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Opportunity for Ph.D or M.Pharm, MSc as Scientific Officer, Scientific Assistant at NFSU, Pay upto Rs. 177500 pm

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Opportunity for Ph.D or M.Pharm, MSc as Scientific Officer, Scientific Assistant at NFSU

The National Forensic Sciences University is the world‟s first and only University dedicated to Forensic Science and its allied Sciences. The University is an Institute of National Importance under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. The University apart from having 08 Campuses at various places in India and abroad, 08 number of world class Centres of Excellences for doing cutting edge research & Innovation in various investigative sciences.

 The University is seeking applications for various Scientific/Technical posts from the Indian citizens who are highly motivated, ethical, qualified, experienced, and has scientific bent of mind, natural inclination towards analysis, observation to work in scientific laboratories for growth of NFSU and the overall growth of the country.

Senior Scientific Officer (Nutrition Supplements Testing/ Food Forensics) 
Pay Scale:- 56100-177500 (Pay Level – Level 10 (7th Pay Commission)) 
Age : Not more than 40 years of age, provided that the upper age limit will not be applicable to candidate in the service of State or Central Government / University /Board / Corporation. 
Educational Qualification  Ph.D. in relevant discipline OR Master`s Degree in Forensic Science (with specialization in Forensic Chemistry) /Forensic Science#/ Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/Biochemistry/ Toxicology/ Forensic Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Food Technology/ Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance. [#Candidate having Master degree in Forensic Science must have studied minimum 4 subjects from any of the above mentioned disciplines at Master’s level.] 
Experience :  For candidate having Ph. D. Degree in relevant discipline requires minimum Two (02) years of experience and for the candidate having only Masters‟ degree in relevant discipline minimum Five (05) years of experience in analysis/Research in any Central / State / UT Government organization / Research Institute / Forensic Science Laboratory under State/Central/UT Government/ Industry in relevant field 
The candidate should have adequate knowledge of English, Hindi, and computer proficiency.
Desirable : Technical expertise and relevant experience in method development and method validation on high end technologies such as LC-HRMS or GC/HRMS.

Junior Scientific Officer (Forensics Narcotics/ NDPS)
Pay Scale : 44900-142400(Pay Level – Level 7 (7th Pay Commission)) 
Age : Not be more than 35 years of age provided that the upper age limit will not be applicable to candidate in the service of Central / State / UT Government / University / Board / Corporation. 
Educational Qualification : Master‟s degree in Forensic Science (with Forensic Chemistry as a specialization)/Forensic Science#/ Chemistry/Biochemistry/Forensic Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance from recognized University/ Institute. [#Candidate having Master degree in Forensic Science must have studied minimum 4 subjects from any of the above mentioned disciplines at Master’s level.] 
Experience : Three (03) years of experience in Analysis / Research in the relevant field in any Central / State / UT Government organization or recognized laboratory / research institute or equivalent Industrial experience. [Candidates having Ph.D. degree in full time mode in relevant discipline will be considered as having maximum 03 (three) years research experience for this position for Direct Recruitment only]. The candidate should have adequate knowledge of English, Hindi, and computer proficiency. 
• Desirable : - Ph.D. in relevant discipline o Experience in the field of Analytical Forensic Chemistry or Narcotics Drugs testing 
- Knowledge of Quality process as per ISO/IEC17025:2017 & ISO 9001 :2015

Junior Scientific Officer (Nutrition Supplements Testing/ Food Forensics)
Pay Scale :- 44900 – 142400 (Pay Level – Level 7 (7th Pay Commission))
Age : Not be more than 35 years of age provided that the upper age limit will not be applicable to candidate in the service of Central / State / UT Government / University / Board / Corporation. 
Educational Qualification : Master`s Degree in Forensic Science (with specialization in Forensic Chemistry) /Forensic Science#/ Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry /Biochemistry/Toxicology/Forensic Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Food Technology/ Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance.
[#Candidate having Master degree in Forensic Science must have studied minimum 4 subjects from any of the above mentioned disciplines at Master’s level.]
Experience : Three (03) years of experience in analysis /research in the relevant field in Government organization/ recognized laboratory / research institute or equivalent Industrial experience [Candidates having Ph.D. degree in full time mode in relevant discipline will be considered as having maximum 03 years research experience for this position for Direct Recruitment only]. • The candidate should have adequate knowledge of English, Hindi, and computer proficiency. 
Desirable : 
- Ph.D. in relevant discipline 
- Technical expertise and relevant experience in method development and method validation on high end technologies such as LC-HRMS or GC/HRMS. 
- Knowledge of Quality process as per ISO/IEC17025:2017 & ISO 9001 :2015

