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Openings for Pharmacists (73 posts) under Staff Selection Commission

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Openings for Pharmacists under Staff Selection Commission

Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the Selection Posts indicated in Annexure of this Notice. Only those Applications which are successfully filled through the Website of the Commission and found in order shall be accepted.

Candidates should go through the Recruitment Notice carefully before applying for the post and ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions like Age-Limit/ Essential Qualifications (EQs)/ Experience/ Category, etc. as indicated in this Notice. Candidature of candidates not meeting the eligibility conditions will be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process without any notice. Candidature of Applicants shall be purely PROVISIONAL at all stages of the recruitment process.

Region : NR
Post Number : NR30423
Department : Labour Welfare Organization, O/O The Welfare Commissioner
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Matriculation
No of posts : 3

Pharmacist (Allopathic)
Region : CR
Post Number : CR10423
Department : Cghs, Lucknow Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 7

Pharmacist (Ayurvedic)
Region : CR
Post Number : CR10523
Department : Cghs, Lucknow Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 1

Pharmacist Cum Clerk (Homoeopathic)
Region : CR
Post Number : CR10623
Department : Cghs, Lucknow Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 1

Pharmacist Cum Clerk (Unani)
Region : CR
Post Number : CR10723
Department : Cghs, Lucknow Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 2

Region : CR
Post Number : CR14423
Department : Labour Welfare Organization
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 2

Pharmacist (Allopathic)
Region : CR
Post Number : CR15123
Department : Cghs, Kanpur
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 9

Pharmacist (Allopathic)
Region : NER
Post Number : NE12423
Department : Central Government Health Scheme
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 6

Pharmacist (Homoeopathic )
Region : NER
Post Number : NE12523
Department : Central Government Health Scheme
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 3

Pharmacist (Ayurvedic)
Region : NER
Post Number : NE12626
Department : Central Government Health Scheme
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 4

Pharmacist (Allopathic)
Region : WR
Post Number : WR14623
Department : Central Government Health Scheme, Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare Mumbai
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 8

Pharmacist (Allopathic)
Region : WR
Post Number : WR15523
Department : Central Government Health Scheme Office Pune Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare Pune
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 2

Pharmacist (Allopathic)
Region : WR
Post Number : WR15923
Department : Central Government Health Scheme Office Ahmedabad Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare Ahmedabad
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 1

Pharmacist (Allopathic)
Region : SR
Post Number : WR15923
Department : Central Government Health Scheme, Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 7

Ayurvedic Pharmacist
Region : SR
Post Number : SR11923
Department : Central Government Health Scheme, Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 5

Pharmacist-Cum-Clerk (Homoeopathic)
Region : SR
Post Number : SR15523
Department : Central Government Health Scheme, Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 3

Pharmacist (Allopathic)
Region : KKR
Post Number : KK11423
Department : Central Govt. Health Scheme (Cghs),M/O Health And Family Welfare, Bangalore (Karnataka) And Trivandrum (Kerala)
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 6

Pharmacist (Ayurvedic)
Region : KKR
Post Number : KK11523
Department : Central Govt. Health Scheme (Cghs),M/O Health And Family Welfare, Bangalore (Karnataka) And Trivandrum( Kerala)
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 2

Pharmacist-Cum-Clerk (Homeopathic)
Region : KKR
Post Number : KK11623
Department : Central Govt. Health Scheme (Cghs),M/O Health And Family Welfare, Trivandrum( Kerala)
Age : 18-25
Pay Scale : Level-5
EQ Level : Higher Secondary (10+2)
No of posts : 1

Nationality / Citizenship :
1. A candidate must be either: (a) A citizen of India, or (b) A subject of Nepal, or (c) A subject of Bhutan, or (d) A Tibetan Refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or (e) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India .
2. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
3. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the Examination but the offer of appointment will be given only after, the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him/ her by the Government of India.

