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Admission for Research Scholars Program at CDFD

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Admission for Research Scholars Program at CDFD

The CDFD (Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics), Hyderabad, is a premier institute in the country, which conducts cutting edge basic and translational research in frontier areas of modern biology besides providing services in DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics Our current research themes include: Cell & Molecular Biology, Computational Biology, Disease Biology, Genetics, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology.

Invite applications from highly motivated candidates for Ph.D. program, beginning August 2024. Keeping in view the interdisciplinary nature of modern biology, we especially encourage persons from diverse backgrounds to apply. Those admitted as Research Scholars would be encouraged to register under the Ph.D. program of Regional Centre for Biotechnology. The selection for RSP – II – 2024 shall be based on interview conducted through online mode, as detailed below

Eligibility Criteria : To be eligible for Ph. D.-2024-II admission, the candidate must have :
1. A Master’s degree in any branch of Science, Technology, or Agriculture OR MBBS from a recognized University / Institute. Candidates who have appeared for their final semester examination, but are awaiting results, are also eligible to apply. 
2. Qualified for a Junior Research Fellowship from CSIR / UGC / DBT / ICMR / INSPIRE / JEST / UGC – RGNF or any other similar examination with fellowship. Candidates having qualified for Project – JRF under the ICMR funded project Scheme [which is only for a period of two years] OR DBT JRF NET with a B.Tech. [Biotechnology] degree OR DBT JRF NET under DBT – category - II list OR LS-NET qualification only in CSIR-UGC (NET) examination are NOT eligible. 
3. A valid fellowship is an ABSOLUTE requirement for pursuing Ph.D. at CDFD. However,
a) If a candidate’s fellowship result is AWAITED, the candidate must UPDATE the fellowship status positively before the interview, via email to <>. 
b) Though a candidate is allowed to submit application without having qualified valid fellowship, only those candidates who submit proof of having a valid fellowship will be eligible for interview.

Selection Procedure
Admission to Ph. D.-2024-II at CDFD will be based on an interview via video conference; scheduled to be held in end of May / beginning of June, 2024 (the exact dates will be informed along with the list of candidates shortlisted for the interview). The candidates should be available for more than one round of interviews, spread over a week, if needed. The list of candidates shortlisted for interview will be displayed on or before May 10, 2024.

Application Procedure
Interested candidates who fulfill the above conditions may register their names for Ph.D. admissions by applying in the prescribed application form online. Please upload soft copies of certificates in support of date of birth, educational qualifications, reservation category (if applicable), and fellowship examination qualified. Please contact <> for any queries. 

 • CDFD’s Ph.D. Program is a fully residential program. The selected candidates will have to stay on campus.
 • Mere fulfilment of the minimum requirements stipulated in the notification would not automatically entitle a candidate for selection. The decision of CDFD in this regard shall be final. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence, political or otherwise, will be treated as a disqualification. 
• The fellowship MUST be valid till the time of joining (August 2024).

Important Dates
Last date for submitting online application : 24.04.2024
Display of shortlist for interview : On or before May 10,2024
Date of Interview : End of May/begining of June 2024

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