Senior Scientific Assistant (Forensics Narcotics/ NDPS) 
Pay Scale – 35400 – 112400 (Pay Level – Level 6 (7th Pay Commission))
Age : Not be more than 30 years of age provided that the upper age limit will not be applicable to candidate in the service of Central /State / UT Government / University/ Board / Corporation. 
Educational Qualification : Master‟s degree in Forensic Science with Forensic Chemistry as a specialization/ Forensic Science#/ Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Forensic Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance from recognized University/Institute. [#Candidate having Master degree in Forensic Science must have studied minimum 4 subjects from any of the above mentioned disciplines at Master’s level.] 
The candidate should have adequate knowledge of English, Hindi, and computer proficiency. 
Desirable : - Experience and specialization in the field of Analytical Forensic Chemistry or Narcotics Drugs Testing 
- Knowledge of Quality process as per ISO/IEC17025:2017&ISO9001:2015

Senior Scientific Assistant (Nutrition Supplements Testing/ Food Forensics)
 Pay Scale : 35400 – 112400 (Pay Level – Level 6 (7th Pay Commission) 
 Age : Not be more than 30 years of age provided that the upper age limit will not be applicable to candidate in the service of Central/State/UT Government / University/ Board / Corporation. 
Educational Qualification : Master`s Degree in Forensic Science (with specialization in Forensic Chemistry) /Forensic Science#/ Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/Biochemistry/ Toxicology/ Forensic Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Food Technology/ Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance. [#Candidate having Master degree in Forensic Science must have studied minimum 4 subjects from any of the above mentioned disciplines at Master’s level.]
 • The candidate should have adequate knowledge of English, Hindi, and computer proficiency. 
Desirable : 
- Experience in the relevant field in any Government organization /recognized laboratory / research institute / Industry 
- Technical expertise and relevant experience in Food Forensics/Food Testing/ Food Technology.

General Instructions and Essential Information
1. Only online applications will be accepted. Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post will be required TO SUBMIT SEPARATE ONLINE APPLICATIONS ALONG WITH SEPARATE ONLINE APPLICATION PROCESSING FEES. 
2. The applicant has to pay Rs. 1000/- as an application fee for each application online. Candidates from SC/ST Category, PwBD and Women candidates are exempted from paying the application fee. 
3. The online application processing fee is non-refundable, and no inquiries will be entertained in this regard by the University. 
4. The Last Date for receipt of Online Applications is 14th April 2024. 
5. The date for determining the eligibility of all candidates in every respect shall be the prescribed closing date for submission of the online application. 
6. Applicants are advised to submit the applications to the University well in advance without waiting for the last date to avoid any delay due to other unforeseen events or circumstances. 
7. Incomplete applications in any respect will not be considered and no correspondence will be made in this regard. 8. Applicants are advised to submit the documents related to their Change of Name (if applicable) (i.e., Marriage Certificate, Gazette for Name Change, Aadhar Card). 
9. Candidates shall upload self-attested copies of certificates towards the evidence of Age, Educational Qualifications, Caste, Physical Disability, Experience, etc. with the applications. 
10. Reservation for SC, ST, OBC, EWS, and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities will be as per existing Government of India norms as amended from time to time. Candidates applying for the reserved posts should clearly state to which category they belong. They must also enclose a Certificate issued by Tahsildar/ Mamlatdar / Mandal Revenue Officer/Equivalent authority as proof to this effect without which the application will not be considered. In case the candidates want to claim benefits under the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) category, the candidates‟ relevant disability should be not less than 40%. Proof to this effect must be enclosed with the application, without which the application will be treated as „General (unreserved)‟. 

11. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all the posts, without assigning any reason and no notice will be issued in this regard.
 12. The University shall verify the antecedents and documents submitted by candidates at any time, at the time of appointment, or during the tenure of service. In case it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidates have undesirable clandestine antecedents/background and have suppressed the said information, his/her services shall be liable to be terminated. 
13. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issuance of the appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidates. 
14. Wherever grading or any other system than the percentage is followed, the result of the candidate should be converted into a percentage on the basis of the percentage conversion table declared by the concerned University. 
15. The process of selection scheme of Examination, Syllabus, Pattern of examination and selection criteria will be notified on the University website on due course. 
16. Every person appointed permanently to a post in the University by direct recruitment, shall be on probation in such post for a period of one year in the first instance, provided that the appointing authority may, in any individual case, extend the period of probation to such extent as it may deem necessary, without assigning any reasons. 
17. They have to undergo such training and pass such examinations as may be prescribed by the University from time to time. 
18. Candidates applying in the OBC category, if available should have a valid non-creamy layer certificate as per GoI rules at the time of online application. 
19. Candidates already in service must submit a NOC from their employer at the time of Interview. „NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE‟ along with a Vigilance Clearance Certificate from his /her employer to the University at the time of interview. 
20. If called for an interview, if applicable, for the post, the candidate will be required to produce all the original documents relating to educational qualifications, experience and other essential requirements, etc. at the time of the interview, failing which, his/her candidature stands canceled. 

21. If it is detected at any time, even during the service, that the details provided are wrong or documents produced by the candidate are fake or the candidate has undesirable antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, his/her service shall be liable to be terminated and liable for legal action as per rule. 
22. Canvassing in any form on behalf of or by any candidate will disqualify him/her from being considered. 
23. Selected candidates may be appointed at any of the Universities existing campus or any other campuses across India (present or to be established henceforth) of the University. 
24. The medium of instruction in respect of all courses conducted in the School, Centers and Department, admitted to the privileges of the University shall be English, except in cases of studies/research in languages. 
25. Age of superannuation for all the positions shall be as per University Act and statutes. 26. All the appointees including the in-service candidates shall be governed by the New Pension Scheme (NPS) introduced by Govt. of India. 
27. The University reserves the right: To withdraw the advertisement either partly or wholly at any time without assigning any reason to this effect. To fill or not to fill up some or all the posts advertised for any reasons whatsoever. c. To increase/decrease the number of posts after the due procedure. 
28. The University will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail, or loss of any communication due to the wrong address provided by the candidates. 
29. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview/Written test/Skill test. 
30. Call letters and other correspondence for attending the interview/test, etc., will be sent to the eligible candidates by email only and will be displayed on the University website. 

31. Candidates, who have obtained degrees or diplomas or certificates for various courses from any Institution declared fake/derecognized by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the posts advertised. 
32. The character of a person for direct recruitment to the service must be such as to render him/her suitable in all respects for appointment to the service. Persons dismissed by the Union Government or by a State Government or by Local Authority or a Government Corporation owned or controlled by the Central Government or State Government will be deemed to be ineligible for appointment.
 33. No person shall be recruited unless he/she is in good mental and physically fit and free from any physical defect that is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his official duties except PwBD (Divyang Candidates). If selected and appointed, he/she shall be required to produce a medical fitness certificate from the medical board as specified by the University. 34. Candidates in their own interest are advised to check regularly the University website They should also regularly check their email account for updates. 35. All documents submitted by the candidates should be serially numbered and indexed. 36. The terms and conditions of appointment shall be communicated to the candidate in the form of an “Offer Letter” to selected candidates. If the candidate does not accept the terms and conditions mentioned in the offer of appointment within the stipulated time, the offer shall be treated as withdrawn.
37. In case of any dispute, suit, or legal proceeding against the University, the jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Hon‟ble High Court of Gujarat, Ahmadabad. 
38. Amendments/changes if any in the advertisement shall be published only on the University website 
39. Before submission of application, the candidate must ensure that they have read all the instructions about the Educational Qualifications, Disciplines, Experience and other criteria and fulfills their eligibility for the post as per norms. Your candidature will remain provisional until the physical verification of the original documents by the University. Mere submission of Form, appearance in document verification/interview/test will not create any right whatsoever for the post.

Last date of Online Application : 14th April 2024

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