Age-Limit (As on 01.01.2023)
1. Age limit for a particular category of post(s) is mentioned in Post-details in Annexure-III against each category of post.
2. Proof for Date of Birth: The Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation/ Secondary Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate only will be accepted by the Commission for determining the age eligibility and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.
3. Relaxation in Upper age-limit: Relaxation in upper Age-limit admissible to eligible categories of applicants is as given below :
SC/ ST - 5 years
OBC - 3 years
PwBD - 10 years
PwBD+OBC - 13 years
 PwBD+SC/ ST - 15 years
Ex-Servicemen (ESM) - 3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date.
Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence there of - 3 years
Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC/ ST) - 8 years
Note-1: The age relaxation for reserved category applicants is admissible only in the case of vacancies being reserved for such categories. The reserved category applicants, who apply against unreserved vacancies, will get age relaxation to the extent it is available to UR category candidates.
Note-2: Applicants may check their eligibility for seeking relaxation in Upper Age Limit carefully. If eligible, they are required to fill appropriate Age Relaxation Code as applicable to them.

Application Fee
1. Fee payable: Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only).
2. Fee can be paid online through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or in SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan.
3. Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) and Ex- servicemen (ESM) eligible for reservation are exempted from payment of fee.
4. Online fee can be paid by the candidates up to 28.03.2023 (23:00). However, candidates who wish to make the cash payment through challan of SBI, may make the payment in cash at the Branches of SBI within the working hours of bank up to 29.03.2023 provided the challan has been generated by them before 28.03.2023 ( upto 23:00).
5. Applications received without the prescribed fee shall not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection will be entertained. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor will it be adjusted against any other examination or selection.
6. Candidates who are not exempted from fee payment must ensure that their fee has been deposited with SSC. If the fee is not received by SSC, status of 17 Application Form is shown as “Incomplete” and this information is printed on the top of the Application Form printout. Further, status of fee payment can be verified at the “Payment Status” link provided in the candidate’s login screen. Such applications which remain incomplete due to non-receipt of fee will be SUMMARILY REJECTED and no request for consideration of such applications and fee payment after the period specified in the Notice of Examination shall be entertained.

How to apply
1 Candidates will have to apply for each category of post separately and also pay fee for each category of post.
2. Applications must be submitted in online mode only at the official website of SSC Headquarters i.e. For detailed instructions, please refer to Annexure-IV and Annexure-V of this Notice.
3. Last date for submission of online applications is 27.03.2023 (23:00).
4. Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability or failure to login to the SSC website on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days.
5. The Commission does not accept any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the Commission.
6. Candidates should apply only once for one category of post.
7. After successful submission of online application, candidates must take a printout of the application form for submitting the same along with the requisite documents, duly self-attested, as and when called for by the Commission/User Department after the conduct of Computer Based Examination.
8. The information furnished by the candidates in their applications will be verified by the User Department/Commission with reference to the original documents during the Document Verification. During verification of documents, if it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in the application is wrong, his/ her candidature will be rejected forthwith. The candidates should ensure that they have furnished correct information in the application form.

