs. 1,00,000/- per year, and Overhead is @ Rs. 50,000/- per year, which are fixed and have to be filled accordingly.
8. If you have the PFMS Unique Code of the Host Institute, then fill it in the ‘PFMS Details’; else, leave this section.
9. After filling in all the above particulars, preview your details before the final submission of the application form by clicking on the “Preview” button. The preview page will display all the facts/ particulars that you have mentioned. If there is something that you wish to update, go back and correct the information, or else proceed with the filled details by clicking on the “Submit” button to finally push data into the server.
10. Candidates are advised to carefully fill and verify the details filled in the online application themselves as no change will be possible/ entertained after clicking the FINAL SUBMIT BUTTON.

*The WISE-PhD fellowship amount has been enhanced to Rs. 37,000/- per month vide OM dated 18th October, 2023 (Annexure-5). This hike is automatically applicable to all WISE-PhD projects. Even if the application form is submitted with the old fellowship amount then also it will be considered as per said OM

1. It is mandatory to submit the proposals only through online mode.
2. The PI is required to see the completeness of the application before it is submitted finally. Once a proposal is submitted, another one can be submitted only when the last one is rejected upon evaluation. The PI shall keep a copy of the submitted proposal for their reference. There is no need to submit hard copy of the proposal at the DST.
3. Incomplete or wrongly filled-up application format or application with a lack of essential information/ documents will be summarily rejected.
4. Proposal submitted through e-mail will not be entertained. Application format is available at the online portal (, given on the website ( Submission of proposals other than in the prescribed format shall summarily be rejected without any further processing as per programme norms.

Mandatory Documents to be uploaded with the Online Proposal:
• Complete Proposal in Prescribed Proposal Format (pdf)
• Complete Proposal in Prescribed Proposal Format (docx)
• High School Certificate
• Highest Degree Certificate
• SC/ ST/ PH Certificate (if claiming age relaxation)
• Certificate from the Head of the Institution
• Ph.D. Registration Letter (if registered)
• Consent letter from Scientist Mentor cum Ph.D. Supervisor
• Bio-Data of Scientist-Mentor

Please note that an incomplete Proposal/ Proposal not in the prescribed Format would summarily be rejected and no correspondence in such cases would be made in this respect. The name of the successful candidates shall be displayed on the Website after the completion of the evaluation process.

Last Date of Submission : Proposal submission is open throughout the year.

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