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Research positions in Synthetic Biology group at IBAB

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Research positions in Synthetic Biology group at IBAB

IBAB is a thriving community of students, and scientists in the fields of bioinformatics and biotechnology. The institute focusses on education, research and promoting entrepreneurship, the three pillars of its activities. IBAB provides high-quality opportunities for students to acquire an interdisciplinary education; for scientists to conduct basic or translational research; and for entrepreneurs to grow a start-up.  IBAB was established as a non-profit Society, in 2001, by the Department of IT, BT and ST, Government of Karnataka. It was set up on the recommendation of the Vision Group on Biotechnology, an advisory body to the Chief Minister of Karnataka.

Applications are invited for research positions (Project Assistant (PA)/Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Postdoctoral fellow (PDF)) in Synthetic Biology group at the Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology (IBAB), Bengaluru. Projects are available in the following areas:

• Functional genomics of host-virus interactions
• Promoter engineering and Gene expression systems
• Metabolic engineering and Flux analyses
• Protein biochemistry and Structural biology
The position will be offered initially for 6 months and extended based on performance and satisfactory progress until the project funding is available. Meritorious candidates may be considered for PhD program based on suitability. Hostel facility within the campus is available upon request.

Essential Qualifications, Experiences and Skills:
Project Assistant
B.E/B.Tech or Master’s degree (M.Sc. OR equivalent) in Life Sciences / Biochemistry / Molecular Biology / Biotechnology / Zoology / Genetics or related subjects with at least 65% of marks or 6.50 CGPA from a recognized university.
Junior Research Fellow
Master’s degree (M.Sc. OR equivalent) in Life Sciences / Biochemistry / Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology / Zoology/ Genetics or related subjects with at least 65% of marks or 6.50 CGPA from a recognized university.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Ph.D. in Life Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology / Biotechnology / Zoology / Genetics or related subjects from a recognized university.

The following skills/experiences are necessary for all applicants
(a) Excellent hands-on skills in basic cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology  techniques.
(b) Experience of working in a research laboratory, ability to maintain accurate lab records and data analyses.
(c) Good organisational and prioritisation skills, attention to detail, motivated, team player and willingness to learn.

Desirable Experiences and Skills :
• Experience in one or more areas – gene editing technologies and cell culture (for positions in projects 1 and 2); computational biology and/or analytical methods such as GC and HPLC (for positions in project 3); protein purification methods, protein crystallography and bioinformatics (for positions on project 4).
• A minimum of 1-year hands-on research experience in the relevant area.
• Experience of working in industry.

Remuneration : As per IBAB norms.

How to Apply : Interested applicants should send a cover letter outlining their motivation and a CV that clearly demonstrates the relevant practical expertise and skills as a single PDF file to The subject line of the email must include “Application for the post of ____ in the project area _____”. Last date for submission of application is 31th March, 2021 or until the positions are filled. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.

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