Selection Procedure
1. Recruitment to Selection Posts will be made through Examination in Computer Based Mode consisting of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions.
2. All candidates who register themselves in response to this advertisement by the closing date and time and whose applications are found to be in order and are provisionally accepted by the Commission as per the terms and conditions of this Notice of Examination, will be assigned Roll numbers and issued Admission Certificate (AC) for appearing in the Computer Based Examination by the Regional Office where the candidate opted for Centre of Examination.
3. Applications which have blurred photograph/miniature photograph/side facing photograph/photograph with goggles/ photograph with spectacles/ photograph with caps/no photographs, blurred/ no signature/miniature fee not received/ incomplete application/ etc. will be rejected. Specimen of Photographs acceptable/non-acceptable are given at Annexure XII. Kindly see.
4. Candidates who apply for more than one post in the same Region/ apply for different posts in different Regions/ apply for posts of different levels (Matriculation, Higher Secondary (10+2) and Graduation & above) in the same or different Regions are called “Common candidates’.
5. Such “Common candidates” will be issued only one Admission Certificate for one level of EQ by the Region under whose jurisdiction the centre of examination opted by the candidate in his/her online application for Computer Based Examination falls. For example, a candidate who has applied for three or more categories of posts of three EQ levels (Matriculation, Higher Secondary and Graduation & above), he/she shall be issued only three Admission Certificates i.e. one for each level of EQ.
6. Common candidates must appear only once in the examination for one level of post, otherwise, their candidature shall be cancelled. If a candidate has applied for two levels of posts e.g. for Matriculation and for Higher Secondary (10+2), he/ she will have to appear once for each level of examination (i.e. once for Matriculation level Post-categories and once for Higher Secondary level Post- categories). Marks obtained by such common candidates will be used by other Regional Offices for preparing the Merit List for that level of post(s) in their respective Regional Offices for the post-categories applied for by the candidate.
7. Candidates scoring less than cut-off marks as given below will not be considered for the next stage of recruitment:
UR : 30%
OBC/ EWS : 25%
Other categories : 20%
8. Depending on the number of vacancies of a particular category of post, candidates will be shortlisted for the next stage of scrutiny based on the score and merit of candidates in the Computer Based Examination in the following ratio: • In the ratio of 1:30, for upto 5 vacancies for any category of posts. • In the ratio of 1:15, for more than 5 vacancies for any category of posts, subject to minimum 150. • For vacancies reserved for PwBDs/PwBDs-Others/ESMs candidates, all the PwBDs/PwBDs-others/ESMs candidates who are qualifying with minimum-cutoff criteria are to be shortlisted for scrutiny process. 19.9. The candidates who are shortlisted for the next stage of scrutiny will be required to submit self attested copies of all the supporting documents in respect of Educational Qualification (EQ), Experience, Category, Age, Age- relaxation, etc. (as applicable) possibly in Online Mode(through web-link or any other mode as decided by the Commission) to the respective Regional Office(s)/User Department(s) to which the Post-Category belongs.
10. Scrutiny of Documents/Document Verification will be carried out by the User Department to which the post belongs, in consultation with concerned Regional Office(s) of SSC.
11. Skill Test, wherever prescribed for any category of post will be conducted from amongst the candidates whose hard copies of documents are received and found in order at Scrutiny stage, by the Regional Offices of the Commission.
12. All qualified candidates found clear at the Scrutiny Stage for a particular category of post, will be called for Document Verification (DV) by the User Department to which the concerned category of post belongs.
13. The information furnished by the candidates in their applications will be verified by the User Department/Commission with their original documents after the 32 Computer Based Examination. During verification of documents, if it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in the application form is wrong, his/ her candidature will be rejected forthwith. No appeal or representation against such rejection of candidature will be entertained. The candidates should ensure that they have furnished correct information in the application form.
14. Scores/ Marks of the selected candidates will only be disclosed/ made available on the website of the concerned Regional Offices at the time of declaration of Final Result for the particular Category of post. Marks of all other candidates who appeared in the Computer Based Examination for any category of post shall only be made available on the website of the Commission after declaration of entire results of all categories of posts advertised under this notice of Phase-XI /2023/Selection Posts after the currency of last of the Reserve List maintained for a post gets exhausted.
15. SC, ST, OBC, ESM, EWS and PwBD candidates, who are selected on their own merit without relaxed standards, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. Such candidates will be accommodated against the general/ unreserved vacancies in the post as per their position in the overall merit or vacancies earmarked for their category, whichever is advantageous to them. The reserved vacancies will be filled up separately from amongst the eligible SC, ST, OBC, ESM, EWS and PwD/PwBD candidates.
16. SC, ST, OBC, ESM, EWS and PwBD candidates who qualify on the basis of relaxed standards viz. age limit, experience or qualifications, permitted number of chances, extended zone of consideration, etc., irrespective of his/ her merit position, is to be counted against reserved vacancies and not against un- reserved vacancies. Such candidates may also be recommended at the relaxed standards to the extent of number of vacancies reserved for them, to make up for the deficiency in the reserved quota, irrespective of their rank in the order of merit. In so far as cases of ex-serviceman are concerned, deduction of the military service rendered from the age of ex-servicemen is permissible against the reserved or unreserved posts and such exemption will not be termed as relaxed standards in regard to age. Similarly for PwBD candidates, relaxation of 10 years in upper age limit will not be termed as relaxed standards.
17. A person with (Benchmark) disability (PwBD) who is selected on his/ her own merit can be appointed against an unreserved vacancy provided the post is 33 identified suitable for Persons with Disability of relevant category.
18. Success in the examination confers no right of appointment unless Government is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service/ post.
19. The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission at all stages of the examination will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If, on verification, at any time before or after the Computer Based examination, it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the examination will be cancelled.
20. Candidates selected for appointment are liable to serve anywhere in India i.e. all these posts carry All India Service Liability (AISL).
21. Candidates on final selection may be allotted a State/ UT/ Zone by the concerned User Ministry/ Department/ Office. Such candidates may be required to acquire the proficiency in local language of the allotted State/ UT/ Zone for confirmation of the candidates to the allotted posts by the concerned User Ministry/ Department/ Office.

