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Career for Scientist at inStem - Autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology

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Career for Scientist at inStem

The Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine (inStem,, an Autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, invites online applications from eligible and interested candidates under Scientific Cadre for Fellow-E (Scientist-D) to work as Head Mouse Genome Engineering Facility (MGEF) at Bangalore Life Science Cluster on Direct Recruitment failing which by Deputation/ Absorption.

Fellow-E (Scientist-D)
Post Code : 19/20
Level in Pay Matrix (as per 7th CPC) : Level-12
No of Post : 01 (OBC)
Age : Not exceeding 45 years for Direct Recruitment/Not exceeding 50 years for Deputation

inStem is seeking a facility in charge to manage the Mouse Genome Engineering Facility (MGEF). The MGEF is established with the following objectives:
• Support the generation of novel genetically engineered mouse models for campus laboratories as well as external clientele
• Offer cryopreservation and cryo-recovery/mouse IVF services
• Manage cryopreserved stocks and establish and maintain a mouse cryobank
• Organize training and hands-on workshops on mouse embryology, cryopreservation and IVF techniques as well as on the different types of mouse transgenesis/ knockin/ knockout/ knockdown techniques
• Crispr/cas gene editing, molecular biology, cloning, qRT-PCR, Transgenic mouse genotyping.
• Handling Laboratory Mice and maintaining Transgenic mouse colonies according to Laboratory Animal Ethical Standards and guidelines.
• Embryo & Sperm Cryopreservation, In Vitro Fertilization, embryo transfer into pseudo pregnant foster females and Assisted Reproductive technologies.

The incumbent of this position will also be a key member of the senior management staff for the Animal Care and Resource Centre (ACRC) whose mandate is to provide services and resources for investigators to accomplish animal research goals. The candidate should have significant experience in the area of (mouse) genome engineering. Experience in a facility setting including the handling of capital budgets in an academic or industry setting would be an added advantage.

Essential Qualification & Experience
Masters in Life Sciences/Medicine or equivalent, with 5 years’ experience.
Desirable : Ph.D in Life Sciences or other Allied Sciences. Should be an outstanding scientist with a strong and exceptional research record and intentions of collaborative/ thematic research. Should have a strong research record with promise to contribute to the focused research themes at the institute and/or carry out their own discovery driven research experience in the relevant field with ability to foster interactions among basic scientists and clinicians.
Experience for Deputation : Scientists from Central/State Governments, Research Institutes Autonomous Bodies etc.
(i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in parent Department or (ii) With 4 years’ service in Level- 11 or equivalent in the parent cadre/ Department and possess the essential qualification & experience as mentioned above.

COMPENSATION/ PAY DETAILS: The post carries the pay level-12 (Starting Basic Pay Rs. 78,800/-) in the pay structure of 7th CPC Pay Matrix and other benefits which include Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance (in lieu of accommodation), Transport Allowance, Children Education Allowance, Leave Travel Concession, Medical Facilities as per Govt. of India Rules. The selected candidate will be covered under National Pension System (NPS).

Key responsibilities of the selected candidate will include:
• Coordinating & supervising all Mouse novel genome engineering projects, mouse stock cryopreservation and rederivation projects with internal and external clients.
• Coordination with faculty, administration and finance to ensure proper function of the facility & managing Facility accounts & budgets.
• Assist with grant writing and search of additional resources to maintain and expand facility operations.
• Discuss and implement the decisions taken by the Facility Faculty Advisory Committee
• Developing novel procedures to develop and maintain laboratory animal resources and maintain the national mouse repository.
• Ensuring proper maintenance of all the Specific Pathogen Free Animal Colonies required for all Mouse Genome Engineering related procedures and technologies.
• Designing and coordinating workshops and training programs for internal and external scientist on Mouse Genome Engineering, MicroInjection, stock cryopreservation and in assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs).
• Transmit training in Crispr/cas gene editing, molecular biology, cloning, qRT-PCR, Transgenic mouse genotyping, embryo & Sperm Cryopreservation, In Vitro Fertilization, embryo transfer into pseudo pregnant foster females and Assisted Reproductive technologies. mouse embryo microinjection techniques
• Maintaining financial accounts
• Writing and maintaining Facility Standard Operative Procedures.
• Training new staff

• InStem is a premiere organization under the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and its mandate is world class research. The institute is looking for Applicants with requisite capabilities, skills, qualifications, aptitude, merit and suitability to fulfil the institute’s objectives. Merely meeting minimum eligibility criteria will not automatically entitle a candidate to be called for assessment. The prospective applicants should align with the requirements of a scientific and research institute and willing to work in a competitive environment with full enthusiasm and dedication.
• It may be noted that candidature will remain provisional till the veracity of the concerned documents are verified by the Appointing Authority.
• Qualification and experience in the relevant field alone will be considered

NATIONALITY: Candidate must be citizen of India/NRI/OCI/PIO.
PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE ALREADY IN GOVT. EMPLOYMENT/PSUs/AUTONOMOUS BODIES ETC: Candidates employed in Government/ Public Sector Undertakings/ State Government/ Autonomous Organizations e t c. and Departmental C a n d i d a t e s s h o u l d produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the present employer at the time of Interview, failing which the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the Interview.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA : All eligibility conditions will be determined with reference to the crucial date of eligibility as mentioned in this advertisement i.e.31st March 2021
APPLICATION FOR MORE THAN ONE POST : Candidates applying for more than one post should submit their application, complete in all respects, separately. Candidates who apply for more than one post should be aware that place for each interview may be different and may be on the same day/shift. If the interview is in two different shifts on the same day, it will be candidate’s responsibility to be available as per schedule. If the interview for two posts applied by candidate is in the same shift, he/she will be able to appear in the interview of only one post as per his/her own choice. This applies to the Deputation and Direct Recruitment posts also.

Unreserved & OBC candidates : Rs 500/-
Unreserved & OBC candidates from abroad with OCI Status : USD $ 30

EXEMPTION FROM PAYMENT OF APPLICATION FEE : As per the prevailing guidelines of Government of India of (i) SC/ST community (ii) Women and PwD category of any community are exempted from Application Fees. Supporting certificates should be uploaded for SC/ST & PwD candidates.
PAYMENT OF APPLICATION FEE: Fee for other than exempted categories application fee is to be paid online through Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking/UPI. Application Fee paid by the candidates who have not submitted their application or whose application is not shortlisted will not be refunded. All applicable service charges, bank charges etc. shall be borne by the applicants only. Without deposit of application fees, the application would not be processed. Kindly refer to the below link for the payment options. After remitting the application fees to the bank account or through QR code/UPI ID using the information available in link given below, the payment reference number is to be mentioned in the online application form.

Payment Link

1. Candidates must ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria as stipulated in the advertisement.
2. Incomplete applications shall be summarily rejected and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.

Last date for receipt of online application : 31st March 2021


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