Important Instructions to Candidates
(d) The Commission will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for the eligibility and other aspects at the time of Computer Based examination and, therefore, candidature will be accepted only provisionally. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification, age, physical and medical standards etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post(s). Copies of self-attested supporting documents alongwith the online application form will be sought at the time of Scrutiny Stage from the shortlisted candidates for the said stage of scrutiny as per Selection Procedure mentioned in para 19 and at the time of Document Verification. When scrutiny of documents is undertaken at any stage of the recruitment process, if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated, the candidature will be cancelled and the User Department/Commission’s decision shall be final.
(e) Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PwBD/ EWS/ ESM must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the Notice. They should also be in possession of the certificates in the prescribed format in support of their claim. (f) Candidates with benchmark physical disability only would be considered as Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) and entitled to reservation for Persons with Disabilities.
(g) When application is successfully submitted, it will be accepted ‘Provisionally’. Candidates should take printout of the application form for submission at the scrutiny stage as and when called for by the Commission after conduct of the Computer Based Examination as well as for their own records.
(h) Only one online application is allowed to be submitted by a candidate for one category of post. Therefore, the candidates are advised to exercise due diligence at the time of filling their online Application Forms. In case, more than one applications of a candidate are detected for one category of post, all applications will be rejected by the Commission and his/her candidature for the examination will be cancelled for that post. If a candidate submits multiple applications for one category of post and appears in the examination (at any stage) more than once, his/ her candidature will be cancelled and he/ she will be debarred from the examinations of the Commission as per rules.
(i) The candidates must write their father’s name and mother’s name strictly as given in the Matriculation/ Secondary Certificates otherwise their candidature may be cancelled at the time of Document Verification or as and when it comes into the notice of the Commission.
(j) In the online Application Form, candidates are required to upload the scanned colour passport size photograph in JPEG format (20 KB to 50 KB). The photograph should not be more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination. Image dimension of the photograph should be about 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height) and the face should occupy about 40% of the area of the photograph with a full face view. The photograph should be without cap, without spectacles and frontal view of the face should be visible. Applications with poor quality, miniature and blurred photographs/side facing photographs will be rejected. If the proper photograph is not uploaded by a candidate, his candidature will be cancelled. Candidates are required to upload the scanned signature in JPEG format (10 to 20 KB). Image dimension of the signature should be about 4.0 cm (width) x 2.0 cm (height). Applications with blurred/ illegible Photograph/ Signature will be rejected summarily.
(k) Request for change/ correction in any particulars in the Application Form, (after exercising opportunity under correction window as provided by the Commission) once submitted, will not be entertained under any circumstances.
(l) After the closing date for receipt of online applications, the Commission will provide a period of 3 days to enable candidates to correct/ modify online application parameters, wherein candidates will be allowed to re-submit applications after making requisite corrections/ changes in the onetime registration/ online application data as per their requirement. This facility can be availed by online payment of stipulated correction charges as per details given at Para-12 of the Notice of Examination. Latest modified application will be treated as the valid one and the previous application(s) submitted by such candidates for the examination will be ignored.
(m) Before submission of the corrected/ final online application as the case may be, candidates must check that they have filled correct details in each field of the form. After submission of the corrected/ final online application form OR expiry of the period of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’, no change/ correction/ modification will be allowed under any circumstances. Requests received in this regard in any form like Post, Fax, Email, by hand, etc. shall not be entertained by the Commission and will be summarily rejected.
(n) Candidates are advised to fill their correct and active e-mail addresses and mobile number in the online application as correspondence may be made by the Commission through e- mail/ SMS.
(o) In addition to the Admission Certificate, it is mandatory to carry at least two passport size recent colour photographs, Original valid Photo-ID proof having the full Date of Birth as printed on the Admission Certificate, such as: (i) Aadhaar Card/ Printout of E-Aadhaar, (ii) Driving License, (iii) Pan Card (iv) Passport (v) ID Card issued by University/ College/ School, (vi) Employer ID Card (Govt./ PSU), (vii) Ex-Serviceman Discharge Book issued by Ministry of Defence, (viii) Any other photo bearing ID Card issued by the Central/ State Government. If Photo Identity Card does not have the date of birth printed on it then the candidate must carry an additional original document (e.g. Matriculation Certificate, Marks Sheet issued only by CBSE/ ICSE/ State Boards; Birth Certificate, Category Certificate) as proof of their date of birth. In case of mismatch in the date of birth mentioned in the Admission Certificate and photo ID/ Certificate brought in support of date of birth, the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the examination. PwD/PwBD candidates availing the facility of scribes as per Para 9.1 and 9.2 shall also be required to carry requisite Medical Certificate/ Undertaking/ Photocopy of the Scribe’s Photo ID Proof, as specified therein. Candidates without these documents will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
(p) In case of fake/ fabricated application/ registration by misusing any dignitaries name/ photo, such candidate/ cyber cafe will be held responsible for the same and liable for 40 suitable legal action under cyber/ IT act.
(q) All the posts carry All India Service Liability (AISL) i.e. the candidate, on selection, may be asked to serve anywhere in the country.
(r) No admission certificates for aforesaid examination will be issued by post. Candidates are required to download admission certificate for the examination from the website of concerned Regional Offices.
(s) After successful submission of online Application Form, candidates must take a print out of the online Application Form for submitting the same along with requisite documents, duly self-attested, as and when called for by the Commission after the conduct of Computer Based Examination.
(t) If a candidate is finally selected and does not receive any correspondence from the concerned User Department within a period of 3 months after declaration of result, he/ she must communicate immediately with the concerned User Department.
(u) Fee payable: Rs 100/- (Rs. one hundred only). Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Persons with Benchmark disability (PwBD) and Ex-servicemen (ESM) eligible for reservation are exempted from payment of fee. (v) All the candidates qualified for Document Verification will be required to appear for Document Verification in the User Department/ Regional Office to which the Post-category belongs. (w) If a candidate is applying for post code no.KK11023 (Post Name- Junior Grade of IIS), a new row will appear below Sr. No. 16 for selecting at least one language preference(s)* out of 12 languages (English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Marathi, Sindhi, Kannada, Telugu) studied up-to 10th Class, by clicking language options. (*Please see the details of Post Code KK11023 in post details)

Important Dates
Last date and time for receipt of online applications : 27.03.2023 (up to 23:00)
Last date and time for making online fee payment  : 28.03.2023 (23:00)
Last date and time for generation of offline Challan  : 28.03.2023 (23:00)
Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank) :  29.03.2023
Dates of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’ including online payment. : 03.04.2023 to 05.04.2023 (23:00)
Dates of Computer Based Examination  : June-July 2023 (tentatively)

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